This ‘Slim Down Salad’ Recipe is Perfect for Summer

healthy eating, food cooking and culinary concept
healthy eating, food cooking and culinary concept

I don’t know about you, but I’m always on the lookout for meals that are both refreshing and satisfying. 

Especially when the mid-summer heat is in full swing, I prefer meals that will help me look my best in my swimsuits and summer wardrobe. 

But it’s still important to ensure your body gets the proper nourishment it needs to thrive. 

I love to whip up a light, nutritious salad that is perfect for a summer lunch or dinner. Something about the crispness of fresh vegetables, the sweetness of grapes, and the hearty protein from chicken just hits the spot.

After experimenting with a few different combinations, I’ve crafted a salad that not only tastes amazing but is also packed with essential nutrients.

I call it the “Summer Slim-Down Salad” because it contains ingredients rich in a specific trace mineral that has been shown to help reduce cravings and support weight management efforts by aiding in blood sugar control.*

But before I tell you what mineral it is, would you like to try to guess from the ingredients list? 

Here are the ingredients and steps to make it yourself.

Broccoli, Grape, and Chicken Salad Recipe


• 2 cups broccoli florets

• 1 cup green grapes, halved

• 2 medium potatoes, boiled and diced

• 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved

• 1 cup green beans, blanched and cut into 1-inch pieces

• 2 grilled chicken breasts, sliced (about 6 ounces total)

• 1/4 cup sliced almonds

• 1/2 cup whole grain croutons (optional)

• 1/4 cup olive oil

• 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar

• 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

• Salt and pepper to taste

• Fresh parsley, chopped (for garnish)


1. Prepare the vegetables:

• Steam the broccoli florets until tender but still crisp, about 3-4 minutes. Rinse under cold water to stop cooking and keep the color vibrant.

• Boil the potatoes until tender, about 10-15 minutes. Drain and let cool before dicing.

• Blanch the green beans in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then rinse under cold water and cut into 1-inch pieces.

2. Prepare the chicken:

• Season the chicken breasts with salt and pepper. Grill over medium-high heat until cooked through, about 6-7 minutes per side. Let cool slightly, then slice into thin strips.

3. Assemble the salad:

• In a large bowl, combine the broccoli, grapes, diced potatoes, cherry tomatoes, green beans, and sliced chicken.

• Add the sliced almonds and whole-grain croutons if using.

4. Make the dressing:

• In a small bowl, whisk together the olive oil, red wine vinegar, Dijon mustard, salt, and pepper until well combined.

5. Toss the salad:

• Drizzle the dressing over the salad and toss gently to coat all the ingredients evenly.

6. Serve:

• Garnish with chopped fresh parsley and serve immediately.

Nutritional Info:

Servings: 4 / Serving Size: 1 serving (approximately 1.5 cups) / Calories: 350-400 / Fat: 15g / Protein: 20g / Carbohydrates: 40g / Sugar: 12g / Fiber: 6g


Did you guess the secret mineral yet?

Natural sources of chromium

OK, I’ll tell you…

The ingredients in this salad are all rich in the mineral chromium.

Here’s why chromium can help you slim down.

Weight Management: Chromium can help reduce cravings and support weight management efforts by aiding in blood sugar control.

Metabolism: It plays a role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, aiding in energy production and nutrient utilization.

Blood sugar regulation: Chromium enhances the action of insulin, a hormone critical for converting food into energy. By improving insulin sensitivity, chromium helps regulate blood sugar levels, which is particularly beneficial for people with diabetes or insulin resistance.

Heart health: Chromium can help improve lipid profiles by reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol and increasing HDL (good) cholesterol, potentially lowering the risk of heart disease.

Chromium can be essential in weight management, but it can be difficult to get a sufficient amount of it from food alone. 

That’s why it can be beneficial to take a supplement containing chromium picolinate. I specifically like Chromax chromium picolinate because it’s a highly bioavailable form of chromium picolinate (15x more bioavailable than other forms) and is supported by 35 human clinical studies affirming its benefits.

In addition to this recipe, the team at Stonehenge Health is cooking something designed to help you reach your weight loss and wellness goals. Here’s a hint… it combines chromium with probiotics.

Head over to our Dynamic Biotics+ for Women page and discover how you can add chromium (and many more ingredients) to your daily routine.

2ndGen Biotics+

Beyond the Label: What the Community is Saying About Dynamic Krill Oil

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Krill Oil
Stonehenge Health Dynamic Krill Oil

There are a lot of things I love about working at Stonehenge Health

I get to write about my passion—health and wellness. 

I research and learn about cutting-edge new ingredients, studies, and products. 

I work with amazing and talented people. 

But my favorite part about working here? 

I get to hear stories about people transforming their lives through better health. 

I talk with people who tell me how our products have helped them improve their health literally every day, and I read dozens more online, too. 

Today, I wanted to share some of those stories with you, specifically about one of our most versatile products: Dynamic Krill Oil

Have you ever wondered if there’s a supplement that could address multiple health concerns at once? 

Imagine finding something that supports your overall well-being, from reducing joint discomfort to improving mental clarity. 

At Stonehenge Health, we’ve formulated Dynamic Krill Oil to do just that, plus a lot more.  

