Category: Dynamic Brain

2022 Wellness Trends: πŸ‘Β For the win or πŸ‘Ž Pass it by

There is certainly no shortage in wellness trends. And in the last few years, via social media, we’ve seen a surge in wellness trend advice that hasn’t exactly been on the up and up. Kitty litter facials, anyone? Social media has given a gigantic megaphone to everyone, from web influencers to random people on Facebook...


Easy Tips to Building Better Habits & Achieving Your Goals

Why is forming good habits seemingly impossible while we fall into bad habits as easily as falling off a log? Well, it has to do with the way the brain prioritizes rewards over reason.   You see, we rarely experience the consequences of our bad habits while doing them. The rewards of indulging are often immediate....


How Tea Boosts Your Brain with More Alertness, Mental Performance, and Calmer Feelings

Either in a hot mug or over ice, people love tea. It’s the most popular beverage globally, with 3 billion cups consumed every day.  Tea is prepared by seeping the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant in hot water. The true types are green, white, black, and oolong. The difference between them depends on how...


Dear Margo: ‘How & When Should I Take My Supplements?’

Hello Stonehenge Health Fans! Today, I’m happy to introduce you to our newest Stonehenge Health blog series called Dear Margo. In this series of blogs, I will answer the most commonly asked questions we hear from you, our community members. If you’re wondering,” Who’s Margo?” – here’s a bit about me… First and foremost, I am...


How To Find Headache Relief Naturally

Headaches are a real… headache. If headaches are something you experience, you should know that you aren’t alone. Headaches are surprisingly common. It’s estimated that 95% of the world’s population will experience a headache in their lifetime. Furthermore, research recently published in The Journal of Headache and Pain concluded that 52% of the world’s population...


How I Achieved Superior Brain Performance and Unlocked A New Hidden Version Of Myself

It took a while for me to figure out that something wasn’t right with my brain. In my high school and college years, I’d read questions on an exam without comprehending what I had read. It wasn’t because I didn’t understand the concepts. When I looked at the words, they just wouldn’t penetrate my brain...


America’s New Favorite Past Time – Pickleball, Of Course

Celebrities are raving about it; parks and recs are scrambling to build new courts, and updated lines have been drawn on tennis and basketball courts everywhere. It’s making headlines and amassing millions of new players every year. This isn’t an ordinary sport; it’s a movement. So, what is this game with the funny name, and...


4 Reasons Why Your Memory Lapses in Middle Age & What To Do About It

Do you suspect your memory isn’t as sharp as it used to be? If your age is north of 45, you could be right. A study of 7,000 civil servants in France and the UK revealed that the brain begins to lose memory, powers of reasoning, and understanding not from 60 as previously thought but...


9 Ways To Develop New Friendships in Your Later Years

Retirement comes with a certain irony; now that you have time to check off your bucket list goals, you may not have a large friend group to share your experiences. For some, it becomes more challenging to make and keep friends with age. That’s particularly true after retirement because the workplace is where we most...


Top 8 Health and Wellness Trends for 2022

Are you curious about what’s set to take off in 2022? We consulted health care and fitness experts, digital analysts, market research groups, and wellness gurus for this year’s guide. They collectively agree the trends we’ve experienced the last two years will continue. Last year, pursuing emotional and mental wellbeing jumped up on pretty much...


😀 Learning to Appreciate Your Grumpy Side

Most of us feel grumpy once in a while. It’s impossible to feel sunny all the time – because gray mood clouds float in and out of everyone’s life. And that’s perfectly okay. In the long run, responding to an annoying or disappointing situation with the appropriate emotions is better for your mental health.  Don’t...


16 Easy Ways to Erase 150 Daily Calories and Drop 15 Pounds in a Year

You don’t need to deprive yourself completely to make significant strides towards your weight goals. Awareness and minor adjustments can make a world of difference. For instance, reducing what you eat by 150 calories or burning it off isn’t too much of a challenge. Do it every day for over a month; that’s 4,200 calories....


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