Category: Brain Health

The King of the Medicinal Mushroom Kingdom: Lion’s Mane

There are thousands of mushrooms species that exist on the planet. And mushrooms are a peculiar form of life. They pop up out of seemingly nowhere, in the strangest places. And unlike plants, they’re not green, they don’t have leaves, and they never flower. Believe it or not, from an evolutionary standpoint, mushrooms are more...


5 Easy Ways to Keep Your Memory Sharp at Any Age

I remember the first time I couldn’t find my car in the parking lot of my local grocery store. It was both annoying and unsettling. I spent what seemed like an eternity searching each row until it occurred to me – I walked! No wonder hitting the alarm on the fob didn’t elicit the usual...


4 Great Reasons to Take Fish Oil and How to Get the Right Dosage

We need to take good care of ourselves, now more than ever. And it’s never too late to start attending to your health, whether that entails quitting smoking, starting an exercise regimen, or eating healthier food. Every little good decision you make adds up and can make a big difference. Supplements are a good way...


8 Easy Memory Boosting Tips & Tricks

It was once believed that the brain develops rapidly in the first few years of a child’s life, then reaches its peak in the early 20s, leveling off around middle age, and then declining with advanced age. We now know that’s not exactly accurate; the brain continues to develop throughout our whole lifespan. The disturbing...


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