But don’t just take my word for it—listen to what our community has to say. Here are a few of my favorites:

Improved Mobility and Reduced Discomfort

woman exercising and walking outside

“One week into my first bottle of Dynamic Krill Oil, my right knee discomfort from a broken knee cap years ago has disappeared. Previously, kneeling caused serious problems. Three weeks in, my lower back discomfort is also considerably reduced.”*

Our customers often report rapid relief from long-standing discomfort. Whether it’s a knee injury or back stiffness, Dynamic Krill Oil helps to improve mobility and reduce discomfort, allowing you to enjoy your day.*

Clean and Pure Omega-3 Source

Closeup Shot Of Smiling Middle Aged Woman Taking Vitamin Pill Capsule

“I’m new to krill oil but have done a lot of research and am convinced of its benefits. After a few weeks, I feel great with zero side effects. I like that krill oil is cleaner than other types of fish oils for Omega-3’s because krill are lower on the food chain, helping them avoid pollutants that build up as larger creatures devour smaller ones. Plus, Antarctica is definitely clean as oceans go.”

Krill oil is a superior source of Omega-3 fatty acids because it’s derived from small, shrimp-like creatures found in the clean, unpolluted waters of Antarctica.*

This means fewer contaminants and a purer product for you.*

No Fishy Aftertaste

senior woman taking medicine at home

“There is no fishy aftertaste, and it contains high amounts of astaxanthin and phospholipids. After a few days of use, it relieved my dry eye symptoms.”

One common complaint about fish oil supplements is the unpleasant aftertaste.

Dynamic Krill Oil eliminates this issue, providing all the benefits without the fishy burps. Plus, the added astaxanthin and phospholipids enhance its effectiveness, particularly for conditions like dry eyes.*

Relief from Joint Discomfort and Swelling

Man outdoors stretching and exercising with headphones

“I’ve been taking Dynamic Krill Oil every day for about six months. Within days of starting, I noticed that my ankles were not swollen and stiff at the end of the day.”*

Dynamic Krill Oil can significantly reduce joint discomfort, making daily activities more comfortable.*

Many folks have experienced noticeable improvements in their joint health.*

Enhanced Mental Clarity

senior woman and man mediating and relaxing outdoors

“I have been using Stonehenge Health’s Dynamic Krill Oil for about 18 months and have to say that within the first week or so of using it, I felt a significant improvement in my mental clarity. It was such a relief to have my ‘sharp brain’ back; I can’t even explain my excitement. I thought I was doomed to declining mental faculties, and perhaps that is waiting for me down the road, but now? Now I have the brain I had 15-20 years ago, and I completely attribute it to this krill oil. Not only that, but I also experienced a noticeable reduction in my joint discomfort. Try it; you’ll be excited, too.”*

Dynamic Krill Oil isn’t just about physical health. Like the review above, many members of our community find that it enhances mental clarity and cognitive function, giving them back the sharpness and mental acuity they thought they had lost.*

Effective Swelling Reduction

massage therapy

“I had a case of swollen feet and lower legs, particularly my left. I took some other natural supplements that helped a little, but I still had significant swelling. I purchased my first Dynamic Krill Oil three months ago and started using it as soon as it arrived. I noticed a reduction in the swelling after about 4 weeks, and after 3 months of use the swelling in my feet and legs is about 95% improved. I am very happy with the product and have reordered it. Actually, I signed up for the automatic shipment program.”*

Persistent swelling can be uncomfortable. Dynamic Krill Oil has been shown to provide much-needed relief.*

Why Choose Dynamic Krill Oil?

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Krill Oil

Dynamic Krill Oil is more than just a supplement—it’s a comprehensive approach to better health. 

Packed with Omega-3 fatty acids, astaxanthin, and phospholipids, it offers multiple benefits:

Purity and potency: Harvested from the pristine waters of Antarctica, our krill oil is free from harmful contaminants. Every new bottle includes a QR code with a tracking lot number to view the source location on a map.*

No fishy aftertaste: Enjoy all the benefits without the unpleasant aftertaste associated with traditional fish oil.*

Cognitive support: Enhances mental clarity and brain health.*

Heart health: Supports cardiovascular health by maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.*

Imagine living a life with less discomfort, better mobility, clearer thinking, and overall improved well-being. 

Dynamic Krill Oil from Stonehenge Health can help you achieve just that.* 

Don’t let discomfort hold you back from the things you love to do.  

Try Dynamic Krill Oil today and join our satisfied customers who have already experienced its life-changing benefits.*

Discover Dynamic Krill Oil

Krill Oil vs Fish Oil: Which is Better For Your Health?

Krill oil pills on a spoon, closeup
Krill oil pills on a spoon, closeup

Fish oil and krill oil have been a mainstay in the health and wellness conversation for years now for one primary reason: 

Omega-3 fatty acids. 

There’s a great reason for all the hype. 

Omega-3s have been clinically proven to deliver incredible health benefits such as: 

Heart health: Omega-3s have been clinically proven to support heart health in various ways.*1 

Eye health: Omega-3 is one of the structural components of the retina in the eyes, and supplementation can support overall eye health.*2 

Bone and joint health: Omega-3s can boost the amount of calcium in bones, which leads to improved bone strength.3 They are also beneficial in reducing joint discomfort and stiffness.* 

Mental health support: High levels of Omega-3s are associated with improved mood and cognitive function.*4 

Sleep quality: Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly DHA, may contribute to better sleep quality.*

So, if krill oil and fish oil have Omega-3s, you’ll get the same health benefits from either, right? 

Not exactly. 

It turns out there are several key differences between krill oil and fish oil—backed by science—that provide the answer to the question: 

Which is better for you: Krill or fish oil? 

When you look at the facts, there is really no comparison.

Here are four reasons krill oil is best for your health.

1. Omega-3 Health Benefits

woman taking supplement

Fish oil is renowned for its high concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids, specifically EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). As listed in the section above, these fats are crucial for providing many health benefits. 

