From Rushed to Relaxed: Overcoming Rushing Woman’s Syndrome

Nature, friends and portrait of group of women enjoying bonding, quality time and relax in retirement together. Diversity, friendship and faces of happy females with smile, hugging and wellness
Nature, friends and portrait of group of women enjoying bonding, quality time and relax in retirement together. Diversity, friendship and faces of happy females with smile, hugging and wellness

Calling all women… 

Do you ever get the feeling that there’s just not enough time to get it all done? 

You feel constantly rushed, even if there’s no reason to be. 

If you’ve ever felt the pang of anxiety as you glance at your overflowing calendar, the guilt of squeezing in a quick meal between meetings, or the exhaustion that engulfs you the moment you sit down, you might be experiencing Rushing Woman’s Syndrome

And you’re not alone.

What is Rushing Woman’s Syndrome?

enior elderly woman wearing apron, cleaning kitchen at home. Attractive mature old housekeeper cleaner feel tired and upset while wiping dining table for housekeeping housework or chores.

Rushing Woman’s Syndrome is a term coined by Dr. Libby Weaver in her book1 to describe an emotional state commonly felt by modern women who are constantly under pressure and ‘rushing’ through their daily lives in an attempt to ‘get it all done.’

Trying to juggle multiple roles and responsibilities such as career, family, and personal health… 

It’s not a medically recognized condition but rather a way to identify the physical and emotional stress that comes from leading a hectic lifestyle.

And it’s not just the external demands that weigh heavily on your shoulders…

It’s the internal expectation to excel in every aspect of your life, from being a high achiever at work to an impeccable caregiver at home, all while maintaining the poise of a well-kept lifestyle.

Left unchecked, you might even develop actual symptoms that begin to plague your everyday routine.

What are the symptoms of Rushing Woman’s Syndrome?

mature middle aged woman working on computer while sitting at the table at home

Brace yourself—these may hit a little too close to home…

• Constantly feeling rushed or in a hurry, even when there’s no need to be

• Hormonal imbalances, particularly with cortisol (the stress hormone)

• Difficulty in managing weight or body composition

• Increased stress levels and irritability

Fatigue and difficulty sleeping

• Changes in menstrual cycle

• Digestive issues

While some are mental and others are physical, these symptoms can all bring you varying degrees of pain and suffering in their own way. 

But why?

Listening to your body

Senior woman meditating as part of yoga training

If you’re experiencing symptoms of Rushing Woman’s Syndrome, your body is trying to tell you something. 

Let’s break it down by the various systems in your body and how their malfunction can affect your health:  

Nervous system: An off-balance nervous system could be behind your weight gain and sleep disturbances.

Adrenal glands: Adrenal glands produce hormones that help regulate your metabolism, immune system, blood pressure, and stress response. Adrenal exhaustion might be leaving you feeling simultaneously exhausted and overly alert.

Reproductive system: The stresses you encounter every day could be impacting your menstrual regularity or reproductive health.

Digestive system: Stress might be the underlying cause of your digestive discomfort, including bloating, food cravings, or an inconsistent appetite.

Now that you have an understanding of not only the symptoms, but also the underlying bodily systems that are driving them, let’s take a look at how to overcome Rushing Woman’s Syndrome.

You can do it! How to Overcome Rushing Women’s Syndrome

woman preparing healthy and delicious green smoothie in a modern kitchen

As you go through these suggestions, please understand that this is not yet another thing on your to-do list—these are simply tools you can use to address some of your symptoms. 

There is no rush…

Prioritize your well-being

older friends happy baking in the kitchen

Put your own oxygen mask on first. It sounds simple, but prioritizing your mental, physical, and emotional health is the foundation of overcoming the relentless pace of life. 

Prioritizing your well-being means setting aside time for regular check-ups, ensuring you get nutritious meals, and getting enough sleep.

One of the most empowering words in your vocabulary can be “no.” 

Setting boundaries and recognizing that you can’t be everything to everyone is essential. Saying no to additional responsibilities can mean saying yes to your health, hobbies, and spending time with loved ones.

Incorporate mindfulness practices

household and people concept - senior woman drinking coffee or tea and resting after home cleaning

Mindfulness and meditation can be powerful tools for managing stress and anxiety. Even a few minutes a day can help calm your mind, reduce stress, and improve your focus. Find what works for you, whether through meditation, yoga, or simply taking a few deep breaths.

It’s important to schedule time for yourself—time that’s not allocated to any tasks or responsibilities. Use this time to indulge in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether that’s reading a book, taking a long bath, or walking in nature.

Embrace imperfection

Senior Woman Relaxing In Hammock With Book

Perfection is an illusion that contributes significantly to our stress. Embrace the beauty of imperfection in both yourself and the world around you. Recognize that it’s okay not to have a perfectly clean house or a flawlessly executed project every time.

Nurture your passions

Elderly woman is painting in her home. Retirement hobby.

Invest time in activities that fulfill you outside of your work and family responsibilities. Whether painting, gardening, or playing an instrument, engaging in hobbies can provide a much-needed outlet for creativity and stress relief. Physical activity is particularly crucial for your mental health.

