Breaking Free from Multitasking With a Healthier Approach to Productivity

A cheerful, busy mature Asian female tailor or online clothes shop seller is multitasking, talking on the phone with her customer while working on her computer in her atelier studio.
A cheerful, busy mature Asian female tailor or online clothes shop seller is multitasking, talking on the phone with her customer while working on her computer in her atelier studio.

In today’s fast-paced world, multitasking is a societal norm. 

It’s often listed as a desirable skill in job descriptions and is commonly thought of as a positive trait. We almost yearn to juggle multiple tasks at once, believing it will make us more productive. 

And I admit it; as a Mom and full-time researcher and writer, I am a frequent multitasker. 

But is multitasking really beneficial, or is it doing more harm than good?

To answer that you have to dig into the science of the human brain.

The Science of Multitasking

task switching concept

From a scientific standpoint, multitasking isn’t quite what it seems. 

The human brain is not designed to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. Instead, what we refer to as multitasking is actually “task switching.” 

This is when the brain rapidly shifts its focus from one task to another. According to a study from the University of Southern California, this constant switching can lead to several inefficiencies. The study indicates that multitasking causes us to make more mistakes, retain less information, and also changes the way our brains work.1

When we switch tasks, our brain must reconfigure itself to the new task’s rules and parameters. This process consumes cognitive resources and time, making each switch less efficient and increasing the likelihood of errors. 

As a result, the quality of work often declines.

The Downsides of Multitasking on Your Health

Multitasking Concept. Overworked Businessman Sitting At Laptop Overloaded With Work

But apart from the reduced quality of work, there are potentially some serious mental health concerns associated with constant multitasking. 

Increased Stress

middle-aged woman sleeping leaned on soft cushions looks without energy

Multitasking can elevate stress levels. The brain’s constant shifting between tasks creates a sense of pressure and urgency, which can lead to chronic stress. 

Over time, this stress can contribute to burnout and other health issues.

Multitasking can elevate stress levels. The brain’s constant shifting between tasks creates a sense of pressure and urgency, which can lead to chronic stress. 

Over time, this stress can contribute to burnout and other health issues.

Cognitive Decline

forgetful woman looking at calendar

There is evidence that multitasking may contribute to long-term cognitive decline. Research published in the journal PLOS ONE found that people who frequently multitask may experience reduced brain density in areas responsible for cognitive control and emotional regulation.2


online shopping. impulsive shopping concept

Multitasking can make us more impulsive. When we’re constantly switching tasks, we may become accustomed to the rapid pace and start making hasty decisions without fully considering the consequences. 

This impulsiveness can negatively impact our professional and personal lives.

4 Benefits of Focusing on One Task

Middle-aged woman in headphones sit at table in kitchen look at laptop screen

While multitasking might seem like a way to get more done, focusing on one task at a time can be much more effective.

1. Improved Quality of Work

Happy mature woman planting flowers in the garden at home

When we dedicate our full attention to a single task, the quality of our work improves. We’re able to think more deeply, catch mistakes, and produce better outcomes.

2. Reduced Stress

mature woman happy cooking in kitchen

Focusing on one task at a time can reduce stress. It allows us to work at a more manageable pace and complete tasks more efficiently, leading to a greater sense of accomplishment and well-being.

3. Enhanced Cognitive Function

senior couple playing chess at leisure

Focusing on one task can strengthen our cognitive abilities. Concentrated effort improves memory, problem-solving skills, and overall brain health.

4. Better Decision Making

Happy retired couple of clients buying new house

Single-tasking encourages thoughtful decision-making. It gives us the time to consider all aspects of a situation, leading to more balanced and well-informed choices.

Supercharge Your Ability to Single-Task with Dynamic Mushrooms

Dynamic Mushrooms

Incorporating single-tasking into your routine can transform your productivity and well-being.

To enhance this process, consider adding Dynamic Mushrooms to your daily regimen. Dynamic Mushrooms is a powerhouse blend of Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Chaga, Maitake, and Shitake mushrooms. These adaptogenic mushrooms are meticulously extracted from concentrated fruiting bodies, providing the highest quality and most potent ingredients.

Supports Mental Clarity*

woman standing happily with arms crossed

Dynamic Mushrooms supports mental clarity, allowing you to focus more effectively on individual tasks.* With sharpened thinking, you can delve deeper into your work and produce higher-quality results.*

Reduces Stress*

mature woman relaxing on home couch

The adaptogenic properties of these mushrooms help your body better adapt to stressful situations, promoting a sense of calm and well-being.* This makes it easier to manage your workload without feeling overwhelmed.*

Enhances Cognitive Function*

older man painting

The blend of mushrooms in Dynamic Mushrooms supports cognitive function, helping to maintain brain health and improve mental performance.* This is especially beneficial when concentrating on complex tasks.

While multitasking may seem like a necessity in our busy lives, it often leads to reduced productivity, increased stress, and cognitive decline. 

By embracing the power of single-tasking, you can improve the quality of your work, reduce stress, and make better decisions. Dynamic Mushrooms can support this shift, enhancing your mental clarity and overall well-being.*

Take the first step towards a more focused and fulfilling life with Dynamic Mushrooms, and experience the benefits of truly embracing each moment.*


20-Minute Savory Mushroom Pâté Recipe: The Star Appetizer of Your Next BBQ

Family having lunch at summer garden party.
Family having lunch at summer garden party.

“Can you bring an appetizer?”

If you have a dinner party or a barbecue coming up, we have a dish you can bring that will seriously ‘wow’ your friends. 

If you bring chips and salsa, your friends will be grateful, and it’ll probably get eaten. 

If you bring this mushroom pâté, there will be a line at the appetizer table, and you will become a legend. 

This is a vegetarian version of the classic pâté and makes for a rich and flavorful spread that’s perfect for appetizers or as part of a sophisticated meal.

It’s not only delicious, but the mushrooms in this recipe contain several health benefits your friends and family will appreciate. 

Mushrooms like shitake, portobello, and cremini are low in calories, making them a great weight management choice. 

They also provide valuable nutrients such as B vitamins, which are essential for energy metabolism and brain health, and minerals like selenium, which is important for thyroid function and has antioxidant properties.

Additionally, mushrooms labeled “fortified” have been exposed to sunlight or ultraviolet light, which provides them with vitamin D—a crucial nutrient for bone health and immune function.

You can feel confident knowing this recipe is not only tasty but also supports a healthy, balanced diet with a range of nutrients. 

This pâté is an elegant and flavorful choice that can impress as a part of a charcuterie board or a gourmet appetizer. Its rich, umami-packed flavor profile makes it a delightful alternative to meat-based pâtés.

And best of all… 

It’s easy to make!