Krill oil also contains EPA and DHA. However, unlike fish oil, the Omega-3s in krill oil are bound to phospholipids, which studies suggest may enhance the body’s absorption of these fatty acids.

Both supplements effectively deliver Omega-3 benefits, but krill oil may offer an edge in bioavailability.* This means that the same amount of Omega-3s might be more effectively used by the body when sourced from krill oil, potentially increasing its health benefits per gram.*

Advantage: Krill oil.

2. Additional Health Benefits

couple jogging outdoors

Beyond Omega-3s, only one type of oil has additional advantages. 

Fish oil is a well-established supplement often used for various conditions linked to Omega-3 deficiencies, but the benefits it provides are all related to Omega-3s. 

Krill oil, on the other hand, contains astaxanthin, a potent antioxidant that fish oil lacks. Astaxanthin offers additional antioxidant properties, protecting cells from damage and supporting your health.*

The astaxanthin in krill oil provides a unique bonus outside Omega-3s, offering more comprehensive health benefits.*

Advantage: Krill oil.

3. Absorption

krill oil shape of a fish on a plate

The form of Omega-3s plays a crucial role in how well they are absorbed and utilized by the body. 

Fish oil’s Omega-3s are primarily in triglyceride form, which can be less efficiently absorbed compared to the phospholipid form found in krill oil. 

Phospholipids align more closely with the human body’s cell structure, facilitating a more straightforward absorption pathway. 

This enhanced absorption means that krill oil might offer more Omega-3 benefits at lower dosages, making it an appealing option for those who prefer to take fewer supplements.*

Advantage: Krill oil.

4. Purity and Sourcing

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Krill Oil

Purity is a significant concern when it comes to fish oil—and fish in general—as fish from the ocean can contain mercury and other environmental toxins. The purity of fish largely depends on the fish source, the food chain from which it comes, and the waters from which it is harvested. 

Fish oil is primarily derived from capelin, sand eel, anchovy, horse mackerel, cod liver, pilchard, and menhaden. These fish can be caught in many places worldwide, often in polluted oceans. 

In contrast, krill oil typically shows lower levels of contaminants for a few reasons: 

• Krill have short lifespans, giving them less time to ingest toxins

• Krill are on the bottom of the food chain, giving them less chance to ingest toxins

• Krill live in the Antarctic Ocean, which contains the most pristine waters on Earth

With Dynamic Krill Oil from Stonehenge Health, you can actually see the exact source of your krill oil bottle by scanning the QR code on the label of each bottle and entering the lot number  on our website. 

>> Click here for more info on our commitment to transparent sourcing

Note: Both krill and fish oil products should be certified by third-party organizations to ensure they are free from harmful levels of contaminants and that they contain the advertised levels of Omega-3s.

Advantage: Krill oil. 

Both krill oil and fish oil offer valuable health benefits, particularly in delivering Omega-3 fatty acids essential for maintaining various aspects of health.*

However, krill oil has a clear advantage due to better absorption, lack of harmful contaminants, and additional antioxidant benefits from astaxanthin.*

If you’re considering integrating krill oil into your health regimen, Dynamic Krill Oil from  Stonehenge Health is a top-rated option. 

Our product contains the highest-quality ingredients, and we ensure that each batch is sustainably harvested, transparently sourced, and rigorously tested for purity and potency. This aligns with our commitment to environmental responsibility and high-quality health supplements.

The purest and easily absorbed krill oil. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“This stuff is as pure as it gets. The only oceans that haven’t been horribly polluted are the Antarctic Oceans. That’s where they harvest this stuff, so you KNOW you’re getting the best.”Dustin

Stamina booster. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I recovered energy and stamina. Great.” Ana

Choosing the right Omega-3 supplement can significantly influence your health journey. Consider making Dynamic Krill Oil part of your daily routine to reap the profound benefits.

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Krill Oil supplement
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Introducing Batch Tracking for Dynamic Krill Oil: A New Era of Transparency and Quality

Head shot close up portrait happy elderly senior woman looking at camera, holding glass of fresh water and pill. Smiling mature grandmother taking vitamins, enjoying daily healthcare habit at home
Head shot close up portrait happy elderly senior woman looking at camera, holding glass of fresh water and pill. Smiling mature grandmother taking vitamins, enjoying daily healthcare habit at home

At Stonehenge Health, we understand the importance of taking supplements and knowing exactly where they come from and their benefits. 

That’s why we’re excited to announce an innovative new feature for Dynamic Krill Oil, one of our most popular products: batch tracking

Starting March 22, 2024, every new bottle shipped of Dynamic Krill Oil now includes an industry-leading traceability feature on the label. 

You can now verify our sourcing transparency by scanning the QR code and entering the batch number printed on the bottle. This will allow you to locate where your krill oil originated in the pristine waters of the Antarctic Ocean.

Trace Your Krill; Trust Your Source

close up of a world map with the word Antartica in focus

With our new batch tracking feature, every bottle of Dynamic Krill Oil opens up a story—the story of where and how we source our high-quality krill. 

This feature is more than a tool; it’s a window into our dedication to transparency, quality, and the health of our customers. 

You deserve to know more about the products you choose for your health, and we’re here to provide that information clearly and honestly.

Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Find your batch number

Dynamic Krill Oil bottle

Every bottle of Dynamic Krill has a batch number printed on the label.

Step 2: Visit our website

screenshot of stonehengehealth website

Scan the QR code printed on the bottle with your smartphone or visit our website’s Dynamic Krill Oil product page. 

