Embrace Adventure This June: How My Friend Found Relief During Great Outdoors Month

Older woman smiling hiking outdoors summer
Older woman smiling hiking outdoors summer

Did you know that June is “Great Outdoors Month?” 

Like many of us, I’ve (unknowingly) been celebrating ‘Great Outdoors Month’ pretty much every June my whole life. 

Hiking, paddleboarding, biking… It’s the perfect time of year to get outside and move your body. 

It got me thinking, though, about one of my dearest friends Sarah, and her battle with nerve discomfort

You see, Sarah and I have been hiking buddies for more than 20 years. We even hiked to the summit of Mt. Whitney (14,505 feet), but that was a looooong time ago. 

Anyway, a few years back, Sarah started dealing with nerve issues in her hands and feet. One day, after she declined an evening walk with me, I remember her saying: 

“I’m so sorry I can’t walk with you tonight. It feels like a sunburn but inside my feet. Even a bedsheet rubbing across my toes at night will wake me up with an insane burning sensation that makes it hard to sleep, so walking is out tonight.” 

I’ve had my own share of health issues over the years, but nothing quite like what she described. I felt awful for her. 

But you know what? Sarah didn’t get down on herself, and she didn’t quit doing the things she loved, like being outdoors… 

She took action. 

Today, I want to share with you how my friend conquered her own nerve issues. 

She’s given me permission to tell you her story, and we both hope it will help if you or somebody you know is dealing with nerve discomfort.

Speak with a Healthcare Professional

older woman with healthcare professional

It sounds obvious, but do not skip this step. Nerve discomfort is a relatively common issue, especially as you get older. 

Speak openly with your physician about your circumstances, but also understand you have options beyond prescription medications. 

Sarah worked with her doctor from the start to develop a plan that included the following lifestyle changes.

Eat a Good Diet 

Excited senior woman smiling cheerfully while having some delicious vegan food. Mature woman serving herself a healthy buddha bowl at home. Woman taking care of her aging body with a plant-based diet.

Eating a well-balanced diet is crucial. There’s no special eating plan specifically for nerve issues, but ensuring you’re getting enough nutrients can help your overall health and potentially reduce discomfort. 

Sarah has started incorporating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into her meals. Reducing or eliminating alcohol intake has also been beneficial. We now enjoy healthy picnic recipes packed full of superfoods when we have outdoor meals.

Get Regular Exercise

Spin class, fitness or senior woman on bike in workout or training for cycling progress, health or wellness. Group, challenge or confident elderly person on bicycle machine for gym or cardio exercise

Many studies have shown that people with chronic discomfort who exercise feel better, have more energy, and have improved moods compared to those who don’t. 

Note: I’ll cover how to overcome that initial barrier to getting yourself moving in the next few sections.

Sarah found low-impact activities like walking in the park, swimming, and gentle cycling worked best. We’ve even modified our hikes to choose flatter, easier trails. 

Despite the nerve discomfort, these activities help Sarah stay active and boost her mood.

Use of Assistive Devices 

Elder family hikers pair fun stroll.

Sarah has found that using assistive devices like hiking poles makes it easier for her to move around and reduces her discomfort on the trails. 

Always someone who loves fashion, picking the right shoes can also be a crucial step in comfort. Gone are the uncomfortable pumps, as Sarah is now embracing more sensible but still stylish walking shoes.

She also invested in ergonomically designed chairs and desks for her home, which have brought significant relief.

Relaxation Techniques

Yoga, fitness and woman exercise, training and workout for wellness, relax and health in living room at home. Meditation, pilates and senior lady stretching, focus and calm on yoga mat in lounge.

Stress can exacerbate nerve discomfort, so managing it is key. 

Sarah started practicing yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises. These techniques not only help with stress but also seem to reduce her level of discomfort. 

We often have serene outdoor yoga sessions, finding peaceful spots in nature to practice mindfulness and relaxation.

Supplementing Your Diet with the Right Formula of Amino Acids, Antioxidants, and Nutrients

Senoir mature asian woman with glass of water taking pills, sitting on couch.