Mushroom Pâté


• 1 pound mixed mushrooms (shiitake, portobello, cremini), finely chopped

• 1 shallot, minced

• 2 cloves garlic, minced

• 1/4 cup unsalted butter (consider subbing 3 tsp of olive oil for a healthy alternative) 

• 1 tablespoon olive oil

• 1/4 cup dry sherry or white wine

• 1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves

• 2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped

• 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

• 1/3 cup low-fat cream cheese, softened (consider subbing ⅓ cup silken tofu for a healthy alternative)

• Salt and freshly ground black pepper

• Toasted bread, crackers, or vegetable sticks for serving


1. Cook the mushrooms: Heat the butter and olive oil over medium heat in a large skillet. Add the shallot and garlic, and sauté until soft and translucent. Add the mushrooms and increase the heat to medium-high. Cook until the mushrooms are golden brown and all their liquid has evaporated, stirring occasionally.

2. Deglaze and season: Add the dry sherry or white wine to the skillet, scraping up any browned bits from the bottom of the pan. Cook until most of the liquid has evaporated. Stir in the thyme and cook for another minute. Remove from heat and let it cool slightly.

3. Blend the pâté: Transfer the mushroom mixture to a food processor. Add the parsley, Dijon mustard, and cream cheese. Blend until smooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

4. Chill: Transfer the pâté to a serving bowl or mold. Cover and chill in the refrigerator for at least an hour to allow the flavors to meld and the pâté to firm up.

5. Serve: Serve the mushroom pâté chilled with toasted bread, crackers, or a selection of vegetable sticks for dipping.

Nutritional Info:

Servings: Approximately 10

• Serving size: 2-3 tablespoons

• Calories per serving: 80 kcal

• Fat per serving: 7 grams

• Protein per serving: 2 grams

• Carbohydrates per serving: 3 grams

• Sugars per serving: 1 gram

• Fiber per serving: .5 gram

Mushroom pate recipe card

This unique recipe is guaranteed to impress your friends. Be prepared for a lot of questions about the recipe, and feel free to share this link. 

Or keep it a secret; it’s up to you.

Functional Mushrooms for Healthy Stress Response

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms

Do parties, BBQs, or other social gatherings ever give you anxiety? 

Party anxiety is pretty common, but it can turn what’s supposed to be a pleasant time among family and friends into something that you dread. 

Dynamic Mushrooms from Stonehenge Health harnesses the natural power of adaptogenic mushrooms to address stress and anxiety.* 

Adaptogenic mushrooms are types of fungi known for their ability to help the body adapt to and resist different physical and mental stressors. In other words, they can help your body cope with stress and anxiety, which is why they’re a key ingredient in Dynamic Mushrooms. It’s important to note that these are not the mushrooms you’ll find in this pâté or at the supermarket.

This blend contains four renowned types of mushrooms—Lion’s Mane, Chaga, Maitake, and Reishi—each known for their health-promoting properties.*

Lion’s Mane is celebrated for its potential to support brain health and cognitive function.* This can be particularly beneficial for managing stress, as it may help improve focus and mental clarity, making it easier to navigate stressful situations.* 

Reishi is widely used in traditional medicine for its calming properties and is believed to help enhance sleep quality and reduce anxiety, providing a more relaxed state of mind.*

But there’s more. 

Chaga and Maitake also help your body and mind better adapt to stressful situations, so you feel zen-like calmness.*

Chaga is known for its antioxidant properties, which can combat oxidative stress—a physiological stressor.*

Maitake has been noted for its potential to support overall immunity, which can be compromised by chronic stress and anxiety.*

By combining these powerful mushrooms, Dynamic Mushrooms aims to offer a natural, holistic approach to managing stress and promoting a sense of well-being, helping users maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle amidst their daily challenges. Why not give it a try and see how it can help you?

Unveil the Power of Fungi: 3 Science-Backed Benefits You Can Get From Mushrooms

reishi functional mushroom
reishi functional mushroom

If you’ve been reading magazines or seeing lots of ads for mushroom products, you might be wondering: 

What’s all this talk about mushrooms? I thought they were just for pasta, salads, and pizza…

We’re not talking about those kinds of ‘shrooms—we’re talking about functional mushrooms. 

They’re called “functional mushrooms” because they contain bioactive compounds believed to positively impact the body, from boosting the immune system to enhancing mental clarity and providing energy.*

Functional mushrooms are:

• Rich in beta-glucans, so they support your immune system.*

Nootropic, meaning they support memory and mental clarity.*

Adaptogenic, which means they assist your body in adapting to daily stress, leading to improved mood and sleep quality.*

At Stonehenge Health, we have a unique blend of five functional mushrooms we call Dynamic Mushrooms

With thousands of online reviews, our community has shared many stories about the results they’re getting with our functional mushroom blend. 

In today’s article, we’ll pull a few recent testimonials and dive into the science behind the reported health benefits. 

Let’s start with three of the top reported health benefits: 

1. Increased concentration*

2. Reduced stress*

3. Less brain fog*

Let’s dive in.

1. Concentration

Concentrated mature businesswoman ceo boss typing on laptop, working at office desk

Short attention spans…

In our increasingly fast-paced world, you may feel like your attention span is getting shorter every year. 

Maybe it’s getting harder to finish a book, pay attention to a conversation, or even watch a movie without looking at your phone…

If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. Concentration problems are a widespread concern, but you don’t have to let them negatively impact your life. 

Studies on the Lion’s Mane mushroom have shown its potential to enhance cognitive functions, including concentration. One study indicated that its bioactive compounds could stimulate brain cell growth, improving mental focus and cognitive agility, which are key to maintaining concentration. 1

This is exactly why we’ve included Lion’s Mane in our Dynamic Mushrooms formulation. A full gram in a 10:1 extract of the mushroom’s fruiting body packs a potent punch of nootropics designed to help support cognitive function.* 

 These are the types of stories we hear from our customers every day: 

“I noticed the difference in mental activity in the first few days.”*Jeff

“The day after taking it, I do feel a lot sharper! I noticed it the very first day after taking it! I gave it a month before writing this review because I do randomly have good days sometimes, and I wanted to rule out coincidences. But I am convinced it is working for me!”*Arlene

While many people turn to stimulants like caffeine to try and enhance their concentration, functional mushrooms may be able to give you the boost in focus you’re looking for without the crash.*

2. Stress

Senior Man Rubbing Tired Eyes Wearing Eyeglasses

Have you ever watched a TV show with a character who is so laid-back and calm no matter the situation you can’t help but laugh when you see them? 

It’s funny because everyone gets stressed out occasionally; nobody stays cool 100% of the time. 

And while stress is never fun, it happens sometimes and that’s normal. 

But if you find yourself constantly stressed or know somebody who is, it may indicate a larger problem. 