Scroll down until you see the batch number tool. It will display the current batch number highlighted in yellow and a map of the Antarctic Ocean.

Step 3: Enter your bottle’s batch number

screenshot of stonehenge health website

Type in the batch number from your bottle and click the red “Display Location” button. A pin will appear from the exact spot in the ocean where the krill in your bottle was harvested.

Our Commitment to Transparency

Middle aged woman drinking a glass of water with a happy face standing and smiling with a confident smile showing teeth

Transparency in the ingredient sourcing process is not just a policy at Stonehenge Health; it’s our promise to you. 

You have the right to know exactly what you’re putting into your body and where it comes from. 

Our new krill source batch tracking feature for Dynamic Krill Oil embodies this belief, offering unparalleled insight into the journey from sea to bottle. 

This level of transparency ensures that our customers can trust the quality and efficacy of our products, reinforcing our commitment to health, well-being, and ethical sourcing.

Why Ingredient Quality Matters

Krill Oil in gel capsules

In a market flooded with health supplements, the quality of ingredients differentiates the beneficial from the ineffectual. 

High-quality ingredients mean better absorption, more potent health benefits, and fewer contaminants. 

For krill oil, this means sourcing the krill in pristine waters, minimizing exposure to pollutants, and maximizing the natural benefits of Omega-3s.

The Essential Benefits of Omega-3s

Stonehenge Health Krill Oil

Omega-3 fatty acids are fundamental to our health, playing a vital role in your health, including: 

• Supporting heart, brain, and eye health*

• Helping maintain healthy joints*

• Neutralizing free radicals via the antioxidant astaxanthin*

We invite you to experience the difference that true quality and transparency can make. Visit the product page today, enter the batch number of your new bottle’s label of Dynamic Krill Oil, and discover the origin of your krill. (Valid on new products shipped after March 22, 2024. You can still test the feature using the provided batch number to see how it works.)

It’s not just about knowing you’re taking a supplement rich in Omega-3s; it’s about choosing a product that stands for quality, integrity, and health.

Stonehenge Health is more than a supplement company; we’re your partner in the journey towards a healthier life. 

Our commitment to quality, transparency, and customer well-being is at the heart of everything we do. 

Trust us to be your guide in the world of supplements, where every ingredient is sourced with care, and every product is made with your health in mind.

Dynamic Krill Oil supplement

Choline: The Super Nutrient for Boosting Brain, Heart, and Liver Health

Older couple smiling together at breakfast outside
Older couple smiling together at breakfast outside

Imagine unlocking a secret ingredient that powers up your brain, supports your heart, and keeps your liver in top shape. 

Often flying under the radar, choline is the unsung hero in the quest for optimal health, as it performs critical roles that keep your body and mind in peak condition. 

Choline is your go-to ally whether you’re aiming to boost your cognitive prowess, ensure your heart beats strong, or keep your liver clean. 

Let’s explore the wonders of choline together.

What is Choline?

Smiling elderly female patient holding pill and glass of water. Senior mature woman taking daily dose of prescribed meds against depression, mental disorders, flu, insomnia, pain. Elderly treatment

Choline is a nutrient that’s vital for many aspects of your health. 

It’s a building block that your body needs to perform a bunch of important tasks. Think of it as a helper that does a few critical jobs for your: 

• Brain

• Liver

• Heart

• Muscles

To help you visualize the effect of choline, imagine your body as a city with constant construction projects. 

Choline is like the building materials needed at the construction sites to build successful projects. 

Just like a city needs these materials to build and repair buildings, your body needs choline to build and maintain important parts of your body, especially your brain.

Choline helps throughout the body. Let’s take a look at all the places you’ll find benefits…

7 Benefits Choline Has On Your Health

Group of happy mature people laughing while enjoying in card game at the table.

If you don’t get enough choline, your body may experience a variety of issues because choline is involved in so many critical functions. When you get the ideal amount, choline works wonders for your body and mind. 

1. Helps your brain work better: Choline is like food for your brain. It helps with learning and remembering things, for a better mood, and controlling muscles.2 It’s important to keep your brain sharp as you get older, and choline can help.

2. Keeps your liver healthy: Choline helps stop fat from piling up in your liver, which can help your liver stay clean and work smoothly.

3. Boosts your metabolism: Choline is involved in how your body uses fats, which helps keep your metabolism going strong. This means your body can use food better and keep you feeling energetic.

4. Good for your heart: Choline helps manage certain fat levels in your blood, supporting a healthy heart.

5. Supports muscle movement: Choline is important for muscle control, making sure they can move and respond the way you want them to, which is crucial for everything from walking to lifting things.

6. Keeps cell walls strong: Choline helps build the walls of your cells, protecting and organizing cell contents properly. It’s like ensuring each cell has a strong house to live in.

7. Can make you feel happier: Choline, which is involved in making brain chemicals that control mood, might help improve your mood. 2 Research suggests that Choline helps you keep spirits high and maintain a balanced mood.

Your liver produces a small amount of choline, but not enough. Since your body doesn’t make sufficient choline for optimal health, eating foods rich in choline or taking choline supplements is a good way to ensure you’re getting enough.

9 Ways To Get Choline

cheese nuts eggs dairy

Choline can be found in a variety of foods, both animal and plant-based, as well as supplements. Here are 9 different sources that can help you meet your daily choline requirements:

1. Eggs: The yolk of an egg is particularly high in choline. One large egg can provide about 147 mg of choline, making eggs one of the best sources of this nutrient.

