Category: Memory

12 Brain Games to Keep You Sharp

Brain-training games are popular among people of all ages for enhancing mental functions and slowing cognitive aging.  In fact, studies indicate that these games can potentially boost attention, memory, response times, logical reasoning, and other cognitive abilities when played consistently over an extended period.1  Did we mention that they can be a lot of fun,...


Unveil the Power of Fungi: 3 Science-Backed Benefits You Can Get From Mushrooms

If you’ve been reading magazines or seeing lots of ads for mushroom products, you might be wondering:  What’s all this talk about mushrooms? I thought they were just for pasta, salads, and pizza… We’re not talking about those kinds of ‘shrooms—we’re talking about functional mushrooms.  They’re called “functional mushrooms” because they contain bioactive compounds believed...


11 Priceless Lessons Learned From Our Grandparents

Exploring an unknown space, eating a different style of food, and hearing unfamiliar stories… Time spent with grandparents is an entirely different experience than with your parents.  Did you ever have the opportunity to spend time with your grandparents?  Or maybe you’ve experienced the opposite—time with your grandchildren.  Either way, the interaction between you and...


Brain Boosting Blueprint: 5 Ways Keep Your Mind Sharp

As time passes, our minds hold onto valuable memories and knowledge. Protecting these against the effects of aging becomes increasingly important as we grow older. Reducing the risk of age-related cognitive decline is not only about living longer but also about improving the quality of our lives. At Stonehenge Health, we understand the crucial role...


The Science Behind “Senior Moments”: Understanding Age-Related Brain Freeze

Embarking on life’s journey, our bodies naturally go through various transformations, and our brains are no exception. It’s pretty common to experience momentary memory lapses, often humorously referred to as “brain freezes” or “senior moments“, as we age.  But what exactly causes these fleeting moments of forgetfulness? The Natural Aging Process Normal aging may lead...


5 “Atomic” Habits for Attainable & Sustainable Goals

As the new year begins, we often hear about starting fresh, creating a “New Year, New You” – encouraging us to rethink our lives, set goals, and begin transformative journeys. However, despite the excitement, it’s common to struggle with keeping these resolutions. This is where author James Clear’s top-selling book Atomic Habits comes in, offering...


How Do You Know Your Memory Supplement Works?

While it’s often said that honesty is the best policy, there are instances when a well-meaning deception could serve a higher purpose. One such instance is beautifully demonstrated by the journey of Leslie and Lou, a couple who have spent over 25 years together, weathering numerous storms, including Lou’s three surgeries, which took a toll...


Superfoods: A Recipe for Healthy Aging

Aging is a natural part of life, and how we age depends on various factors, including our lifestyle and food choices. In the quest for aging well, superfoods have emerged as powerful allies.  These nutrient-dense wonders nourish our bodies and can help stave off the signs of aging, keeping us vibrant and healthy as the...


Exploring the Cognitive Wonders of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG): A Brain-Boosting Probiotic

When we think of probiotics, our minds often jump to gut health, but this story has a remarkable twist. Did you ever imagine that some probiotics could positively impact your brain health? Among these brain-boosting probiotics, one stands out in the crowd: Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, or simply LGG. LGG, a member of the Lactobacillus family,...


From Chaos to Clarity: 7 Tips to Declutter for Mental Well-Being

Have you ever wondered why a cluttered physical space often leads to a disorganized mental state? This intriguing phenomenon is not mere coincidence; it’s grounded in science.In this blog, we delve into the fascinating connection between decluttering your physical environment and decluttering your mind. By the end, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of why decluttering...


Musical Therapy: Top 7 Advantages of Music Listening

Whenever I hit writer’s block, it feels like running headfirst into an invisible wall. One minute, words are flowing like a river; the next, they’re barely a dribble. Sitting there, staring at the blank page, I’m just yearning for something – anything to kickstart my creativity. That’s when I lean on my secret weapon: music....


Adventures in Forgetfulness: 5 Common “Senior Moments” & What You Can Do About Them

What does it mean to have a senior moment? As we journey through life, we sometimes have these mental hiccups, often called senior moments – those split-second memory lapses that catch us off guard. They pop up more often as we get older, bringing along a mix of chuckles, sighs, and more than a touch...


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