The Reishi mushroom, known for its adaptogenic properties, can help balance the body’s stress responses.*

“Adaptogenic” refers to substances that help the body manage stress by normalizing physiological processes and promoting a balanced homeostasis.

Clinical evaluations suggest that Reishi can lower elevated stress levels, promoting a more relaxed state of mind.*

Dynamic Mushrooms is packed with 100 mg of this incredible fungi, along with another 100 mg in a 4:1 extract of Maitake—also studied for its role in helping modulate the body’s stress response.* 

Together, these two adaptogenic mushrooms can provide a buffer against the physical and psychological impacts of stress.*

“These are amazing! Best mushrooms I have tried on the market. Fruiting bodies helped a lot with cognitive, stress, fatigue, and focus. Felt the results on day 2, been taking for three months now. Subscribed for monthly deliveries. Well worth it.”*Jessica

3. Brain fog

older man forgetful

“Helps with brain fog and concentration.”*Geno

Brain fog isn’t technically a medical condition but rather a term describing symptoms that can affect one’s thinking ability. 

If you’ve ever had feelings of confusion, forgetfulness, lack of focus, mental clarity, and decreased concentration, then you know exactly what brain fog is. 

It can be caused by a variety of factors, including lack of sleep, stress, hormonal changes, diet, and medical conditions.

Hericium erinaceus (commonly known as Lion’s Mane mushroom) has been reported to have therapeutic activities related to the promotion of nerve and brain health.*

By stimulating the production of nerve growth factor, Lion’s Mane can potentially clear mental clutter and enhance cognitive clarity, combatting brain fog symptoms.* This improvement in cognitive functioning is essential for mental clarity and effective thinking.*

Next Steps

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms

Our customers use Dynamic Mushrooms to unlock the full power of their minds (among other health benefits). 

The thousands of online reviews we’ve received continuously tell us this. 

But what we want to know is: 

What could you accomplish with increased mental energy and sharpness? 

If you’re ready to find out, join the thousands of Dynamic Mushrooms fans and subscribe to unlock your full potential today.


5 Tips to Uplift Yourself if You’re Feeling Lonely Right Now

Older woman smiling looking to the side
Older woman smiling looking to the side

In today’s fast-paced world, where connections often exist more in the digital realm than in the physical, feelings of loneliness can creep in unexpectedly. 

Somehow, that vast network of friends on Facebook just doesn’t seem to satisfy your need for connection…

Loneliness can affect anyone, from the most socially active to those living more solitary lives. 

If you find yourself wrestling with the pangs of solitude, know that you’re actually not alone in feeling alone. 

Today, we want to share some heartfelt strategies to combat loneliness

But first, let’s acknowledge a common adversary in our journey toward fulfillment: the shadow of isolation. 

Just as perfectionism and fear can hinder reaching our goals, loneliness can also act as a barrier to a vibrant, connected life. It’s crucial to address this feeling head-on and transform it into a stepping stone towards deeper self-awareness and community connection.

Here are 5 practical tips you can use to connect with your world in a more meaningful way.

Tip #1: Embrace Connection in All Forms

Diverse group of older friends smiling over drinks together

In moments of loneliness, remember the importance of proactive communication. 

If you haven’t heard from somebody you love in a long time, don’t dwell on the sadness—do something about it

Reach out to family and friends, even if it’s just for a quick chat. 

If you’re having trouble finding the right words, consider starting the conversation with a quick story about something that happened recently and how it reminded you of that person. 

A story can help break the ice and make the conversation more natural.

Social media and technology have made it easier than ever to stay in touch, but don’t underestimate the power of a handwritten letter or a spontaneous phone call. 

Connecting with others helps remind us of our place in the larger tapestry of life.

Try this two or three times, and you’ll find yourself in a completely different headspace.

Tip #2: Engage in Self-Reflection

Older woman writing in her journal at a coffee shop

Use this ‘alone time’ for self-reflection

Consider journaling your thoughts and feelings. This practice can offer insights into what brings you joy and fulfillment.

While friendly chats and lunches with friends will briefly satisfy your need for connection, you’ll need to understand the motivation behind that need to truly feel satisfied.

Achieving mental clarity is essential for self-reflection.

Tip #3: Cultivate a Hobby

Older woman painting

Diving into a new or long-forgotten hobby can be incredibly therapeutic and a powerful antidote to loneliness. 

Whether you paint, garden, play sports, or do anything in between, hobbies not only fill your time with meaningful activity but also open doors to new communities with similar interests. Mutual hobbies can help you feel more connected to others and break out of feelings of isolation, especially if you can do them in a group.

Moreover, hobbies offer a sense of purpose and accomplishment. Improving your skills or creating something beautiful boosts your self-esteem and confidence, ultimately leading to a more positive outlook on life.

When you have free time, instead of scrolling through social media, why not pick up that guitar or paintbrush? You never know where it may take you.

Tip #4: Volunteer Your Time

Woman volunteering reading to the elders

Volunteering is a profound way to connect with others and combat feelings of isolation. 

Psychology research suggests that giving to others can increase your own happiness.

Additionally, by contributing to causes you care about, you’ll not only make a difference in the world but also build connections with like-minded individuals. 

This act of service can be incredibly fulfilling and remind you of the impact one person can have on the lives of others.

Tip #5: Prioritize Your Wellbeing

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms

Physical activity, a balanced nutritious diet, and adequate rest are foundational to our overall well-being and can influence our emotional health. 

No matter which outlet you choose to enhance your well-being set out with purpose and conviction for the best results. 

The goal is to get YOU to a better place, which may take time or investment, but don’t let daily life’s fast pace and stress distract from your goal. 

As you explore your inner landscape, consider incorporating natural supplements like Dynamic Mushrooms into your routine. The blend of Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, Chaga, and Reishi supports cognitive health and mental clarity, potentially making your self-reflection sessions more fruitful.*

Incorporating Dynamic Mushrooms into your wellness regimen can also support your vitality, immune health, stress management, and mental clarity.* This will empower you to feel your best and engage more fully with the world around you.

Remember that loneliness is a common human experience, yet it doesn’t have to define your life. 

By embracing connection, engaging in self-reflection, cultivating new interests, volunteering, and prioritizing your well-being—with a little help from nature’s bounty, like Dynamic Mushrooms—you can navigate through and beyond the shadows of solitude. 

Let’s take these steps together, nurturing our minds, bodies, and spirits for a more connected and fulfilling tomorrow.

5 Advantages, Opportunities, and Joys That Only Time Can Provide

Society and the media tend to paint getting older in a negative light, often presenting it as a phase to be dreaded.

Having negative perceptions about the aging process is normal.

Getting old…

Not as young as I used to be…

If it were only 20 years ago…

However, the narrative doesn’t have to follow this grim outlook.

