Category: Exercise

Why It’s Never Too Late to Take a Dance Class

My friend Marina and I cherished our Saturday morning neighborhood walks. It became our routine, a way to soak in nature and share quality time together. However, one Friday night, everything changed when Marina called to cancel because she and her husband had enrolled in a ballroom dance class. This announcement caught me off guard....


The Future of Wellness – Trends 2024

Welcome to the future of wellness. As we enter 2024, it’s time to take a closer look at the latest trends in health and wellbeing. While self-care and mindfulness have been all the rage in recent years, 2024 brings even more exciting advancements in personal wellness. With new innovations and research emerging every day, there’s...


5 “Atomic” Habits for Attainable & Sustainable Goals

As the new year begins, we often hear about starting fresh, creating a “New Year, New You” – encouraging us to rethink our lives, set goals, and begin transformative journeys. However, despite the excitement, it’s common to struggle with keeping these resolutions. This is where author James Clear’s top-selling book Atomic Habits comes in, offering...


Snooze & Lose: The Surprising Connection Between Sleep & Your Weight

Weight loss is an ongoing goal for many. Shedding those extra pounds is usually at the forefront of our minds. But before you dive headfirst into your weight loss plans, let’s take a moment to consider something that often goes unaccounted for: your Sleep. Now, imagine a night spent tossing and turning, leaving you exhausted...


Illuminating Mental Well-Being: The Impact of Light on Your Mental Health in Winter

Have you ever noticed that a bright, sunny day, even in the midst of winter, can make you feel a bit more cheerful and sunny on the inside? Intrigued by this phenomenon, a team of researchers decided to explore the impact of sunlight exposure on mood. The study involved a substantial group of 502,000 adults,...


Ultimate Wellness Gift Guide to Elevate Your Mind, Body, and Soul

As the holiday season swiftly approaches, I embark on the annual mission to unearth the perfect gifts for my loved ones. In a world where wellness is becoming a focal point of our lives, the challenge lies in finding presents that express my love and encourage and enhance their well-being and happiness.  We’ve curated our...


Caring for Yourself While Caring for a Loved One

November is National Family Caregivers Month, a time to honor and appreciate caregivers, acknowledge their challenges, celebrate their triumphs, and emphasize the importance of self-care as caregivers. Reflecting on my caregiving experience, I’m reminded of the invaluable lessons I’ve learned. My father’s journey was intertwined with mine, teaching me profound lessons about love, patience, and...


The Chilling Connection: Why Nerve Pain Intensifies in Cold Weather

As winter approaches and the temperature drops, many people, especially those who grapple with nerve issues like my mother-in-law, prepare for a season marked by heightened discomfort. Living in New York, she frequently wore gloves as early as October. Her reason was simple but profound: the cold weather triggered her nerves, intensifying her discomfort. It...


Quick Relief for Sciatic Discomfort

Sciatica is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back down through the buttocks and into the legs. Sciatica can be incredibly painful and disruptive to daily life. However, individuals can employ various strategies and approaches to...


5 Effective and Low-Risk Core-Strengthening Exercises to Maintain Your Balance

Maintaining an active lifestyle can become increasingly challenging as we age, underscoring its importance. Your balance is one overlooked key factor that can either support or hinder this goal. Understanding Balance: The Art of Stability and Harmony Physically, balance is the ability to distribute your body weight evenly, ensuring that you can hold yourself upright...


Understanding Your Biological Age vs. Chronological Age (Take the Quiz!)

In the quest to understand human aging, two terms often surface – chronological and biological age. While both are markers of time passing, they reveal vastly different aspects of a person’s life.  Chronological age is the familiar, straightforward measure of the number of years a person has lived since birth. On the other hand, biological...


Musical Therapy: Top 7 Advantages of Music Listening

Whenever I hit writer’s block, it feels like running headfirst into an invisible wall. One minute, words are flowing like a river; the next, they’re barely a dribble. Sitting there, staring at the blank page, I’m just yearning for something – anything to kickstart my creativity. That’s when I lean on my secret weapon: music....


Language Picker