Sarah’s nerve discomfort has significantly improved since she added Dynamic Nerve from Stonehenge Health to her daily routine.* 

Dynamic Nerve is formulated to alleviate nerve discomfort through a comprehensive approach that targets the root causes and symptoms.*

Here’s how it works:

Nutrient-Rich Formula

 Foods high in  antioxidants, fiber, smart carbohydrates and vitamins.

Dynamic Nerve combines essential vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts known for their nerve-supporting properties.* Key ingredients include Alpha Lipoic Acid, which helps to protect nerve cells from oxidative stress, and a B-vitamin complex that supports overall nerve health and function.*

Enhanced Nerve Regeneration

Senior man with back pain. Spine physical therapist and paient. Chiropractic pain relief therapy.

Ingredients like Acetyl-L-Carnitine promote the regeneration of damaged nerves, contributing to long-term relief from nerve discomfort.*

Improved Blood Circulation

Fitness, morning and running with old couple in park

Dynamic Nerve enhances blood flow to the nerves, ensuring they receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen for optimal function and recovery.*

Signal Modulation

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Nerve

The formula helps to modulate the transmission of signals to the brain, reducing the perception of nerve discomfort.*

Dynamic Nerve offers a holistic approach to managing and reducing nerve discomfort by addressing these multiple facets of nerve health.* This supports both immediate relief and long-term nerve health.*

I really hope you enjoyed my friend Sarah’s story, but more importantly, I hope you do something with it. 

I hope you’re able to embrace Great Outdoors Month by finding activities that suit your comfort level. Don’t let nerve discomfort hold you back from experiencing the beauty and tranquility of nature this month and all year long.

And if you’re looking for a supplement to support your nerve health, check out Dynamic Nerve from Stonehenge Health. Sarah’s seen great improvements, and I believe you might, too.* 

Let’s get outside and enjoy all that nature has to offer, together.

6 Ways to Break Free From Nerve Discomfort

Older asian couple running together
Older asian couple running together

Living life to the fullest means embracing every moment, exploring new passions, and enjoying the activities you love. 

However, nerve discomfort can be an uninvited guest for many, dulling these joyful experiences and turning everyday pleasures into challenges.

The downsides of nerve discomfort play out in everyday life: 

Struggling to tie your shoes…

Letting the garden get overgrown with weeds…

A hard time getting a restful night’s sleep…

Inability to do hobbies or activities… 

Forgoing family activities…

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Here’s how you can reclaim your life and not let nerve discomfort hold you back from doing the things you love.

Understanding Nerve Discomfort

painful back and nerve issues concept

Nerve discomfort can be complex and characterized by discomfort, tingling, or numbness. It often results from damaged nerves. 

Most people experience these sensations in their hands and feet; however, the effects can sometimes be felt elsewhere. 

Various factors, including medical conditions, injuries, age, or nutritional deficiencies, can cause nerve discomfort. The results can be frustrating and debilitating, negatively affecting your quality of life. 

For example, something as mild as a bedsheet dragging across your foot can lead to serious discomfort and restless sleep. 

Yet, understanding and identifying the cause is the first step toward managing this condition, empowering you to take action and find relief.

Embracing a Holistic Approach

Older guy outside stretching after riding his bike

Managing nerve discomfort requires a holistic approach that addresses the root causes while alleviating symptoms. 

Here are 6 strategies to help you live fully, despite nerve discomfort:

1. Stay Active

older woman swimming exercising with instructor

Exercise might seem daunting, but it’s crucial for managing nerve discomfort. 

Physical activity increases blood flow to the nerves, promoting healing and reducing discomfort. 

Start with gentle exercises like walking or swimming and gradually increase intensity as your comfort allows.

2. Nutrition is Key

Older couple cooking together in the kitchen

A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can support nerve health. To nourish your nervous system, focus on foods high in antioxidants and B vitamins. 

Remember, what you eat can significantly impact how you feel.

3. Mindfulness and Relaxation

older woman meditating practicing mindfulness

Techniques such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises can reduce stress, which often exacerbates nerve discomfort. 