When viewed through a different lens, this time has the potential to be one of the most enriching parts of your life.

We recently had a memorable conversation with Rosalinda, a vibrant 63-year-old business owner and grandmother whose energy surpassed that of many people half her age.

Through an engaging conversation with this business owner, we realized that your 60s and beyond is not a decline into obscurity but rather a period brimming with unique opportunities, advantages, and joys.

Specifically, we count 5 benefits you can only get through getting older.

1. Confidence

Woman smiling at the camera

Confidence is a trait that strengthens with time and experience.

As the years pass and you stack up achievements, you feel empowered to embrace new challenges without the fear of failure or the apprehension of judgment from others.

With more years comes a deeper understanding of your identity and capabilities. This self-awareness fosters comfort in your own skin and an appreciation for your distinct qualities, leading to both professionally and personally positive impacts.

2. Maturity

Woman practicing yoga and tai chi outdoors

Maturity encompasses more than just chronological age; it reflects a refined perspective on the world and your role within it.

Time often brings a more balanced temperament and an enhanced ability to navigate life’s highs and lows. There’s a tendency to prioritize the important over the trivial, adding a layer of serenity to your life experience.

3. Wisdom

Man enjoying the outdoors with a book

Wisdom is a gift that comes with time, provided attention is paid to life’s lessons.

Each year imparts valuable insights about yourself, others, and the broader world, which in turn aids in making wiser choices and avoiding repetitive mistakes.

This accumulated knowledge also serves as a guiding light for younger generations, offering precious advice borne of experience.

4. Patience

Couple enjoying their time together while cooking

Patience grows with age.

Youth can be a time of impatience, with a desire for immediate gratification. Maturity, however, teaches the value of timing and fostering patience with oneself and with others, which can enhance relationships and reduce stress.

Acceptance of one’s evolving appearance also emerges, allowing for a greater appreciation of internal beauty traits like compassion, kindness, and empathy.

5. Gratitude

2 Friends hugging and thanking each other

Youth often takes for granted health and vitality.

As the years pass, the potential loss of faculties can lead to a heightened appreciation for them when they function well. This recognition fuels a profound sense of gratitude for life’s blessings, big or small.

Furthermore, a lifetime of experiences cultivates a sense of humor and resilience, invaluable qualities no wealth can buy. This results in a grounded, optimistic outlook filled with laughter, even amidst challenges.

Our encounter with Rosalinda

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms

Contrary to the belief that working in your 60s and 70s equates to slowing down, staying engaged and active at this stage can actually enhance life’s enjoyment and vitality. However, keeping pace may require more energy and cognitive sharpness.

After dedicating four decades to her family and business, Rosalinda found herself drained of energy.

She felt overwhelmed by physical and mental exhaustion.

Her search for vitality led her to discover functional mushrooms.

Rosalinda shared this with us:

“Being a businesswoman with unique responsibilities, I found that incorporating Dynamic Mushrooms into my daily routine not only boosted my immune system but also enhanced my mental clarity, memory, and energy and allowed me to work stress-free.*”

With Dynamic Mushrooms™ as part of her regimen, Rosalinda experienced a remarkable turnaround. Her mental acuity was restored, and fatigue lost its grip on her life.*

Are you ready to live your success story?

Our proprietary blend includes the functional mushroom Lion’s Mane, which provides cognitive supporting benefits for healthy brain function and stress response to daily challenges.*

Unplug and Recharge: Discovering the 8 Transformative Powers of Forest Bathing

Loving Senior Couple Holding Hands Hiking In Woodland Countryside Together
Loving Senior Couple Holding Hands Hiking In Woodland Countryside Together

How many thoughts do you have in your mind, right this moment? 

It’s kind of hard to tell, isn’t it? 

But I’ll bet it’s a lot. Potentially more than you’d like.

Screens—from TVs to laptops to smartphones—give our brains an incredible amount of data to process, but because of that constant flow of information, it can be hard to slow down and actually process your thoughts. 

The ability to pay full attention to your thoughts in the moment (with no judgment or planning) is called mindfulness. 

Mindfulness has a slew of benefits for your mental health, but it’s a skill you must practice and learn. Because of the perceived ‘hard work’ of being mindful, you might put it off or make it your next New Year’s resolution. 

But what if you had an easy way to tap into mindfulness

This is where forest bathing comes into play.

What is forest bathing?

older woman meditating in the forest. forest bathing

Forest bathing, also known as Shinrin-yoku in Japanese, is the practice of spending time in a forest or natural wooded area to enhance your health, wellness, and happiness

This practice involves immersing yourself in the forest environment, engaging all five senses to absorb the surroundings fully.

The practice does not mandate specific exercises or activities, such as hiking or jogging. Instead, forest bathing emphasizes simply being in nature and engaging in mindful observation of the natural world. 

The concept of forest bathing was developed in Japan during the 1980s as a response to the increasing stress and health issues faced by the population due to rapid urbanization and technological advances.

8 Benefits of Forest Bathing

older woman forest bathing

If you’re on the fence about leaving your phone behind for a walk in the woods, consider these 8 benefits:

1. Reduced stress: Being in a forest environment can significantly lower cortisol levels, a stress hormone, thereby reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

2. Improved mood: Forest bathing has been shown to decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety, leading to improvements in mood and overall emotional well-being.

4. Improved concentration and cognitive function: Forests’ natural settings can enhance mental function and concentration by offering a restorative environment that contrasts with the overstimulating urban environments many people experience daily.

5. Enhanced immune function: Exposure to forests boosts the production of natural killer (NK) cells, a type of white blood cell that helps fight off infections by destroying infected cells.

6. Increased energy: Individuals often report feeling more energetic after spending time in nature, which can be attributed to the therapeutic effects of being in a natural setting.

7. Improved sleep: Regular engagement in forest bathing has been associated with improvements in sleep quality, likely due to its stress-reducing effects.

8. Connection with nature: Forest bathing fosters a deeper connection with the natural world, which can enhance feelings of happiness and elicit a sense of belonging to the larger ecosystem.

9. Enhanced creativity: Forest environments can help rejuvenate the mind and improve creativity by reducing mental fatigue and stress.

You can almost hear the birds chirping and wind rustling in the leaves now…

And there’s another way you can put your forest bathing experience over the top. 

Supercharging your forest bathing experience

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms

To practice mindfulness, you need a certain level of control over your brain, which can be somewhat difficult, especially if you haven’t practiced it before or are unprepared. 

Getting into nature is a great way to ‘cleanse the palette’ of your mind, but mushrooms can nourish your brain with powerful nootropics to support your brain’s journey into mindfulness. 