2. Meat: Various types of meat, including beef, pork, and chicken, contain good amounts of choline. For example, a 3-ounce serving of chicken breast provides about 72 mg of choline.

3. Fish: Fatty fish like salmon are good sources of choline. A 3-ounce serving of salmon can offer about 56 mg of choline.

4. Dairy: Milk, yogurt, and cheese contain choline in smaller amounts. For instance, a cup of milk has about 38 mg of choline.

5. Legumes: Certain legumes (beans), such as kidney beans and soybeans, are good plant-based sources of choline. A cup of cooked soybeans provides about 107 mg of choline.

6. Nuts and seeds: Nuts and seeds, especially peanuts and sunflower seeds, contain choline. A quarter cup of peanuts provides about 24 mg of choline.

7. Vegetables: Cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower are decent sources of choline. For example, a cup of cooked Brussels sprouts has about 63 mg of choline.

8. Whole grains: Quinoa, wheat germ, and brown rice provide small amounts of choline as well.

9. Dynamic Brain: With a blend of 40 brain health ingredients, including nootropics such as Huperzine A, Bacopa Extract, DHA, and Phosphatidylserine – Dynamic Brain is designed to support your brain’s cognitive ability.*

Unleash your brain’s full potential with Stonehenge Health’s Dynamic Brain, the ultimate cognitive support supplement designed to enhance memory, focus, and mental clarity.* 

Our carefully formulated blend of 40 powerful brain health ingredients, including choline and nootropics like Huperzine A, Bacopa Extract, DHA, and Phosphatidylserine, works synergistically to support optimal brain function and cognitive agility.* 

Whether you’re navigating the stressful demands of a hectic lifestyle, aiming to boost your productivity, or seeking to protect your brain health for years to come, Dynamic Brain offers a scientifically backed solution rich in choline and 39 other brain health ingredients.* 

Join the thousands of satisfied customers who have already experienced the transformative benefits of Dynamic Brain—a sharper, more focused mind is just a supplement away.*

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Unlocking the mystery of Omega-3s: Essential fats explained

older man taking his supplements
older man taking his supplements

Let’s unravel the secrets of one of nature’s most powerful nutrients…

Omega-3 fatty acids, the unsung heroes of dietary fats, stand at the forefront of health science, offering a treasure trove of benefits that seem almost too good to be true. 

Imagine a single nutrient capable of bolstering heart health, sharpening your brainpower, assisting your vision, ensuring the agility of your joints, and acting as a guardian against the invisible threats that free radicals pose to our cells. 

In this blog post, we’re embarking on a journey to explore how these essential fats work their magic, the science behind their health benefits, and how you can easily incorporate them into your life. 

Get ready to be amazed by the profound impact that omega-3s can have on your well-being, and unlock the mystery of how these essential fats can transform your health in ways you never thought possible.

Let’s get started. 

What are Omega-3 fatty acids?

Omega 3 rich foods

Omega-3 fatty acids are super special helpers for your body, like superheroes for your health! Imagine you have a team of tiny heroes traveling through your body, fighting off bad guys like sickness and keeping your heart, brain, and eyes strong and happy. These heroes are called Omega-3s.

There are three main types of these superhero Omega-3s:

ALA (Alpha-linolenic acid): This one comes from plants. Think of eating seeds like flaxseeds or walnuts and green, leafy vegetables. ALA is like the base hero that can turn into other types of heroes your body needs.

EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid): This hero is found in fish and seafood. EPA is great at fighting swelling, which is the body’s way of getting swollen or irritated by bad guys.

DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid): Also found in fish and seafood, DHA is critical for your brain and eyes, ensuring they work their best and stay sharp.

In simple terms, omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats your body needs but can’t make on its own. That means we have to get them from what we eat. They’re like power-ups that help keep different parts of our body working well, supporting everything from our mood to how well we can see and think.

Why are they called Omega-3 fatty acids?

Cooked salmon

Imagine you have a long train made of tiny building blocks. Now, this train is a special kind of fat that’s really good for you, called an omega-3 fatty acid. The reason it’s called “omega-3” is because of the way the train is put together.

If you start counting the building blocks from the end of the train at the caboose and move towards the front, you’ll find something special about the third block. This third block has a special hook or connection that makes omega-3s different from other fats. Because this unique thing happens at the third block from the end, we call it “omega-3.”

The “special hook” in the third block from the end is not just a trivial detail; it’s a fundamental aspect of why omega-3 fatty acids are so beneficial for health. It sets them apart from other types of fats and underlies many of their health-promoting properties.

Can you survive without Omega-3 fatty acids?

older woman and man at the park doing yoga

No, you can’t really thrive without Omega-3 fatty acids. Think of Omega-3s as essential tools in your body’s toolkit. Just like a builder needs a hammer and nails to create a strong house, your body needs Omega-3s to build and maintain a healthy you.

With these superhero nutrients, your body can benefit from critical health benefits. 

So, while you might survive without Omega-3s for a while, your body wouldn’t be at its best. It’s like trying to use a smartphone with a really low battery; it might still work, but not nearly as well as when it’s fully charged. Including Omega-3s in your diet is a smart move for your body to thrive and for you to feel your best.

While the absence of omega-3 fatty acids is not immediately life-threatening, a deficiency could lead to significant health issues over time.

What do Omega-3 fatty acids do for your health?

older woman happy stretching in bed

Here’s why they are super important to your overall health

Heart: They help keep your heart healthy by lowering bad fat levels in your blood and increasing good fat levels. They can also help lower high blood pressure and make it less likely that you will have heart problems.

