Category: Guides

This Mushroom Broth Recipe is Perfect for Fall and Your Brain Health

Fall is here, and it’s got us yearning for something earthy, warm, and comforting.  Today, we have a mushroom broth that’s perfect for a rainy day or even as an appetizer for a hearty meal.  Note that the mushrooms for this recipe are a bit harder to find than portobellos, so you may need to...


AprèsFlex® Spotlight: Unlock Fast-Acting Joint Support with a Natural Powerhouse

If you’ve researched joint health, you’ve undoubtedly heard many claims about the glucosamine and chondroitin combination.  Note: We’ve written previously about why many of those claims are misleading.  But there’s an innovative joint health ingredient you may not have heard of yet: AprèsFlex®. AprèsFlex® has a fascinating, science-backed story of efficacy, and that ’s the...


Support Your Weight Management Goals with These 2(!) Slim-Down Smoothie Recipes

We all get cravings for a treat from time to time.  Unfortunately, these ‘treats’ often come in the form of a candy bar, a frappuccino, or fast food… And while these foods may satisfy you in the moment, they could leave you feeling worse after and slow down your health and weight management goals.  This...


This ‘Smoothie Bowl’ Recipe Will Put a Spring in Your Step and give your joints some love

As you know, I’m a big fan of smoothies, but if I want a little more substance, I will opt for what I’ve started calling a “Smoothie Bowl.” It’s a mix between a smoothie and a bowl of oatmeal.  The one I’m going to share with you today is delicious and contains joint-supporting ingredients to...


Is Vitamin D the cause of your joint discomfort?

Joint discomfort affects 92 million Americans This pervasive issue ranges from nagging aches to debilitating discomfort that can cause people to skip even their favorite physical activities.  We recently wrote an article diving into the many causes of joint discomfort, but today, we want to zoom in on a cause that often flies under the...


What Causes Joint Discomfort?

When it comes to joint discomfort, what’s worse:  Sharp and sudden discomfort, or dull and chronic aching?  It’s kind of hard to pick, isn’t it? That’s because they’re both awful in their own ways. And unfortunately, this is far too common…  Around 92 million Americans report the inability to enjoy normal aspects of their daily...


Absolutely delicious AND heart-healthy: Seared Albacore Tuna and Citrus Avocado Salad

We only have two rules for dinner at my house:  1. It has to be delicious 2. It has to contain nutrients to support overall wellness Luckily, I have an easy recipe for you today that fills both of those promises.  And as a bonus, it’s light and perfect for a warm summer evening… or...


Your Guide to ‘Sharpening the Saw’ and Enhancing Cognitive Renewal

I have a bit of guilty pleasure… I’ve always enjoyed reading self-improvement books; I’ve probably read dozens of them over the years.  Do I implement all of the things in the pages of these books? Definitely not, but if I can even get one useful tip out of a book, I consider that a win. ...


New Recipe: Brain-Boosting Summer Wraps

What makes food ‘healthy’ in your mind?  We all have pre-determined notions of what ‘healthy’ means to us, but if you take a second to examine why you hold these beliefs, I know you’ll learn something.  So let’s give it a try—really.   Is a certain food healthy because it’s low in calories? Because it’s a...


Don’t Fall For Fake Claims Like These

I’m sure you’ve seen ads with phrases like this… “I pooped out 19 pounds!” Or   “You have 20 pounds of stuck poop inside you!” Or “I can’t believe how much poop was coming out of me after taking this pill.” These claims are usually made by probiotic companies looking to hook you and then get...


3 Probiotic Strains That Can Help You Slim Down

It’s important to recognize that weight management is more than counting calories in versus calories out. That’s one piece of the puzzle but not the whole story. The body is complex, which means gut bacteria, hormones, and digestion also play a role in weight loss.  I’ll never forget a 2013 study I heard about that...


Embrace Adventure This June: How My Friend Found Relief During Great Outdoors Month

Did you know that June is “Great Outdoors Month?”  Like many of us, I’ve (unknowingly) been celebrating ‘Great Outdoors Month’ pretty much every June my whole life.  Hiking, paddleboarding, biking… It’s the perfect time of year to get outside and move your body.  It got me thinking, though, about one of my dearest friends Sarah,...


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