Dynamic Mushrooms uses a sophisticated nootropic formulation designed to help support healthy cognitive function while also helping to support healthy stress response to daily challenges.*

Our unique blend of mushrooms, including Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Chaga, Shiitake, and Maitake, is the perfect complement to forest bathing and is ideal for daily healthy cognitive function.

Discover the magical world of mushrooms on your journey to a life of mindfulness, presence, and peace.

Craving quality sleep? Eat this, not that.

mature woman stretching and waking up from bed
mature woman stretching and waking up from bed

Do you ever lie awake at night, tossing and turning, without the faintest idea of why? 

Stress and anxiety are well-known sleep disrupters, but did you know the food you eat can increase the stress hormones in your body and mind? 

Foods can significantly influence your sleep quality due to their nutritional content and how they affect your body’s hormones and neurotransmitters. Some foods can promote relaxation and help you fall asleep more easily, while others can disrupt sleep patterns. 

Let’s take a closer look at some foods that are known to increase your chances of a good night’s sleep. 

8 Foods that help you sleep

Girl holds a paper plate with healthy food sitting on the floor. Home delivery food. Healthy eating concept.

Stock up on these eight types of food—most of which are both healthy and delicious—and incorporate them into your meal schedule if you’re looking to improve your sleep

1. Almonds and walnuts: These nuts contain melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep, and magnesium, which may improve sleep quality by reducing inflammation and stress levels.

2. Turkey and chicken: High in tryptophan, an amino acid that increases the production of serotonin, which is your body’s natural “feel-good” chemical that helps regulate mood, anxiety, and happiness. The tryptophan is then converted to melatonin in the brain. Tryptophan is the reason you feel so sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner. 

3. Cherries and cherry juice: Another one of the few natural food sources of melatonin, which can help regulate sleep cycles.

4. Fatty fish (salmon, trout, mackerel): Rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, which have been shown to increase serotonin production, supporting a healthy sleep cycle.

5. Milk and dairy products: Many of these foods contain tryptophan and calcium. Calcium helps the brain use the tryptophan to manufacture melatonin.

6. Kiwi: High in antioxidants and serotonin, which may help improve sleep onset, duration, and quality. Plus, they’re delicious and make a great healthy dessert. 

7. Bananas: Provide magnesium and potassium, which help relax muscles and nerves, and contain tryptophan.

8. Oats: A source of melatonin and complex carbohydrates, which can help more tryptophan get into the brain.

Do you notice anything in common among these foods? Tryptophan and melatonin are your best friends when you’re trying to fall asleep.

5 Foods that may disrupt sleep

Happy older woman drinking a mug of coffee on her couch

On the other hand, the food you eat can also affect your ability to fall and stay asleep. Here are five foods you should avoid. 

1. Caffeinated foods and beverages (coffee, tea, chocolate): No surprise here—caffeine can block sleep-inducing chemicals in the brain and increase adrenaline production. Your body needs roughly 10-12 hours to rid itself of the effects of caffeine fully, so plan accordingly. 

2. Spicy foods: These can cause heartburn or indigestion, making it harder to fall asleep. There are few things worse than a poor night’s sleep on top of stomach pain and indigestion.

3. High-fat and fried foods: Digesting these can be hard on the body and take longer to digest, potentially leading to discomfort and disrupted sleep.

4. High-sugar foods and heavy meals: Eating big or sugary meals too close to bedtime can lead to spikes in blood sugar, potentially causing wakefulness at night.

5. Alcohol: While it may help you fall asleep faster, alcohol reduces REM sleep, which is considered the most restorative phase of sleep. In other words, you’ll get a lot less value out of your sleep with alcohol in your system. 

Unfortunately, there’s yet another way food can disturb your sleep!

When is mealtime?

Middle age woman looking smartwatch standing at home

The timing of your meal can also affect your sleep.

It’s not just the types of foods you eat that can negatively affect your sleep quality and overall health—the timing of when you eat can also be a factor. 

If you’re looking for better sleep, here are two eating habits you should avoid:

1. Eating late at night

Hungry mature man near open fridge in kitchen at night

Eating late at night can shift your internal clock and disrupt the natural circadian rhythm (your internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle every 24 hours), making it harder to fall asleep at your usual time.

One reason is that late-night eating can affect the release of hormones like insulin and cortisol, which can influence one’s sleep-wake cycle. 

Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels can lead to increased urination during the night, disrupting sleep. Conversely, low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia) can cause wakefulness or nightmares, also disrupting sleep.

Cortisol is your body’s main stress hormone; increasing these levels before bedtime can increase stress. 

Additionally, eating close to bedtime can lead to discomfort and symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), as lying down soon after eating can cause stomach acid to move up into the esophagus. GERD is a more severe form of heartburn.

2. Eating large meals before bed

woman overeating pizza sitting in bed late at night before bedtime  unhealthy eating, lifestyle concept

Large or supersized meals can overload your digestive system, making it hard for you to fall asleep or causing you to wake up during the night.

And, of course, if those foods are heavy or rich, they may cause bloating, gas, and discomfort, disrupting your sleep.

Set yourself up for optimal sleep

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms

There are a few things you can do via your nutrition to increase your chances for a good night’s sleep. 

First, aim to have your dinner at least 2 to 3 hours before bedtime. Allowing space between your meal and bedtime gives enough time for digestion to occur and helps avoid discomfort or indigestion.

If you get a little hungry after dinner, opt for a light snack that won’t spike your blood sugar or cause digestion issues. Foods containing tryptophan, magnesium, or calcium (see the list above!) can promote sleep.

Eating your meals and snacks at consistent times every day can help regulate your body’s internal clock, improving your sleep cycle and overall health.

These actions all have one thing in common—they aim to reduce the stress inside your body. 

And there’s another thing you can do to help reduce stress…

Dynamic Mushrooms from Stonehenge Health is a powerful nootropic formulation designed to help support healthy cognitive function while also helping to support healthy stress response.* 

With a sophisticated blend of Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Chaga, Shiitake, and Maitake, Dynamic Mushrooms is your new secret weapon for taking control of your sleep.* 

Ready to explore the magical world of mushrooms?

From Rushed to Relaxed: Overcoming Rushing Woman’s Syndrome

Nature, friends and portrait of group of women enjoying bonding, quality time and relax in retirement together. Diversity, friendship and faces of happy females with smile, hugging and wellness
Nature, friends and portrait of group of women enjoying bonding, quality time and relax in retirement together. Diversity, friendship and faces of happy females with smile, hugging and wellness

Calling all women… 

Do you ever get the feeling that there’s just not enough time to get it all done? 

You feel constantly rushed, even if there’s no reason to be. 

If you’ve ever felt the pang of anxiety as you glance at your overflowing calendar, the guilt of squeezing in a quick meal between meetings, or the exhaustion that engulfs you the moment you sit down, you might be experiencing Rushing Woman’s Syndrome

And you’re not alone.

