Category: Tips & Tricks

4 Tips to Turn Your Walk Into a Fat-Burning & Body Trimming Workout

My nightly walk was a lifesaver throughout the last few (pandemic) years. I became very familiar with the well-trodden paths near my home, and I’d switch between neighborhood routes and park trails to bring variety into my life. Even as things have returned to normal, my nightly walk gives me peace of mind and has...


Easy Tips to Building Better Habits & Achieving Your Goals

Why is forming good habits seemingly impossible while we fall into bad habits as easily as falling off a log? Well, it has to do with the way the brain prioritizes rewards over reason.   You see, we rarely experience the consequences of our bad habits while doing them. The rewards of indulging are often immediate....


Dear Margo: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Functional Mushrooms

All mushrooms have a function, whether as food, medicine, or serving the Earth’s ecosystems. So in a practical sense, all mushrooms are functional. However, the phrase “functional mushroom” when thinking about them for human uses is for mushroom varieties with therapeutic benefits beyond their nutritional value. Since the launch of our popular Dynamic Mushrooms™ blend,...


Dear Margo: ‘When Will My Supplement Take Effect?’

How long will it take for my supplement to start working? This is one of the top questions we hear from our Stonehenge Health community members. It’s not surprising because you purchased a supplement, hoping that you will feel better – and you would like to know when feeling better will begin. But the fact...


Dear Margo: ‘How & When Should I Take My Supplements?’

Hello Stonehenge Health Fans! Today, I’m happy to introduce you to our newest Stonehenge Health blog series called Dear Margo. In this series of blogs, I will answer the most commonly asked questions we hear from you, our community members. If you’re wondering,” Who’s Margo?” – here’s a bit about me… First and foremost, I am...


Menopause: How To Naturally Find Balance and Alleviate Your Symptoms

Menopause is the phase in life when a woman’s menstrual cycle ends, and a new phase begins. Some women welcome “the change.” No more ups and downs – and bother with a monthly cycle. For others, the mental and physical side effects – from weight gain to hot flashes and mood swings to bloating –...


Life Is Sweeter without Sugar

Do you feel like something is mysteriously dragging down your daily energy and zest for life? One culprit could be an ingredient lurching in almost every packaged and processed food. It’s an ingredient that America eats more than anything else. It has precisely zero nutritional value – no vitamins, no minerals, and no nutrients that...


9 Ways To Develop New Friendships in Your Later Years

Retirement comes with a certain irony; now that you have time to check off your bucket list goals, you may not have a large friend group to share your experiences. For some, it becomes more challenging to make and keep friends with age. That’s particularly true after retirement because the workplace is where we most...


🍎 How To Make Plant-Based Eating Easier and More Delicious

Your local farmer’s market is the ideal place to stock up on the season’s bounty. Purchasing freshly picked vegetables, fruit, and herbs from growers in the community means you’re getting produce at the peak of freshness with all their valuable nutrients intact. You’ll also very likely pick up recipes and delicious new ways to prepare...


Top 6 Strategies for a Longer, Healthier Life

For a long time, most experts agreed, one’s lifespan was a roll of the dice. If your parents lived many years, likely, you would too. But as more researchers have investigated longevity, that thinking has changed. It turns out genetics play a much smaller role in determining how long we live. And healthy lifestyle and...


16 Easy Ways to Erase 150 Daily Calories and Drop 15 Pounds in a Year

You don’t need to deprive yourself completely to make significant strides towards your weight goals. Awareness and minor adjustments can make a world of difference. For instance, reducing what you eat by 150 calories or burning it off isn’t too much of a challenge. Do it every day for over a month; that’s 4,200 calories....


Five Hidden Reasons Your Gaining Weight

You are fabulous just the way you are.  But that doesn’t mean losing a few pounds isn’t worth your time and effort. Your weight has a profound impact on your physical and mental health. Carrying extra weight elevates your risk for almost 200 different health issues – including cancer, heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, stroke,...


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