Category: Exercise

Your Guide to ‘Sharpening the Saw’ and Enhancing Cognitive Renewal

I have a bit of guilty pleasure… I’ve always enjoyed reading self-improvement books; I’ve probably read dozens of them over the years.  Do I implement all of the things in the pages of these books? Definitely not, but if I can even get one useful tip out of a book, I consider that a win. ...


Embrace Adventure This June: How My Friend Found Relief During Great Outdoors Month

Did you know that June is “Great Outdoors Month?”  Like many of us, I’ve (unknowingly) been celebrating ‘Great Outdoors Month’ pretty much every June my whole life.  Hiking, paddleboarding, biking… It’s the perfect time of year to get outside and move your body.  It got me thinking, though, about one of my dearest friends Sarah,...


Beyond the Label: What the Community is Saying About Dynamic Krill Oil

There are a lot of things I love about working at Stonehenge Health.  I get to write about my passion—health and wellness.  I research and learn about cutting-edge new ingredients, studies, and products.  I work with amazing and talented people.  But my favorite part about working here?  I get to hear stories about people transforming...


12 Brain Games to Keep You Sharp

Brain-training games are popular among people of all ages for enhancing mental functions and slowing cognitive aging.  In fact, studies indicate that these games can potentially boost attention, memory, response times, logical reasoning, and other cognitive abilities when played consistently over an extended period.1  Did we mention that they can be a lot of fun,...


Krill Oil vs Fish Oil: Which is Better For Your Health?

Fish oil and krill oil have been a mainstay in the health and wellness conversation for years now for one primary reason:  Omega-3 fatty acids.  There’s a great reason for all the hype.  Omega-3s have been clinically proven to deliver incredible health benefits such as:  • Heart health: Omega-3s have been clinically proven to support...


10 Healthy Ways to Deal With Physical Limitations

Physical limitations…  They challenge us our entire lives.  When you’re a kid, it takes a while until you become coordinated enough to pour a glass of milk from the gallon jug, tie your shoelaces, become strong enough to open a car door or be tall enough to ride the roller coaster.  When you get older,...


Discovering the Magical Kitchen Within: A Path to Unconditional Love and Self-Care

The Magical Kitchen is a fascinating concept from the book “The Mastery of Love” by Don Miguel Ruiz. It’s a great book if you haven’t read it.  But this lesson is so profound we had to share it with you today.  In a world that often teaches us to seek validation and love from external...


Win the Morning, Win the Day: 6 Benefits of Routine

What’s the first word you think of when somebody says “routine?” Do you think of negative words like boring, dull, same old… Or do you associate it with more positive words like planning, consistency, reliable… How you think and feel about your daily routine can dramatically affect the rest of your life. If you dread...


6 Ways to Break Free From Nerve Discomfort

Living life to the fullest means embracing every moment, exploring new passions, and enjoying the activities you love.  However, nerve discomfort can be an uninvited guest for many, dulling these joyful experiences and turning everyday pleasures into challenges. The downsides of nerve discomfort play out in everyday life:  Struggling to tie your shoes… Letting the...


5 Tips to Uplift Yourself if You’re Feeling Lonely Right Now

In today’s fast-paced world, where connections often exist more in the digital realm than in the physical, feelings of loneliness can creep in unexpectedly.  Somehow, that vast network of friends on Facebook just doesn’t seem to satisfy your need for connection… Loneliness can affect anyone, from the most socially active to those living more solitary...


Choline: The Super Nutrient for Boosting Brain, Heart, and Liver Health

Imagine unlocking a secret ingredient that powers up your brain, supports your heart, and keeps your liver in top shape.  Often flying under the radar, choline is the unsung hero in the quest for optimal health, as it performs critical roles that keep your body and mind in peak condition.  Choline is your go-to ally...


How many calories—exactly—should I be eating per day?

Calories in vs. calories out… It is the simplest and most effective way to understand if you will gain or lose weight:  • If you eat more calories than you expend, you’re in a caloric surplus and will gain weight. • If you eat fewer calories than you expend, you’re in a caloric deficit, and you...


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