Brain: Omega-3s can make you feel happier and less anxious. They are also good for your brain’s health, helping you remember things better and think clearly.

Eyes: They are important for your eyesight. Omega-3 fat helps keep the eyes healthy.

Bones and joints: Omega-3s can help strengthen your bones and make your joints move more smoothly.

Sleep: They can help you sleep better. Good sleep is important for your overall health.

Skin: Omega-3s keep your skin healthy by making it soft, moist, and smooth. They can also help reduce wrinkles and acne.

As you can see, Omega-3s help nearly every aspect of your body.

Where can you get Omega-3 fatty acids?

spread of healthy fats. Avocado, salmon, nuts, oil

Luckily, there are a ton of ways for you to get Omega-3s into your body.

Fatty fish: This is one of the best sources of EPA and DHA, two important Omega-3 fatty acids. Examples include salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring, and trout.

Seafood: Besides fatty fish, other seafood like oysters, mussels, and shrimp also contain Omega-3s, though in smaller amounts compared to the fatty fish above.

Flaxseeds and flaxseed oil: These are rich in ALA, another type of Omega-3 fatty acid. Flaxseeds can be added to foods like yogurt, salads, or smoothies.

Chia seeds: Like flaxseeds, chia seeds are a good plant-based source of ALA and can be easily incorporated into various dishes.

Hemp seeds: Another small but powerful source of ALA Omega-3s.

Walnuts: Walnuts are another plant-based source of ALA and can be eaten as a snack or added to different recipes.

Soybeans and soy products: Soybeans and soy-based foods like tofu and tempeh contain ALA and are a good option for vegetarians and vegans.

Eggs: Depending on the hens’ diet, some eggs are fortified with Omega-3s. Look for eggs labeled as containing Omega-3 fatty acids.

Krill oil supplements: Krill (small, shrimp-like crustaceans from the ocean) have been a food source since the 19th century. Today, rather than eating the krill themselves, the oil is extracted, refined, and put into an easy-to-swallow softgel capsule.

Are you getting enough Omega-3 fatty acids?

Stonehenge Health Krill Oil

As important as they are for your health, your body cannot produce Omega-3 fatty acids on its own. Eating fish daily or taking krill oil supplements can help ensure you’re getting enough of these important fats.

According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), many Americans could benefit from higher intakes of Omega-3s.1

If eating more fish, flaxseed, walnuts, eggs, and soy isn’t on the menu, and if you’re among the many who should increase their intake of Omega-3s, Dynamic Krill Oil from Stonehenge Health is the answer for you. 

Sourced from the pure waters of the Antarctic Ocean, Dynamic Krill Oil is an essential supplement for your health and well-being. 

Give your body the help it needs by including Dynamic Krill Oil in your daily routine to support your heart, brain, and eye health while maintaining healthy joints and neutralizing free radicals.*

Dynamic Krill Oil supplement

Spice Up Your Life: 6 Benefits of Taking Turmeric Daily

turmeric roots on wooden table
turmeric roots on wooden table

Isn’t it nice when a healthy habit comes easily to you? 

Eating delicious food, of course, is something we can all get behind. 

So, how do you combine a healthy habit and tasty food?

If you incorporate Turmeric into your life, you can not only add flavor to your dishes, but you can also enjoy various physical and mental health benefits.

Turmeric is a bright yellow spice derived from the root of the Curcuma longa plant, widely used in cooking, particularly in Asian and Middle Eastern cuisines. However, its significance extends beyond culinary uses, and it has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its numerous health benefits.

6 Health Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric and water, healthy drink - Wooden background

There are so many benefits that Turmeric can bring you that adding it to your daily routine is a no-brainer. 

Let’s take a quick look at six key ways Turmeric can support your quest for optimal health.

1. Joint Health

mature lady in sportswear doing morning yoga, making bird dog pose, smiling senior woman training on fitness mat at home, stretching opposite leg and arm, enjoying healthy lifestyle

Turmeric, packed with bioactive curcuminoids, is renowned for its antioxidant benefits. Daily oxidative stress can wear out your joints. Antioxidants combat oxidative stress and support your vitality. 

Curcuminoids are the active compounds found in Turmeric, and they have the ability to support your joint and muscle health and contribute to overall well-being.

Many studies1 have shown that Turmeric curcumin can alleviate pain in the lower back, knees, hands, and wrists.* 

2. Brain Health

Middle aged woman with cup of drink solving sudoku puzzle at table indoors

Curcumin, the active ingredient in Turmeric, can increase levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF),2 which can help support age-related decreases in brain function.* BDNF assists in encouraging neurons to create new connections and growth, which helps support cognitive abilities, mood, and mental well-being.

3. Heart Health

 doctor with stethoscope examining red heart, isolated on white background

Curcumin in Turmeric has also been shown to have beneficial effects on heart health.* Research suggests that curcumin may help improve the function of the endothelium, which is the lining of the blood vessels.3

4. Digestive Health

Senior couple sharing meal at home

Turmeric can help support digestive health by stimulating bile production.4 Bile helps your body break down your food faster, which can aid in reducing bloating and gas. 

5. Immunity Booster

Cheerful woman with grey hair drinking tea in the kitchen

Curcumin has been shown to modulate the activation of different types of lymphocytes5 (such as T-cells and B-cells), which are all vital components of the immune system. 

For reference: 

T-Cells: A type of lymphocyte that plays a central role in cell-mediated immunity to kill infected or cancerous cells.

B-Cells: Another type of lymphocyte, B cells are responsible for producing antibodies that are used by the immune system to neutralize pathogens like viruses and bacteria.

