Latest stonehenge health news

Is Your Gallbladder in Trouble?

Your Gallbladder and Ways to Keep It Healthy Your gallbladder may be small, but let’s not underestimate its critical role in your digestive system. It stores and releases bile, allowing for proper fat digestion and absorption. But if something...


4 Fiber-Rich Foods That Help Prevent Fat Accumulation (Plus A Tasty Recipe)

Want to keep your waistline in check? It’s time to add some fiber to your diet. Incorporating fiber into your diet can effectively help reduce fat buildup and help you lose belly fat. Several studies have shown that increasing daily fiber...


The Power of Alone Time: 20 Cozy and Calming Things to Do Alone

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life. That’s why it’s essential to take time for yourself to recharge and decompress, even in small doses. Alone time can undoubtedly work wonders...


Get Fit with Less Risk: 6 Reasons Low-Intensity Exercise Benefit Your Mind and Body

Do you want to get fit without feeling exhausted and avoid potential injury? Who doesn’t? What if we told you that you don’t have to push yourself to the limit to get fit and healthy? If you think that low-intensity exercise is boring and...


The Transformative Power of Gratitude: How Appreciation Can Change Your Life

Being thankful is more than having good manners; it can be a game-changer for your entire mindset. By consciously appreciating what you have, you can shift your focus to the positive aspects of your life and find joy in the present moment. ...


Does Your Inner Child Need Healing?

Have you ever caught yourself feeling defensive talking to someone from your childhood or overly emotional revisiting a place from your past? Welcome to the fascinating world of your inner child, the hidden parts of yourself that have shaped your...


From Comfort Zone to Adventure: How Traveling Abroad Can Benefit Your Body & Mind

As a young adult, I was an avid traveler, constantly seeking exciting experiences while living abroad. When my children came along, I was thrilled to share my love of adventure, taking them on wild journeys across the world from Australia to...


Adaptogens: The Secret Weapon Stressbusters Your Body Will Want to Adopt

Are you looking for support when dealing with the stress of life? Stress is one of the biggest challenges we face in our modern lives. Stress can affect your health, relationships, productivity, and happiness. But what if there was a way to reduce...


Don’t Let Your Dental Health Slip

Good oral hygiene is essential at any age, but it’s especially crucial in the later years of life. With age comes a new set of dental issues that can creep up, from gum disease to dry mouth to a more fragile and decay-prone set of pearly...


9 Tips on How to Start a Conversation with Anyone To Build New Relationships

Have you ever met someone who can effortlessly start a conversation with anyone anywhere without it seeming creepy or forced?  My mother-in-law has this gift. Whether we’re waiting in line at the store or sitting in a coffee shop, she can...


5 Ways to Create a Wellness Haven in Your Own Home

As parents, we spend most of our lives dedicated to raising our children.  From the moment they are born, we focus on nurturing and protecting them as they grow and learn. However, eventually, the time comes when the kids leave home to pursue...


Getting the Scale to Move in the Right Direction

Weight loss can be challenging and frustrating, and despite your best efforts, you may find that you initially gain weight instead of losing it. Gaining weight when all you want to do is drop some LBs can be discouraging and demotivating; it can even...


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