Discover the magic of mushrooms 

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms

Certain functional mushrooms like Lion’s Mane provide cognitive supporting benefits for healthy brain function and healthy stress response to daily challenges.*

Dynamic Mushrooms from Stonehenge Health is a carefully crafted blend of mushrooms designed to support healthy cognitive function, putting you in the right mental state to deal with your symptoms of Rushing Woman’s Syndrome.*


Superfoods: A Recipe for Healthy Aging

woman with a background of fruits and vegetables
woman with a background of fruits and vegetables

Aging is a natural part of life, and how we age depends on various factors, including our lifestyle and food choices. In the quest for aging well, superfoods have emerged as powerful allies. 

These nutrient-dense wonders nourish our bodies and can help stave off the signs of aging, keeping us vibrant and healthy as the years go by. 

Keep reading to delve into these powerful superfoods, uncovering their numerous advantages, and even discover a delightful recipe that simplifies the inclusion of many superfoods in a single, convenient recipe.

What Are Superfoods?

woman drinking healthy smoothie in kitchen

Superfoods are nutrient-rich and packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other essential compounds that offer many health benefits. 

They’re like nature’s gift to your well-being, delivering a potent blend of nutrition that can support your overall health and longevity. Incorporating superfoods into your daily life can help you age well by providing the essential nutrients your body needs to function optimally.

5 Anti-Aging Benefits of Superfoods

Full medical checkup, complex health check-up of all body organs concept. Examining from brain and heart to bladder and intestine. High quality photo

1. Powerful Antioxidants: Many superfoods are abundant in antioxidants, which help combat free radicals that lead to oxidative stress. This, in turn, can help slow down the aging process by reducing cell damage.

2. Promoting Heart Health: Incorporating superfoods like fatty fish, abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, and leafy greens, rich in potassium, into your diet can be a valuable strategy for nurturing heart health. These foods effectively lower blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease.

3. Bone Health: Maintaining strong bones becomes crucial as we age. Superfoods like leafy greens, dairy or dairy alternatives, and almonds are excellent sources of calcium, which is essential for bone health.

4. Brain Function: Some superfoods, like blueberries, have been linked to enhanced cognitive function, memory, and brain health, helping to preserve mental acuity as you age.

5. Skin Health: Superfoods rich in vitamins and antioxidants, like oranges and sweet potatoes, can help maintain youthful and radiant skin.

Top 7 Superfoods

Grilled salmon on cutting board close-up

1. Berries: Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, acai berries, and strawberries are brimming with antioxidants, which can help reduce oxidative stress and support brain and heart health.

2. Leafy Greens: Kale, spinach, and Swiss chard are packed with vitamins, particularly K and A. They promote bone health, support digestion, and boost the immune system.

3. Fatty Fish: Salmon, mackerel, sardines, and krill are some of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which support heart health, and brain function.

4. Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, chia seeds, and flaxseeds provide healthy fats, fiber, and protein. They can help lower cholesterol levels, improve digestion, and support overall well-being.

5. Turmeric: This spice contains curcumin, known for its antioxidant properties.

6. Greek Yogurt: Greek yogurt supports gut health and aids in digestion because it’s a great source of probiotics and protein. 

7. Green Tea: Rich in special antioxidants called catechins. These antioxidants help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, reducing the risk of various health risks.

Delicious Superfood Smoothie for Healthy Aging

Delicious Superfood Smoothie for Healthy Aging recipe


     – 1 cup of kale or spinach (rich in vitamins and antioxidants)

     – 1/2 cup of blueberries (packed with antioxidants)

     – 1/2 banana (for added potassium)

     – 1 tablespoon of chia seeds (excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids)

     – 1 cup of reduced-fat milk (or almond milk – a dairy alternative rich in calcium)

     – 1 teaspoon of honey (optional for sweetness)


     1. Place all ingredients in a blender.

     2. Blend until smooth and enjoy your nutrient-packed, anti-aging smoothie.


Makes 1 serving | 339 calories, 9.8g fat, 54.1g carbohydrates, 31g sugar, fiber 9.2g

Superfood Wellness Made Easy

Embrace your well-being by tapping into the incredible benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids and Turmeric, two superfoods with remarkable potential. And experience their daily benefits through the ultimate convenience when you include Stonehenge Health’s Dynamic Krill Oil and Dynamic Turmeric in your daily routine.*

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Krill Oil is a powerhouse boasting a substantial 1,600 mg of pure Antarctic Krill Oil. This supplement is your key to supporting heart, joint, and brain health. *

It’s loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, and super antioxidant Astaxanthin. Krill oil is renowned for its remarkable bioavailability, ensuring your body reaps the maximum benefits from this Omega-3 source. *

But the superfood journey doesn’t end there. Take your wellness to new heights by incorporating Dynamic Turmeric. This high-dose turmeric powder and curcumin supplement is a nutritional gem, with a generous blend of 1,650 mg of turmeric powder and extract. What’s more, it includes 15 mg of BioPerine® for better absorption.

Dynamic Turmeric supplement
Dynamic Krill Oil supplement

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.