By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can manage stress levels and potentially lessen discomfort intensity.

4. Stay Connected

Diverse group of older friends laughing and enjoying time together

Sharing your experiences with friends, family, or support groups can provide emotional relief and valuable insights into managing your condition.

You’re not alone, and building a support network can make a world of difference.

5. Seek Professional Guidance

Older woman in physical therapy

Consulting with healthcare professionals can offer tailored advice and treatments to manage your nerve discomfort effectively. 

They can guide you through medication options, physical therapy, and other interventions suited to your needs.

6. A Promising Solution via Supplementation

Older couple smiling together

In your journey to overcome nerve discomfort, it’s essential to explore various avenues for relief. 

One such path leads to a breakthrough supplement designed to support nerve health: Dynamic Nerve

This product is formulated with a blend of vitamins, antioxidants, and herbal extracts specifically chosen for their potential to nourish and support nerve function, offering a beacon of hope for those seeking to regain control over their life without letting nerve discomfort dictate their limits.

Reclaiming Your Life

Dynamic Nerve

Living with nerve discomfort doesn’t have to mean giving up on the things you love. With the right strategies, support, and solutions like Dynamic Nerve, you can navigate the challenges of nerve discomfort and embrace life’s opportunities with open arms. 

Remember, your spirit is indomitable, and with determination and the right tools, you can continue to explore, enjoy, and excel in every adventure.

Don’t let nerve discomfort hold you back. Let’s move toward a joy, fulfillment, and freedom-filled life.

Dynamic Nerve supplement with a background of someone walking

Unplug and Recharge: Discovering the 8 Transformative Powers of Forest Bathing

Loving Senior Couple Holding Hands Hiking In Woodland Countryside Together
Loving Senior Couple Holding Hands Hiking In Woodland Countryside Together

How many thoughts do you have in your mind, right this moment? 

It’s kind of hard to tell, isn’t it? 

But I’ll bet it’s a lot. Potentially more than you’d like.

Screens—from TVs to laptops to smartphones—give our brains an incredible amount of data to process, but because of that constant flow of information, it can be hard to slow down and actually process your thoughts. 

The ability to pay full attention to your thoughts in the moment (with no judgment or planning) is called mindfulness. 

Mindfulness has a slew of benefits for your mental health, but it’s a skill you must practice and learn. Because of the perceived ‘hard work’ of being mindful, you might put it off or make it your next New Year’s resolution. 

But what if you had an easy way to tap into mindfulness

This is where forest bathing comes into play.

What is forest bathing?

older woman meditating in the forest. forest bathing

Forest bathing, also known as Shinrin-yoku in Japanese, is the practice of spending time in a forest or natural wooded area to enhance your health, wellness, and happiness

This practice involves immersing yourself in the forest environment, engaging all five senses to absorb the surroundings fully.

The practice does not mandate specific exercises or activities, such as hiking or jogging. Instead, forest bathing emphasizes simply being in nature and engaging in mindful observation of the natural world. 

The concept of forest bathing was developed in Japan during the 1980s as a response to the increasing stress and health issues faced by the population due to rapid urbanization and technological advances.

8 Benefits of Forest Bathing

older woman forest bathing

If you’re on the fence about leaving your phone behind for a walk in the woods, consider these 8 benefits:

1. Reduced stress: Being in a forest environment can significantly lower cortisol levels, a stress hormone, thereby reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

2. Improved mood: Forest bathing has been shown to decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety, leading to improvements in mood and overall emotional well-being.

4. Improved concentration and cognitive function: Forests’ natural settings can enhance mental function and concentration by offering a restorative environment that contrasts with the overstimulating urban environments many people experience daily.

5. Enhanced immune function: Exposure to forests boosts the production of natural killer (NK) cells, a type of white blood cell that helps fight off infections by destroying infected cells.

6. Increased energy: Individuals often report feeling more energetic after spending time in nature, which can be attributed to the therapeutic effects of being in a natural setting.

7. Improved sleep: Regular engagement in forest bathing has been associated with improvements in sleep quality, likely due to its stress-reducing effects.

