Category: Mood

Feeling Depressed? How a Healthy Gut Leads to Positive Emotions

Negative thinking has a profound impact on your mood, your level of happiness in life, and your relationships. Negative thoughts can even affect your general health. Through therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy, you can learn a number of skills and strategies to help you reduce negative thinking patterns and increase positivity in your life. But recent...


5 Secret Ways to Improve Your Mood

Everyone will have days when we wake up on the wrong side of the bed. It’s normal to have a bad day occasionally, but that doesn’t mean you’ve got to sit idly by as your lousy mood worsens or turns into full-on depression. It also doesn’t mean you can’t prevent many of these bad feelings...


5 Surprising Ways Probiotics Make You Feel Healthier

Inside your gut, there live “good” and “bad” bacteria. Probiotics are the “good” kind, little microorganisms who fight the “bad” ones for a balanced, healthy, gastrointestinal tract (GI tract). Probiotics can do wonders for your health—from improving digestion to clearing up your skin. Here are five surprising ways adding a probiotic supplement to your daily...


The Surprising Link Between Inflammation and Our Mood

“I had butterflies in the stomach.”  “She showed real Intestinal fortitude.”   “He’s got guts.” These are just a few common expressions that reflect our deep intuition about the connection between our bellies and our brains. Ever get so nervous you vomited? Ever get queasy on a first date? A growing body of evidence is...


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