Category: nootropic

5 Ways to Create a Wellness Haven in Your Own Home

As parents, we spend most of our lives dedicated to raising our children.  From the moment they are born, we focus on nurturing and protecting them as they grow and learn. However, eventually, the time comes when the kids leave home to pursue their dreams and goals.  For many parents, this is a bittersweet moment....


Easy Chair Exercises To Keep You Active, Safe, and Fit

Exercise can be scary if you’ve ever had an injury, have pain when you walk, or aren’t feeling stable on your feet. After a nasty fall in her kitchen a few years ago, my mom had a fractured hip. She wasn’t sure she’d ever see the inside of a gym again. But then we discovered...


Top 6 Plant-Based Protein Sources + Easy Recipe

Plant-based diets can be incredibly healthy and nutritious, but one of the biggest challenges for plant-based eaters is finding reliable sources of protein. Protein plays a vital role in your health and well-being, so you must include adequate amounts of it every day. To help fill the gap in protein sources, plant-based eaters turn to...


Let It Go: For the Good of Your Body, Mind, and Longevity

We’ve all been there. You argue with someone, and you can still feel your blood boiling the next day.  Instead of letting it go, you hold on to disagreement. Letting it fester, growing like poison in your veins. Left unchecked, the argument saps you of your strength until you’re weakened beyond recovery. Maybe a bit...


How to Get and Keeping Your Mental Edge

When we were younger, spending the day playing sports and the night taking on a serious mental school challenge was doable. Your brain was flexible, quick, and agile.  My daughter plays volleyball at a highly academic division one college.  Last Sunday afternoon, I watched her go toe-to-toe on the court for five sets. Her team...


3 Ways to Reduce Your Risk for Dementia + Recipe

Every morning I clip my trusty step counter to my waistband, intending to reach the magic number of 10,000. My attention to this detail has been primarily to reduce my waistline. Little did I know I’d also been reducing my risk for dementia.  What is Dementia Dementia is the irreversible loss of cognitive function –...


5 Easy Ways to Keep Your Memory Sharp at Any Age

I remember the first time I couldn’t find my car in the parking lot of my local grocery store. It was both annoying and unsettling. I spent what seemed like an eternity searching each row until it occurred to me – I walked! No wonder hitting the alarm on the fob didn’t elicit the usual...


8 Easy Memory Boosting Tips & Tricks

It was once believed that the brain develops rapidly in the first few years of a child’s life, then reaches its peak in the early 20s, leveling off around middle age, and then declining with advanced age. We now know that’s not exactly accurate; the brain continues to develop throughout our whole lifespan. The disturbing...


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