Category: Testimonials

Beyond the Label: What the Community is Saying About Dynamic Krill Oil

There are a lot of things I love about working at Stonehenge Health.  I get to write about my passion—health and wellness.  I research and learn about cutting-edge new ingredients, studies, and products.  I work with amazing and talented people.  But my favorite part about working here?  I get to hear stories about people transforming...


How Do You Know Your Memory Supplement Works?

While it’s often said that honesty is the best policy, there are instances when a well-meaning deception could serve a higher purpose. One such instance is beautifully demonstrated by the journey of Leslie and Lou, a couple who have spent over 25 years together, weathering numerous storms, including Lou’s three surgeries, which took a toll...


Finding the Benefits & Opportunities in Aging

Do you ever feel like society is constantly trying to convince you that aging is terrible? That getting older is something to be feared and avoided at all costs? I’m here to tell you that aging doesn’t have to be something to dread. In fact, I believe that it can be one of the most...


Powerful New Life Hack You Never Knew You Needed

Whenever I see a big rig on the road, I wonder how the drivers do it. I know how I feel after driving all day on a long road trip in my car – completely exhausted. Imagine doing that for days on end, week after week, and continuing into your 60s. It would seem that...


A Simple Way to Get Back Your Energy & Enthusiasm for Life

“We don’t have enough hours in the day!” Everyone has uttered that phrase at least once, but it seems especially true for working mothers. Whether you are a stay-at-home mom or have a full-time job, you know how hard it can be to find the time and energy necessary to manage everything on your plate....


How to Get and Keeping Your Mental Edge

When we were younger, spending the day playing sports and the night taking on a serious mental school challenge was doable. Your brain was flexible, quick, and agile.  My daughter plays volleyball at a highly academic division one college.  Last Sunday afternoon, I watched her go toe-to-toe on the court for five sets. Her team...


Make Those “Senior Moments” A Thing Of The Past

If you’ve ever experienced senior moments – the non-medical term for memory lapses and mental glitches – you’re not alone. As we age, they become more and more common for most people. Forgetting names, passcodes, where you put things, or why you walked into a room are all typical “senior moments.” And they happen for...


How Vince Got His Happy Back

Positive people follow a simple mantra; overcome negativity and appreciate the good around you daily. And that mantra described Vince for most of his life. But after closing a deal on a new rental property in the Pacific Northwest, Vince was bothered by unpleasant feelings becoming...


Jaxx’s Story – “Feeling Grateful for a Life-Changing Experience”

“My digestive issues and all my physical symptoms were interfering with every aspect of my life,” explains alternative rock performer Jaxx Nassar of Clarksdale, Mississippi. Jaxx spends much of her time on the road as an artist and performer. She needs energy, confidence, and a clear head...


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