In other words, a Turmeric curcumin supplement can help in creating an army of defense cells that aid in your immune response.*

6. Antioxidant Capacity

Senior woman rests and drinks water after workout in the park

Turmeric acts as a powerful antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals that can damage cellular structures and DNA.*

Note: Too many free radicals in your body can create oxidative stress, damaging important parts of your body like fats, proteins, and even DNA. 

Turmeric can also stimulate your body’s antioxidant mechanisms to help balance the amount of free radicals you have floating around inside you to safe levels.*

So, how do you get Turmeric into your life? 

mature woman reading recipe from tablet during cooking in kitchen

There are two easy ways to get more Turmeric into your body, —you can cook with it or take supplements. 

Enjoy Turmeric in Food

Indian Butter chicken with basmati rice in bowl, spices, black background. Space for text. Butter chicken, traditional Indian dish. Top view. Chicken tikka masala. Indian cuisine concept. Overhead

Turmeric is not only great for you, but it has a unique taste that many people like. 

Turmeric offers a warm, bitter, and slightly peppery taste with earthy undertones. This complexity adds depth to dishes, enhancing the overall flavor profile without overwhelming other ingredients.

Check out a few recipes you can use to incorporate Turmeric into your diet: 

You Won’t Miss the Bun – 3 Delicious Lettuce Wrap Recipes

Yummy Inflammation Fighting Turmeric Smoothie

Healthy Mac & Cheese Recipes

The flavor is not for everyone, and with cooking, your results may be mixed. Curcumin constitutes a tiny portion of the average Turmeric powders commonly utilized in cooking.

If you’re not a huge fan of Turmeric’s flavor, it may not be practical to incorporate it into every meal. Eating it alone makes it improbable that you’ll get enough curcumin to reap its potential health advantages fully.

Take Turmeric Supplements

Dynamic Turmeric

If you’re looking for the ideal dose of Turmeric and the easiest way to ensure you’re getting enough without adding it to your daily meals…

Supplementation is a convenient way to hit your target—right down to the milligram. 

Dynamic Turmeric is an ideal choice if you want to maximize the beneficial values Turmeric can have in your life.

Never worry about measuring the proper dosage or fear an unpleasant taste. Through extensive research and testing, we’ve created a balanced formula that adds easy absorption and digestive comfort to our Turmeric supplement.* Plus, we don’t use fillers, binders, or synthetic ingredients of any kind. 

If you want to harness the powerful antioxidant, detoxifier, and mood-boosting power, Dynamic Turmeric is an easy choice to include in your daily routine.*

Are you ready to support your immune system, brain, digestive, and joint health?

See why Dynamic Turmeric is one of our most popular wellness products.


Gentle Fitness: A Softer Approach to Staying Fit

Active life of older people. Happy sports couple going for a workout outdoors, holding exercise mats and water.
Active life of older people. Happy sports couple going for a workout outdoors, holding exercise mats and water.

In our non-stop, high-intensity world, it’s easy to believe that only the toughest workouts yield results. But what if we told you that slowing down could speed up your progress? Embrace the power of low-intensity workouts to get fit with less risk and discover a surprising ally for your cognitive health: Stonehenge Health’s Dynamic Brain.

6 Zen Benefits of Low-Intensity Workouts

Multiethnic group of senior women training at park with fitness instructor

Wave goodbye to the ‘no pain, no gain’ mantra. These gentle yet effective tips will keep your body and mind active without overtaxing your system. Here’s why turning down the intensity dial can turn up your health benefits…

1. Walking or Cycling for Heart Health

Mature fit people biking in the gym, exercising legs doing cardio workout cycling bikes

Brisk walks and leisurely bike rides aren’t just enjoyable but also incredibly heart-healthy. They boost circulation without undue stress on your heart, perfect for lifelong vitality.

2. Yoga for A Stress-Less Approach

Yoga at park. Senior family couple exercising outdoors. Concept of healthy lifestyle.

When you’re not pushing your limits, exercise becomes a form of moving meditation. Activities like yoga and tai chi reduce stress hormones, leaving you feeling serene and centered.

3. Weight Management, Made Manageable

Fit senior people running at city park - Group of elderly friends doing sport workout together outdoor

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to exhaust yourself to manage your weight. Consistent, low-intensity exercise can increase your metabolism over time, helping you to burn calories without the burnout.

4. Swimming or Pilates for a Joint-Friendly Journey

Smiling Senior Woman Relaxing In Swimming Pool

Low-impact workouts like swimming or pilates keep your joints jubilant. By reducing strain, you can build strength and flexibility without the fear of injury.

5. Endurance for the Everyday

mature woman exercising at home

Long walks or light resistance training build stamina, making everyday tasks feel easier. Say goodbye to huffing and puffing after a flight of stairs.

6. Safety First

Mature Woman having chiropractic back adjustment.

With a lower risk of injury, low-intensity workouts are sustainable. They’re a safe bet for those new to exercise or dealing with chronic health issues.

Integrating Low-Intensity Workouts

Consistent action creates consistent results - handwriting on a napkin with a cup of coffee

Incorporating these workouts into your routine is a breeze. Start with activities you enjoy and build from there. The goal is consistency, not intensity. Remember, even on low-energy days, a gentle workout is better than none.