8. Connection with nature: Forest bathing fosters a deeper connection with the natural world, which can enhance feelings of happiness and elicit a sense of belonging to the larger ecosystem.

9. Enhanced creativity: Forest environments can help rejuvenate the mind and improve creativity by reducing mental fatigue and stress.

You can almost hear the birds chirping and wind rustling in the leaves now…

And there’s another way you can put your forest bathing experience over the top. 

Supercharging your forest bathing experience

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms

To practice mindfulness, you need a certain level of control over your brain, which can be somewhat difficult, especially if you haven’t practiced it before or are unprepared. 

Getting into nature is a great way to ‘cleanse the palette’ of your mind, but mushrooms can nourish your brain with powerful nootropics to support your brain’s journey into mindfulness. 

Dynamic Mushrooms uses a sophisticated nootropic formulation designed to help support healthy cognitive function while also helping to support healthy stress response to daily challenges.*

Our unique blend of mushrooms, including Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Chaga, Shiitake, and Maitake, is the perfect complement to forest bathing and is ideal for daily healthy cognitive function.

Discover the magical world of mushrooms on your journey to a life of mindfulness, presence, and peace.

How many calories—exactly—should I be eating per day?

older couple smiling with a plate of salad
older couple smiling with a plate of salad

Calories in vs. calories out…

It is the simplest and most effective way to understand if you will gain or lose weight: 

• If you eat more calories than you expend, you’re in a caloric surplus and will gain weight. 
• If you eat fewer calories than you expend, you’re in a caloric deficit, and you will lose weight

By and large, no matter what type of food you’re eating (Paleo, Keto, Atkins, etc.), if you’re able to track calories consumed vs. expended, you can find a way to drop the weight you’d like to. 

The calculation itself is super simple, but you might struggle with figuring out how many calories you should be eating in a day. 

We’re here to help! 

Here’s exactly how many calories you should be eating daily to hit your weight loss goals.

How to calculate your ideal calorie count

Smartphone and calories calculator concept.

There are a few factors that influence the ideal amount of calories you want to eat in a day:

1. Your age
2. Your height
3. Your weight
4. Your gender
5. Your activity level
6. Your goal (weight loss, weight gain, or maintenance)

Jot those answers down #1-6. Got them? Good. 

Next, you’re going to use the Harris-Benedict Method to find your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). 

BMR is just the number of calories your body needs to perform basic life-sustaining functions. So if you just wanted to sit in a chair all day and breathe, you’d still need to eat as many calories as your BMR indicates. 

The Harris-Benedict Method is a way to find your BMR. Here’s the formula (use pounds and inches): 

Men: 66 + [6.2 × weight] + [12.7 × height] – [6.76 × age]
Women: 655 + [4.35 × weight] + [4.7 × height] – [4.7 × age]

Let’s say you’re a 6-foot-tall, 200-lb man who is 60 years old and moderately active. 

Your BMR would be: 1,815 calories. 

66 + [1,240] + [914] – [405] = 1,815 BMR

Last, we need to account for your lifestyle and physical expenditure. 

• Sedentary: Multiply by 1.2
• Moderately Active: Multiply by 1.3
• Very Active: Multiply by 1.4

Continuing our example, we’ll multiply our BMR of 1,815 by 1.3 and get… 2,360 calories. 

A moderately active man who is 60 years old, is 6 feet tall, and weighs 200 lbs should eat 2,360 calories daily to maintain his current weight. 

Let’s run the same calculation for a very active 55-year-old woman who is 5 foot 6 inches tall and weighs 165lbs: 

655 + [718] + [310] – [259] = 1,424 BMR

Now, since she is very active, we multiply by 1.4, and we get… 1,994 calories. 

A very active woman who is 55 years old, 5’6”, and weighs 165 should eat 1,994 calories daily to maintain her current weight. 

Nifty, right? 

To obtain a caloric deficit (lose weight), subtract 200 calories from your number. 

So—are you able to calculate your ideal calorie count? Pull out your phone calculator and use the formula above. 