What is Rushing Woman’s Syndrome?

enior elderly woman wearing apron, cleaning kitchen at home. Attractive mature old housekeeper cleaner feel tired and upset while wiping dining table for housekeeping housework or chores.

Rushing Woman’s Syndrome is a term coined by Dr. Libby Weaver in her book1 to describe an emotional state commonly felt by modern women who are constantly under pressure and ‘rushing’ through their daily lives in an attempt to ‘get it all done.’

Trying to juggle multiple roles and responsibilities such as career, family, and personal health… 

It’s not a medically recognized condition but rather a way to identify the physical and emotional stress that comes from leading a hectic lifestyle.

And it’s not just the external demands that weigh heavily on your shoulders…

It’s the internal expectation to excel in every aspect of your life, from being a high achiever at work to an impeccable caregiver at home, all while maintaining the poise of a well-kept lifestyle.

Left unchecked, you might even develop actual symptoms that begin to plague your everyday routine.

What are the symptoms of Rushing Woman’s Syndrome?

mature middle aged woman working on computer while sitting at the table at home

Brace yourself—these may hit a little too close to home…

• Constantly feeling rushed or in a hurry, even when there’s no need to be

• Hormonal imbalances, particularly with cortisol (the stress hormone)

• Difficulty in managing weight or body composition

• Increased stress levels and irritability

Fatigue and difficulty sleeping

• Changes in menstrual cycle

• Digestive issues

While some are mental and others are physical, these symptoms can all bring you varying degrees of pain and suffering in their own way. 

But why?

Listening to your body

Senior woman meditating as part of yoga training

If you’re experiencing symptoms of Rushing Woman’s Syndrome, your body is trying to tell you something. 

Let’s break it down by the various systems in your body and how their malfunction can affect your health:  

Nervous system: An off-balance nervous system could be behind your weight gain and sleep disturbances.

Adrenal glands: Adrenal glands produce hormones that help regulate your metabolism, immune system, blood pressure, and stress response. Adrenal exhaustion might be leaving you feeling simultaneously exhausted and overly alert.

Reproductive system: The stresses you encounter every day could be impacting your menstrual regularity or reproductive health.

Digestive system: Stress might be the underlying cause of your digestive discomfort, including bloating, food cravings, or an inconsistent appetite.

Now that you have an understanding of not only the symptoms, but also the underlying bodily systems that are driving them, let’s take a look at how to overcome Rushing Woman’s Syndrome.

You can do it! How to Overcome Rushing Women’s Syndrome

woman preparing healthy and delicious green smoothie in a modern kitchen

As you go through these suggestions, please understand that this is not yet another thing on your to-do list—these are simply tools you can use to address some of your symptoms. 

There is no rush…

Prioritize your well-being

older friends happy baking in the kitchen

Put your own oxygen mask on first. It sounds simple, but prioritizing your mental, physical, and emotional health is the foundation of overcoming the relentless pace of life. 

Prioritizing your well-being means setting aside time for regular check-ups, ensuring you get nutritious meals, and getting enough sleep.

One of the most empowering words in your vocabulary can be “no.” 

Setting boundaries and recognizing that you can’t be everything to everyone is essential. Saying no to additional responsibilities can mean saying yes to your health, hobbies, and spending time with loved ones.

Incorporate mindfulness practices

household and people concept - senior woman drinking coffee or tea and resting after home cleaning

Mindfulness and meditation can be powerful tools for managing stress and anxiety. Even a few minutes a day can help calm your mind, reduce stress, and improve your focus. Find what works for you, whether through meditation, yoga, or simply taking a few deep breaths.

It’s important to schedule time for yourself—time that’s not allocated to any tasks or responsibilities. Use this time to indulge in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether that’s reading a book, taking a long bath, or walking in nature.

Embrace imperfection

Senior Woman Relaxing In Hammock With Book

Perfection is an illusion that contributes significantly to our stress. Embrace the beauty of imperfection in both yourself and the world around you. Recognize that it’s okay not to have a perfectly clean house or a flawlessly executed project every time.

Nurture your passions

Elderly woman is painting in her home. Retirement hobby.

Invest time in activities that fulfill you outside of your work and family responsibilities. Whether painting, gardening, or playing an instrument, engaging in hobbies can provide a much-needed outlet for creativity and stress relief. Physical activity is particularly crucial for your mental health.

Discover the magic of mushrooms 

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms

Certain functional mushrooms like Lion’s Mane provide cognitive supporting benefits for healthy brain function and healthy stress response to daily challenges.*

Dynamic Mushrooms from Stonehenge Health is a carefully crafted blend of mushrooms designed to support healthy cognitive function, putting you in the right mental state to deal with your symptoms of Rushing Woman’s Syndrome.*


Navigating Denial’s Shadows and Lights

Senior woman with long gray hair wearing casual style rejection expression crossing arms doing negative sign, angry face over grey background.
Senior woman with long gray hair wearing casual style rejection expression crossing arms doing negative sign, angry face over grey background.

At the heart of human psychology lies the complex realm of denial. This mechanism, often misunderstood, can serve as both a shield and a barrier in our journey toward self-awareness and change.

It’s a delicate balance between recognizing denial’s protective embrace and acknowledging when it morphs into an obstacle to our growth.

Understanding Denial’s Dual Nature

Mature Couple In Quarrel

Denial operates as a psychological defense mechanism to safeguard us from the overwhelming tides of reality. It can manifest when we’re confronted with truths too painful or realities too stark to accept. This denial can sometimes be a necessary pause, allowing us emotional space to process and adapt to life’s challenges gradually. Yet, when clung to too tightly, denial may hinder our ability to confront necessary truths and enact meaningful changes in our lives.

Commonly, denial comes into play across various facets of life, including health diagnoses, substance use, and personal relationships. Its presence is a testament to our innate desire to maintain equilibrium, even amid unsettling truths. However, the cost of prolonged denial can be steep, potentially leading us away from the path of healing and growth.

The Journey Towards Recognition

Street lighting pole with two opposite directional arrows over blue cloudy background. Deny versus Admit concept.

The first step in navigating through denial is recognizing its presence within ourselves. This introspection requires courage and honesty as we peel back the layers of our defense mechanisms to confront the underlying realities. Acknowledging denial is not a sign of weakness but a profound act of strength, paving the way for transformative change.

In moments of self-discovery, reaching out for support becomes invaluable. Whether through conversations with trusted loved ones or seeking professional guidance, external perspectives can illuminate the shadows cast by denial, offering clarity and direction.

Supporting Others with Compassion

Senior women, workout hug and smile closeup with fitness and exercise outdoor for health.

