Search Results for: sleep

Unplug and Recharge: Discovering the 8 Transformative Powers of Forest Bathing

How many thoughts do you have in your mind, right this moment?  It’s kind of hard to tell, isn’t it?  But I’ll bet it’s a lot. Potentially more than you’d like. Screens—from TVs to laptops to smartphones—give our brains an incredible amount of data to process, but because of that constant flow of information, it...


Unlocking the mystery of Omega-3s: Essential fats explained

Let’s unravel the secrets of one of nature’s most powerful nutrients… Omega-3 fatty acids, the unsung heroes of dietary fats, stand at the forefront of health science, offering a treasure trove of benefits that seem almost too good to be true.  Imagine a single nutrient capable of bolstering heart health, sharpening your brainpower, assisting your...


How many calories—exactly—should I be eating per day?

Calories in vs. calories out… It is the simplest and most effective way to understand if you will gain or lose weight:  • If you eat more calories than you expend, you’re in a caloric surplus and will gain weight. • If you eat fewer calories than you expend, you’re in a caloric deficit, and you...


From Rushed to Relaxed: Overcoming Rushing Woman’s Syndrome

Calling all women…  Do you ever get the feeling that there’s just not enough time to get it all done?  You feel constantly rushed, even if there’s no reason to be.  If you’ve ever felt the pang of anxiety as you glance at your overflowing calendar, the guilt of squeezing in a quick meal between...


A Beginner’s Guide to Somatic Therapy

Question for you:  Do you think that the mind follows the body?  Example: If you have poor diet and exercise habits, they will negatively affect your psychological well-being.  Or, do you think the body follows the mind?  Example: If you’re depressed, your physical health will suffer.  In reality, this issue is much more complex than...


Double Up for Survival: The Science Behind Our Body’s Redundancy

The human body, a marvel of nature, is as pragmatic as it is mysterious. Among its many wonders is a built-in redundancy system, akin to having spare parts in a complex machine. From kidneys to eyes, our anatomy is equipped with duplicates for symmetry and survival. But what’s the science behind this biological backup plan?...


Brain Boosting Blueprint: 5 Ways Keep Your Mind Sharp

As time passes, our minds hold onto valuable memories and knowledge. Protecting these against the effects of aging becomes increasingly important as we grow older. Reducing the risk of age-related cognitive decline is not only about living longer but also about improving the quality of our lives. At Stonehenge Health, we understand the crucial role...


The #1 Snacks for Type 2 Diabetes

Navigating the snack aisle with type 2 diabetes? With dietary restrictions in place, it might seem like you’re missing out on all the fun and flavors. But let’s turn the tide on this view. Beyond those sugar-laden, carb-rich snacks that don’t do any favors for your health, lies an exciting realm of taste possibilities.  Understanding...


10 Timeless Beauty Tips, with a Twist

Beauty isn’t just about having a pretty face. It’s about radiating confidence and feeling comfortable in your skin.  Over time, beauty experts have shared numerous tips and tricks to help enhance natural beauty. Here are the top ten timeless beauty tips that you need to know, with a surprising unconventional idea taking the lead. 1....


Build the Life You Want in 9 Steps

Creating the life you envision isn’t a mere aspiration; it’s a deliberate pursuit requiring a well-defined vision, unwavering determination, and ongoing commitment.  This holds true whether you’re a high school student embarking on a new chapter or a businessperson reflecting on your accomplishments. Irrespective of the individuality of your journey… Certain steps serve as guiding...


Keep Your Metabolism Buzzing: Avoid These 9 Common Slow-Down Mistakes

Metabolism, often touted as the body’s internal furnace, is the complex network of chemical processes that convert food into energy. This intricate system influences how quickly or slowly we burn calories, impacting our weight and overall health.  As we age, it’s no secret that the metabolic pace tends to decelerate, and a few extra pounds...


Why It’s Never Too Late to Take a Dance Class

My friend Marina and I cherished our Saturday morning neighborhood walks. It became our routine, a way to soak in nature and share quality time together. However, one Friday night, everything changed when Marina called to cancel because she and her husband had enrolled in a ballroom dance class. This announcement caught me off guard....


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