Fueling Your Mind and Body

senior beautiful woman with a brain

While taking care of your physical health, don’t neglect your brain. Stonehenge Health’s Dynamic Brain supplement is designed to complement your wellness journey. As low-intensity workouts respect your body’s limits, Dynamic Brain supports your cognitive functions with a thoughtful blend of nootropics and adaptogens.*

Seize the Day, Mindfully

Dynamic Brain

Packed with brain-boosting ingredients like Bacopa Extract, Choline, and Huperzine A, plus essential vitamins and minerals, Dynamic Brain is the perfect partner for your low-intensity workouts.*  It supports memory, focus, and overall mental agility, making it a crucial piece of your health puzzle.*

Low-intensity workouts are a testament to the adage “slow and steady wins the race.” They offer a path to fitness that’s kind to your body and beneficial for your mind. And when paired with Dynamic Brain, you’re not just working out smarter; you’re living with ease.

Prepared to start a wellness adventure that’s as gentle on your mind as it is on your body? Embrace the gentle power of low-intensity workouts and bolster your brain’s health with Dynamic Brain. Together, they’re your blueprint for a fit, fulfilled, and focused life.

Superfoods: A Recipe for Healthy Aging

woman with a background of fruits and vegetables
woman with a background of fruits and vegetables

Aging is a natural part of life, and how we age depends on various factors, including our lifestyle and food choices. In the quest for aging well, superfoods have emerged as powerful allies. 

These nutrient-dense wonders nourish our bodies and can help stave off the signs of aging, keeping us vibrant and healthy as the years go by. 

Keep reading to delve into these powerful superfoods, uncovering their numerous advantages, and even discover a delightful recipe that simplifies the inclusion of many superfoods in a single, convenient recipe.

What Are Superfoods?

woman drinking healthy smoothie in kitchen

Superfoods are nutrient-rich and packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other essential compounds that offer many health benefits. 

They’re like nature’s gift to your well-being, delivering a potent blend of nutrition that can support your overall health and longevity. Incorporating superfoods into your daily life can help you age well by providing the essential nutrients your body needs to function optimally.

5 Anti-Aging Benefits of Superfoods

Full medical checkup, complex health check-up of all body organs concept. Examining from brain and heart to bladder and intestine. High quality photo

1. Powerful Antioxidants: Many superfoods are abundant in antioxidants, which help combat free radicals that lead to oxidative stress. This, in turn, can help slow down the aging process by reducing cell damage.

2. Promoting Heart Health: Incorporating superfoods like fatty fish, abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, and leafy greens, rich in potassium, into your diet can be a valuable strategy for nurturing heart health. These foods effectively lower blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease.

3. Bone Health: Maintaining strong bones becomes crucial as we age. Superfoods like leafy greens, dairy or dairy alternatives, and almonds are excellent sources of calcium, which is essential for bone health.

4. Brain Function: Some superfoods, like blueberries, have been linked to enhanced cognitive function, memory, and brain health, helping to preserve mental acuity as you age.

5. Skin Health: Superfoods rich in vitamins and antioxidants, like oranges and sweet potatoes, can help maintain youthful and radiant skin.

Top 7 Superfoods

Grilled salmon on cutting board close-up

1. Berries: Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, acai berries, and strawberries are brimming with antioxidants, which can help reduce oxidative stress and support brain and heart health.

2. Leafy Greens: Kale, spinach, and Swiss chard are packed with vitamins, particularly K and A. They promote bone health, support digestion, and boost the immune system.

3. Fatty Fish: Salmon, mackerel, sardines, and krill are some of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which support heart health, and brain function.

4. Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, chia seeds, and flaxseeds provide healthy fats, fiber, and protein. They can help lower cholesterol levels, improve digestion, and support overall well-being.

5. Turmeric: This spice contains curcumin, known for its antioxidant properties.

6. Greek Yogurt: Greek yogurt supports gut health and aids in digestion because it’s a great source of probiotics and protein. 

7. Green Tea: Rich in special antioxidants called catechins. These antioxidants help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, reducing the risk of various health risks.

Delicious Superfood Smoothie for Healthy Aging

Delicious Superfood Smoothie for Healthy Aging recipe


     – 1 cup of kale or spinach (rich in vitamins and antioxidants)

     – 1/2 cup of blueberries (packed with antioxidants)

     – 1/2 banana (for added potassium)

     – 1 tablespoon of chia seeds (excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids)

     – 1 cup of reduced-fat milk (or almond milk – a dairy alternative rich in calcium)

     – 1 teaspoon of honey (optional for sweetness)


     1. Place all ingredients in a blender.

     2. Blend until smooth and enjoy your nutrient-packed, anti-aging smoothie.


Makes 1 serving | 339 calories, 9.8g fat, 54.1g carbohydrates, 31g sugar, fiber 9.2g

Superfood Wellness Made Easy

Embrace your well-being by tapping into the incredible benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids and Turmeric, two superfoods with remarkable potential. And experience their daily benefits through the ultimate convenience when you include Stonehenge Health’s Dynamic Krill Oil and Dynamic Turmeric in your daily routine.*

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Krill Oil is a powerhouse boasting a substantial 1,600 mg of pure Antarctic Krill Oil. This supplement is your key to supporting heart, joint, and brain health. *

It’s loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, and super antioxidant Astaxanthin. Krill oil is renowned for its remarkable bioavailability, ensuring your body reaps the maximum benefits from this Omega-3 source. *

But the superfood journey doesn’t end there. Take your wellness to new heights by incorporating Dynamic Turmeric. This high-dose turmeric powder and curcumin supplement is a nutritional gem, with a generous blend of 1,650 mg of turmeric powder and extract. What’s more, it includes 15 mg of BioPerine® for better absorption.

Dynamic Turmeric supplement
Dynamic Krill Oil supplement

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.