Category: Dynamic Biotics Probiotics

Top 10 Terrible Foods for Digestive Health

As we age, our digestive systems can get out of whack. Foods that we used to eat with impunity now keep us up all night with heartburn and indigestion. Even seemingly harmless foods can do a number on your gut health. Avoiding foods that cause problems for you is the best way to deal with...


How B. Lactis Improves Your Gastrointestinal Health

In your digestive tract is a veritable zoo of microorganisms, a complex community that works together to keep things moving gracefully through your digestive system. Your gut flora plays a major role in your digestive health and your overall wellbeing. According to the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, your gut bacteria supplies essential nutrients to...


The Role L. Gasseri Can Play in Your Weight Loss Journey

It’s not so easy to lose weight at 50 as it was at 30 but dropping even just 10 percent of your body weight can dramatically improve your overall health and help you live longer. Unfortunately, there are no miracle magic cures for weight loss, but the good news is that certain supplements can help....


Easy Tips To Be Stress Free

The other day, I noticed something that made me think of you. You see, I was in line waiting to order breakfast, and the cashier behind the counter let out the biggest sigh, he looked so frustrated. The kitchen was backed up and there were hungry customers asking for their orders left and right. But...


Roasted Garlic Cauliflower Recipe

This delicious dish is just 30 minutes away… When there’s a recipe that’s easy to make, tasty AND healthy…there’s no need in keeping it a secret! This method for making Roasted Garlic Cauliflower is so amazing; it just HAD to be shared with you. This recipe isn’t just a savory treat, it’s full of health...


5 Secret Ways to Improve Your Mood

Everyone will have days when we wake up on the wrong side of the bed. It’s normal to have a bad day occasionally, but that doesn’t mean you’ve got to sit idly by as your lousy mood worsens or turns into full-on depression. It also doesn’t mean you can’t prevent many of these bad feelings...


A Simple Way to Improve Your Immune System: The Science Behind Stonehenge Health

In the 19th Century, Louis Pasteur’s germ theory of disease made an audacious and unthinkable claim. He asserted that most diseases are caused by invading microscopic organisms—little bad bugs that make us sick. This theory revolutionized medicine and saved millions from plagues like smallpox which had devastated populations for centuries. However, as the adverse effects...


5 Surprising Ways Probiotics Make You Feel Healthier

Inside your gut, there live “good” and “bad” bacteria. Probiotics are the “good” kind, little microorganisms who fight the “bad” ones for a balanced, healthy, gastrointestinal tract (GI tract). Probiotics can do wonders for your health—from improving digestion to clearing up your skin. Here are five surprising ways adding a probiotic supplement to your daily...


Proven Ways to Boost Your Energy

How many different types of products can you think of that claim to boost energy? Pills, powders, patches, 16oz can drinks, 2oz energy shots, and on and on. It seems that not a day goes by that we don’t encounter another new energy product advertisement or variety at the store. It’s no wonder that the...


The Surprising Link Between Inflammation and Our Mood

“I had butterflies in the stomach.”  “She showed real Intestinal fortitude.”   “He’s got guts.” These are just a few common expressions that reflect our deep intuition about the connection between our bellies and our brains. Ever get so nervous you vomited? Ever get queasy on a first date? A growing body of evidence is...


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