Here’s what to do next…

Using your ideal daily calorie intake to hit your goals

Senior couple preparing food in the kitchen.

Now that you have your daily calorie goal, it’s time to use that number to create a nutrition plan to reach your weight goals

Here are some general guidelines and steps you can take to stay as close to your ideal caloric intake every day.

Monitor your calorie intake

Writing, book and a senior woman author sitting outdoor in summer for inspiration as a writer.

The whole ‘counting calories’ cliché is actually the best way to hit your weight-loss goals. Monitor your food intake with tools like food diaries or apps to ensure you stay within your calorie goal.

Choose your food wisely

Beautiful and healthy Asian-aged woman eating healthy green salad with chicken breast in her dining room. Healthy and wellbeing lifestyle.

Since you’re going to be limiting the amount of calories you ingest, it’s important to ensure you’re getting enough nutrition with the foods you do eat. Focus on consuming nutrient-dense foods that provide essential vitamins and minerals while being lower in calories.

If you partake in alcohol consumption, it would be best to stop or reduce it. While alcohol does contain calories, it offers basically no nutritional value. 

Meal prep

Healthy lunch at the workplace. Pick up food in black containers with Cutlery on a yellow background

Preparing your meals in advance is an excellent way to ensure precise control over portion sizes and nutritional content, ensuring you stay within your daily calorie goals. By preparing your meals in advance, you can reduce the temptation to eat out or choose unhealthy options. This helps maintain a consistent diet conducive to weight loss or health goals.

Habitually review your progress

Flexible senior woman stretching outdoors after jog

Regularly review and adjust your plan based on progress, making changes to your diet and exercise routine as necessary for continued weight loss. Considering make your progress less about the number on the scale and more about the number of days you are able to stick to your pan. 

Over time, eliminating just 150 calories daily can help you lose as much as 15 pounds in a year.

Consistency gets results!

Regulate your digestive system

Dynamic Biotics

In order to get as much nutrition out of your food as possible—and experience less bloating—it’s important to regulate your digestive system. One way to do that is to supplement with probiotics. 

Probiotics are the ‘good’ bacteria that are found in your gut, helping you digest what you eat and giving you the nutritional value from the food you consume.

Dynamic Biotics from Stonehenge Health supports the growth of beneficial gut microbes to promote digestive health.* Help your body do its part in your weight loss journey by feeding it what it wants—probiotics.

“I have taken many probiotics, and this one so far beats them all! My stomach is a lot calmer, and I can sleep better, too. This probiotic helps with my acid reflux as well.” – Joanne S., Calabasas, CA*

Cheers to eating right, feeling great, and hitting your goals!

Spice Up Your Life: 6 Benefits of Taking Turmeric Daily

turmeric roots on wooden table
turmeric roots on wooden table

Isn’t it nice when a healthy habit comes easily to you? 

Eating delicious food, of course, is something we can all get behind. 

So, how do you combine a healthy habit and tasty food?

If you incorporate Turmeric into your life, you can not only add flavor to your dishes, but you can also enjoy various physical and mental health benefits.

Turmeric is a bright yellow spice derived from the root of the Curcuma longa plant, widely used in cooking, particularly in Asian and Middle Eastern cuisines. However, its significance extends beyond culinary uses, and it has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its numerous health benefits.

6 Health Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric and water, healthy drink - Wooden background

There are so many benefits that Turmeric can bring you that adding it to your daily routine is a no-brainer. 

Let’s take a quick look at six key ways Turmeric can support your quest for optimal health.

1. Joint Health

mature lady in sportswear doing morning yoga, making bird dog pose, smiling senior woman training on fitness mat at home, stretching opposite leg and arm, enjoying healthy lifestyle

Turmeric, packed with bioactive curcuminoids, is renowned for its antioxidant benefits. Daily oxidative stress can wear out your joints. Antioxidants combat oxidative stress and support your vitality. 

Curcuminoids are the active compounds found in Turmeric, and they have the ability to support your joint and muscle health and contribute to overall well-being.