When we observe denial in those around us, approaching with empathy and understanding is key. Initiating open, non-judgmental dialogues can encourage self-reflection, though the pace of change ultimately rests in their hands. Our role is not to coerce but to offer support, planting seeds of awareness that may blossom into action in time.

Fostering Resilience with Dynamic Mushrooms

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms

In our journey toward embracing reality and fostering personal growth, nurturing our mental and physical well-being becomes crucial. Stonehenge Health’s Dynamic Mushrooms emerges as a supportive ally in this process. This unique blend of Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Chaga, Shiitake, and Maitake mushrooms offers a foundation for cognitive health and a robust immune response, aiding our ability to cope with life’s stressors.*

The adaptogenic properties of these mushrooms can bolster our resilience, empowering us to face our challenges with clarity and strength.* By supporting our cognitive functions and enhancing our immune response, Dynamic Mushrooms complements our efforts to move beyond denial, facilitating a journey toward healing and self-awareness.*

Finding balance is key in the dance between denial’s protective nature and its potential to obstruct growth. As we navigate this delicate terrain, embracing support—from our inner circles and nature’s bounty—can light our path toward a more conscious and fulfilling life.

Feeling Sick? Get Some Sleep

Unhappy exhausted mature woman with closed eyes lying in bed
Unhappy exhausted mature woman with closed eyes lying in bed

When you’re feeling unwell, your body instinctively knows what to do – sleep. 

This isn’t a mere whim but a vital part of your body’s defense strategy. Sleep is a powerful tool for energy conservation, allowing your body to focus its resources on fighting off the illness. But it’s more than just an energy saver; sleep also facilitates cellular repair and regeneration, playing a pivotal role in your body’s healing process.

Interestingly, sleep also bolsters your fever response, a key player in enhancing your immune system’s effectiveness. 

As you sleep, your immune activities heighten significantly, contributing to your increased need for sleep when you’re sick. Your body’s working overtime to heal and safeguard itself, and this process is most efficient during restful periods.

Therefore, when symptoms like coughing, sneezing, or headaches emerge, prioritizing sleep becomes essential in your recovery journey.

Understanding the Immune System

Doctor shows health protection symbol on blurred background.

The immune system, our body’s built-in shield, is a sophisticated network of cells, tissues, and organs that collaborate to protect us from harmful pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites. It’s composed of two main subsystems: the innate (non-specific) immune system and the adaptive (specific) immune system, both of which work together to fend off infections and illnesses.1

Role of Sleep in Immune Function

Mature woman sleeping in bed

During sleep, your body synthesizes and releases cytokines, proteins that are crucial in managing infection and inflammation, thus initiating an immune response.2 When deprived of sleep, the production of these protective cytokines can decrease. Additionally, the count of antibodies and cells that fight infections also reduces during periods of inadequate sleep.

Sleep and Immune Memory

older woman sick in bed

Sleep also influences the adaptive immune system, which utilizes “immune memory” to combat previously faced pathogens effectively.3 Studies have shown that getting a good night’s sleep after receiving a vaccine can boost the immune system’s memory response. Conversely, a lack of sleep can impair the body’s ability to remember and respond to threats, leaving it more vulnerable.4

Sleep Deprivation and Increased Susceptibility to Illness

Middle-aged 50s sick frozen woman seated on sofa in living room covered with warm plaid sneezing holding paper napkin blow out runny nose feels unhealthy, seasonal cold, weakened immune system concept

Research has consistently shown a link between lack of sleep and increased susceptibility to illnesses.5 For instance, one study found that individuals who slept less than seven hours per night were almost three times more likely to catch a cold than those who slept for eight hours or more. Persistent lack of sleep can precipitate severe health conditions such as weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, and potentially, premature death.6

The Reciprocal Relationship Between Sleep and Immune Response

Senior woman enjoying autumn colors at sunset

The relationship between sleep and immunity is reciprocal. While quality sleep fortifies your immune system, your immune system, in turn, helps regulate your sleep patterns. This is mainly due to the cytokines released during an immune response that also promote sleep.

This intricate interplay underscores that sleep is essential in maintaining a robust immune response. So the next time you contemplate skipping sleep, remember that it’s not just your energy levels at stake, but your body’s natural defenses too.

In the broader health perspective, a balanced diet, regular exercise, and quality sleep make up the trifecta of wellness. Therefore, it’s important to give each component its due attention. Remember, a well-rested you is a healthier you!

How to relax and support your immune system at the same time…

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms

An emerging trend in the realm of relaxation is the use of adaptogens. These natural substances aid in building resilience to the physical and mental impacts of stress to your body, fostering a greater sense of tranquility.7-8  Among the extensively studied adaptogens, functional mushrooms like Lion’s Mane, Chaga, Maitake, and Reishi have gained attention.

Functional mushrooms also support your immune system.* Stonehenge Health has formulated Dynamic Mushrooms by expertly combining Lion’s Mane, Chaga, Maitake, Reishi, and Shiitake mushrooms. Incorporating Dynamic Mushrooms into a holistic lifestyle can help you maintain that cool and collected vibe needed to thrive.*

1. Asif N, Iqbal R, Nazir CF. Human immune system during sleep. Am J Clin Exp Immunol. 2017 Dec 20;6(6):92-96.
2. Brain basics: Understanding sleep. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
3. Besedovsky L, Lange T, Born J. Sleep and immune function. Pflugers Arch. 2012 Jan;463(1):121-37.
4. Zimmermann, P., & Curtis, N. (2019). Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 32(2), e00084-18.
5. Cirelli C. Definition and consequences of sleep deprivation.
6. Spiegel, K., Tasali, E., Leproult, R., & Van Cauter, E. (2009). Effects of poor and short sleep on glucose metabolism and obesity risk. Nature reviews. Endocrinology, 5(5), 253–261.
7. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2017 Aug;1401(1):49-64.
8. Liao LY et al. Chin Med. 2018 Nov 16;13:57.

The Soaring Popularity of Birding: Is it the Next Big Thing?

pilated woodpecker
pilated woodpecker

It was a sunny morning when the birdwatching bug bit me. 

My brother John’s voice, tinged with inexplicable excitement, echoed, “Margo, you’ve got to see this!”

With the enthusiasm he was exuding, you’d think he’d spotted a mythical creature prancing in the backyard.

But no, it wasn’t a unicorn. Instead, nestled amongst the trees off his back porch was a Pileated Woodpecker.

This past July, I spent a few weeks in the heart of Central Pennsylvania as a guest at my brother John’s house. With his mild-mannered demeanor and bookish charm, John is a polymath – knowledgeable about virtually every topic yet never coming off as a know-it-all. He is genuinely the perfect kind of person.

