Category: Mood

How to Instantly Become Smarter and More Alert

Can everyday activities like sprinting up the stairs or taking out the trash make you smarter? It all clicked for me at a seminar I attended last week. After sitting for hours listening to boring statistics, my mind wandered. No matter how hard I tried, I could not focus on what the speaker was saying....


The Critical Art of Setting Boundaries for Improving Your Relationships

We’ve all been there: that one family member or friend who doesn’t seem to understand your boundaries. It’s like they think they have a free pass to do or say whatever they want, no matter how it makes you feel. I recently had an experience with one of these boundary-crossers—and that’s when I decided that...


Let It Go: For the Good of Your Body, Mind, and Longevity

We’ve all been there. You argue with someone, and you can still feel your blood boiling the next day.  Instead of letting it go, you hold on to disagreement. Letting it fester, growing like poison in your veins. Left unchecked, the argument saps you of your strength until you’re weakened beyond recovery. Maybe a bit...


Finding the Benefits & Opportunities in Aging

Do you ever feel like society is constantly trying to convince you that aging is terrible? That getting older is something to be feared and avoided at all costs? I’m here to tell you that aging doesn’t have to be something to dread. In fact, I believe that it can be one of the most...


How Powerful Positive Daily Affirmations Can Elevate Your Life

I live in California, and it’s been a rough month. With the usual sunshine replaced with dreary rain-drenched days, I was feeling more insecure than my leaky roof. But then I found an unexpected way to turn my thinking around with daily affirmations. These simple self-talk exercises helped me find optimism again, no matter what...


How to Cope with Grief and Still Find Joy During the Holidays

For many of us, the holiday season is filled with joy and celebration. But for others, it can be a painful reminder of what has been lost or can no longer be celebrated. Whether you’re missing loved ones, struggling with financial hardships, or feeling out of sorts, there are ways to still get into the...


Top 4 Reasons Why Being Kind is the Key to a Longer, Happier Life

November 13 is World Kindness Day. Kindness Day aims to promote good deeds and remind us of kindness’s benefits. This day also allows us to ponder one of humanity’s most enduring principles – kindness. Kindness is more than just a nice feeling after doing something generous or considerate. Kindness is a deliberate action from a...


Aromatherapy and the 6 Scents to Help You Instantly Feel Relaxed, Recharged & Happy

The scent of approaching rain; the smell of balsam and pine; the aroma of freshly brewed coffee that hangs in the air as you walk past the corner café… These are just a few scents that can bring memories rushing back in vivid detail, and it’s no wonder. Aroma has a mystical way of transporting...


4 Tips to Turn Your Walk Into a Fat-Burning & Body Trimming Workout

My nightly walk was a lifesaver throughout the last few (pandemic) years. I became very familiar with the well-trodden paths near my home, and I’d switch between neighborhood routes and park trails to bring variety into my life. Even as things have returned to normal, my nightly walk gives me peace of mind and has...


Treat Yourself: Why You Deserve a Spa Day

Who’s the most important person in your life? I hope the answer is you. Now and then, you need to recognize this and treat yourself like the VIP that you are. And there’s no better way to put yourself on a pedestal than a day at a luxurious spa. A spa day, for the uninitiated,...


Relax, Have Fun, and Sleep Better with These Five Calming Apps

We’ve written extensively about the importance of destressing. Stress is a killer and causes a kaleidoscope of mental and physical issues. With stress at an all-time high, you need a way to deal with it – and bring happiness back into your life – STAT! People in every age group are turning to calming apps...


How Tea Boosts Your Brain with More Alertness, Mental Performance, and Calmer Feelings

Either in a hot mug or over ice, people love tea. It’s the most popular beverage globally, with 3 billion cups consumed every day.  Tea is prepared by seeping the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant in hot water. The true types are green, white, black, and oolong. The difference between them depends on how...


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