Search Results for: sleep

How Powerful Positive Daily Affirmations Can Elevate Your Life

I live in California, and it’s been a rough month. With the usual sunshine replaced with dreary rain-drenched days, I was feeling more insecure than my leaky roof. But then I found an unexpected way to turn my thinking around with daily affirmations. These simple self-talk exercises helped me find optimism again, no matter what...


Celebrating International Mind-Body Wellness Day

It’s time to elevate your mind and body for International Mind-Body Wellness Day! Mind-body wellness is a holistic approach to health that recognizes the connections between your mind and body and the impact your thoughts and emotions have on your physical health. It is a way of acknowledging that your mind and body are not...


Step Off the Hose: 5 Ways to a Healthier Prostate

Men, you probably didn’t think much about your prostate when you were younger. But if you’re now experiencing problems with urination – increased frequency, urgency, or a weak stream – it’s time to improve your prostate’s health.  The prostate is part of the male reproductive system. It resides in a man’s body below the bladder...


Don’t Put Off Having A Colonoscopy, Here’s Why…

If you’re 50+, chances are your doctor has let you know it’s time…for a routine colonoscopy. A colonoscopy finds and removes polyps and detects potentially deadly colorectal cancer and pancreatic lesions. Despite its proven effectiveness, the idea of it invokes a lot of anxiety, and too many people avoid the procedure. I know that’s how...


Make Those “Senior Moments” A Thing Of The Past

If you’ve ever experienced senior moments – the non-medical term for memory lapses and mental glitches – you’re not alone. As we age, they become more and more common for most people. Forgetting names, passcodes, where you put things, or why you walked into a room are all typical “senior moments.” And they happen for...


Aromatherapy and the 6 Scents to Help You Instantly Feel Relaxed, Recharged & Happy

The scent of approaching rain; the smell of balsam and pine; the aroma of freshly brewed coffee that hangs in the air as you walk past the corner café… These are just a few scents that can bring memories rushing back in vivid detail, and it’s no wonder. Aroma has a mystical way of transporting...


Jaxx’s Story – “Feeling Grateful for a Life-Changing Experience”

“My digestive issues and all my physical symptoms were interfering with every aspect of my life,” explains alternative rock performer Jaxx Nassar of Clarksdale, Mississippi. Jaxx spends much of her time on the road as an artist and performer. She needs energy, confidence, and a clear head...


Easy Tips to Building Better Habits & Achieving Your Goals

Why is forming good habits seemingly impossible while we fall into bad habits as easily as falling off a log? Well, it has to do with the way the brain prioritizes rewards over reason.   You see, we rarely experience the consequences of our bad habits while doing them. The rewards of indulging are often immediate....


Dear Margo: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Functional Mushrooms

All mushrooms have a function, whether as food, medicine, or serving the Earth’s ecosystems. So in a practical sense, all mushrooms are functional. However, the phrase “functional mushroom” when thinking about them for human uses is for mushroom varieties with therapeutic benefits beyond their nutritional value. Since the launch of our popular Dynamic Mushrooms™ blend,...


How Tea Boosts Your Brain with More Alertness, Mental Performance, and Calmer Feelings

Either in a hot mug or over ice, people love tea. It’s the most popular beverage globally, with 3 billion cups consumed every day.  Tea is prepared by seeping the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant in hot water. The true types are green, white, black, and oolong. The difference between them depends on how...


Dear Margo: ‘How & When Should I Take My Supplements?’

Hello Stonehenge Health Fans! Today, I’m happy to introduce you to our newest Stonehenge Health blog series called Dear Margo. In this series of blogs, I will answer the most commonly asked questions we hear from you, our community members. If you’re wondering,” Who’s Margo?” – here’s a bit about me… First and foremost, I am...


How To Find Headache Relief Naturally

Headaches are a real… headache. If headaches are something you experience, you should know that you aren’t alone. Headaches are surprisingly common. It’s estimated that 95% of the world’s population will experience a headache in their lifetime. Furthermore, research recently published in The Journal of Headache and Pain concluded that 52% of the world’s population...


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