His home, perched atop a hill and enveloped in a colorful blanket of trees, was a bustling bird metropolis.

The bird feeders John had scattered around his property acted like avian magnets. At first, I was prepared for a relaxingly monotonous week – which I was perfectly content with. But as it turned out, monotony was about to take flight!

The night following our woodpecker encounter, I dove headfirst into John’s birdwatching world. We pored over the Kaufman Field Guide to Birds of North America. As we flipped through the pages, I began to understand the allure of birdwatching. It wasn’t just about ticking off species from a list; it was a rewarding hobby with many unexpected perks.

Natural Stress Buster

Active senior woman using binoculars to see the beauty of nature

In the relentless whirl of life, taking a moment to sit quietly and observe birds was like a serene massage for my mind. It was calming and soothing, and I found myself basking in the tranquil charm of this peaceful pastime.

Digital Detox

Blue Jay

We’re so tethered to our screens that we often overlook the mesmerizing world beyond the pixels. Spotting a variety of birds, from barn owls to blue jays, feels like you’re rekindling a forgotten friendship with nature.

Brain Gym

happy middle aged couple bird watching outdoors

Birdwatching, or “birding” as it is affectionately known among enthusiasts, is more than just a delightful hobby; it’s a mental workout in disguise. Each time you embark on a birding adventure, you’re not just stepping into the great outdoors but walking into an open-air classroom that challenges and stimulates your mind.

When you spot a new bird, it’s like solving a complex puzzle. You must observe carefully, noting details such as the bird’s size, shape, color, behavior, and even its unique calls. These observations then need to be matched with the information available in field guides or birding apps, making the process an engaging exercise in problem-solving and memory recall.

In addition, each bird species comes with its own set of intriguing facts about its lifestyle, feeding habits, migration patterns, and habitat preferences. As you uncover these facts, you’re learning new things about nature, ecology, and animal behavior. It’s like attending a biology lecture with the added bonus of fresh air and real-time observations.

Make It Social

Seniors trekking in a forest

Birdwatching can serve as a fantastic social activity, providing an opportunity to connect with like-minded people who share a similar passion for nature. Joining local bird watching clubs and joining organized birding trips can lead to new friendships and enriching conversations. 


Active senior couple hiking in mountains with backpacks and hiking poles, enjoying their adventure

Hiking up hills and meandering through wooded paths without realizing you’re breaking a sweat? Way more fun than a treadmill! By the end of the week, I found myself physically revitalized.

Today, I proudly identify myself as a “birder.” Interestingly, birding is not just a hobby favored by Boomers and Gen Xers like myself. It’s gaining traction among younger folks, too, proving that the appeal of birdwatching transcends age boundaries. 

As I look forward to many more birding adventures, I can’t help but feel excited about the future of this captivating hobby.

Sharpen Your Observation Skills*

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms

The power of birdwatching extends far beyond simple observation. It stimulates cognitive enhancement, emotional well-being, stress relief, physical activity, and social engagement.

To support birdwatching’s emotional and physical benefits, consider incorporating adaptogenic mushrooms like those found in Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms into your daily routine.*

Dynamic Mushrooms combine Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Chaga, Maitake, and Shiitake. Each of these mushrooms has adaptogenic properties, contributing to cognitive performance, immune health, and the ability to adapt to stressful situations.* This comprehensive blend eliminates the need to source each ingredient individually, offering a full spectrum of adaptogenic benefits in one convenient mix.*

The Loneliness Epidemic: Causes and What You Can Do About It

lonely, stressed mature woman sitting in her room by herself
lonely, stressed mature woman sitting in her room by herself

Surgeon General Vivek Murthy recently sounded the alarm on a growing health crisis in America: loneliness. 

In a formal advisory, Murthy compared the health risks of loneliness to those of smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day, linking it to cardiovascular disease, dementia, stroke, depression, and anxiety.1 

But why is this loneliness epidemic rampant, and what can you do about it?

The Causes of the Loneliness Epidemic

stressed senior woman looking at laptop.

Several factors contribute to the loneliness epidemic, each complex and multifaceted. 

One significant factor is the rise of technology. As we become more plugged into our devices, we often disconnect from the world around us. Social media, while designed to connect us, can sometimes make us feel more isolated as we compare our lives to others’ carefully curated online personas.2

Additionally, societal changes have led to increased isolation. More people are living alone, working remotely, or moving frequently for work or school, which can disrupt social connections.3

The stigma surrounding mental health also plays a role, as many people feel uncomfortable discussing their feelings of loneliness, exacerbating the problem.4

Recalibrate Your Relationship with Technology

Phone, fitness and music with senior friends on the grass outdoor taking a break from their workout routine. Exercise, smile and elderly people streaming audio while laughing on a field for wellness

Surgeon General Murthy’s 5-for-5 Connection Challenge inspires you to forge connections by taking one positive action every day for five days. 

Using technology as a tool, strengthen relationships by starting with sending heartfelt texts of love and encouragement to those you haven’t spoken to in a while. 

Simultaneously, this initiative emphasizes the crucial balance of offline connections, highlighting the importance of fostering meaningful relationships beyond the digital realm. It serves as a reminder that technology can enhance, not replace, the depth and authenticity of our human connections.

So, instead of allowing technology to isolate you, use it as a tool to foster genuine connections. This could involve video calls with loved ones, joining online communities with shared interests, or using social media to organize in-person meetups.

Offline, make an effort to connect with those around us. This could be as simple as striking up a conversation with a neighbor, joining a local club or volunteering in the community.

The loneliness epidemic is a complex issue with no easy solutions. However, by acknowledging the problem and taking steps to foster connection on both an individual and societal level, we can together begin to turn the tide. 

Each positive interaction you make not only benefits you personally but also has the potential to positively impact our communities. Therefore, combating the loneliness epidemic is not just about improving your health outcomes—it’s about strengthening our society as a whole.

Stress to Social Success

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms

Making friends can sometimes feel like a daunting task. The pressure to fit in, the fear of rejection, and the anxiety of opening up to someone new can make the process stressful and overwhelming. It’s a journey filled with uncertainties, and it often feels like you’re navigating an emotional roller coaster. 

However, remember that it’s okay to take things slow and be patient with yourself.

To help better manage stressful situations and embrace a sense of calm during this process, consider adaptogenic mushrooms.*  Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms offer a unique blend of Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Chaga, Maitake, and Shiitake. Each of these mushrooms is renowned for its adaptogenic properties.* This distinctive combination supports cognitive performance, immune health,  and stress resilience – all packed conveniently in one blend.* Support your journey towards making new connections with ease and tranquility.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

1. The 45-Second Tool to Change Your Life – POLITICO
2. How We Can Overcome Loneliness | Psychology Today
3. Pew Research Center
4. American Psychological Association