Many studies1 have shown that Turmeric curcumin can alleviate pain in the lower back, knees, hands, and wrists.* 

2. Brain Health

Middle aged woman with cup of drink solving sudoku puzzle at table indoors

Curcumin, the active ingredient in Turmeric, can increase levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF),2 which can help support age-related decreases in brain function.* BDNF assists in encouraging neurons to create new connections and growth, which helps support cognitive abilities, mood, and mental well-being.

3. Heart Health

 doctor with stethoscope examining red heart, isolated on white background

Curcumin in Turmeric has also been shown to have beneficial effects on heart health.* Research suggests that curcumin may help improve the function of the endothelium, which is the lining of the blood vessels.3

4. Digestive Health

Senior couple sharing meal at home

Turmeric can help support digestive health by stimulating bile production.4 Bile helps your body break down your food faster, which can aid in reducing bloating and gas. 

5. Immunity Booster

Cheerful woman with grey hair drinking tea in the kitchen

Curcumin has been shown to modulate the activation of different types of lymphocytes5 (such as T-cells and B-cells), which are all vital components of the immune system. 

For reference: 

T-Cells: A type of lymphocyte that plays a central role in cell-mediated immunity to kill infected or cancerous cells.

B-Cells: Another type of lymphocyte, B cells are responsible for producing antibodies that are used by the immune system to neutralize pathogens like viruses and bacteria.

In other words, a Turmeric curcumin supplement can help in creating an army of defense cells that aid in your immune response.*

6. Antioxidant Capacity

Senior woman rests and drinks water after workout in the park

Turmeric acts as a powerful antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals that can damage cellular structures and DNA.*

Note: Too many free radicals in your body can create oxidative stress, damaging important parts of your body like fats, proteins, and even DNA. 

Turmeric can also stimulate your body’s antioxidant mechanisms to help balance the amount of free radicals you have floating around inside you to safe levels.*

So, how do you get Turmeric into your life? 

mature woman reading recipe from tablet during cooking in kitchen

There are two easy ways to get more Turmeric into your body, —you can cook with it or take supplements. 

Enjoy Turmeric in Food

Indian Butter chicken with basmati rice in bowl, spices, black background. Space for text. Butter chicken, traditional Indian dish. Top view. Chicken tikka masala. Indian cuisine concept. Overhead

Turmeric is not only great for you, but it has a unique taste that many people like. 

Turmeric offers a warm, bitter, and slightly peppery taste with earthy undertones. This complexity adds depth to dishes, enhancing the overall flavor profile without overwhelming other ingredients.

Check out a few recipes you can use to incorporate Turmeric into your diet: 

You Won’t Miss the Bun – 3 Delicious Lettuce Wrap Recipes

Yummy Inflammation Fighting Turmeric Smoothie

Healthy Mac & Cheese Recipes

The flavor is not for everyone, and with cooking, your results may be mixed. Curcumin constitutes a tiny portion of the average Turmeric powders commonly utilized in cooking.

If you’re not a huge fan of Turmeric’s flavor, it may not be practical to incorporate it into every meal. Eating it alone makes it improbable that you’ll get enough curcumin to reap its potential health advantages fully.

Take Turmeric Supplements

Dynamic Turmeric

If you’re looking for the ideal dose of Turmeric and the easiest way to ensure you’re getting enough without adding it to your daily meals…

Supplementation is a convenient way to hit your target—right down to the milligram. 

Dynamic Turmeric is an ideal choice if you want to maximize the beneficial values Turmeric can have in your life.

Never worry about measuring the proper dosage or fear an unpleasant taste. Through extensive research and testing, we’ve created a balanced formula that adds easy absorption and digestive comfort to our Turmeric supplement.* Plus, we don’t use fillers, binders, or synthetic ingredients of any kind. 

If you want to harness the powerful antioxidant, detoxifier, and mood-boosting power, Dynamic Turmeric is an easy choice to include in your daily routine.*

Are you ready to support your immune system, brain, digestive, and joint health?

See why Dynamic Turmeric is one of our most popular wellness products.

1. healthline.com/health-news/Turmeric-may-be-as-effective-as-ibuprofen-for-relieving-arthritic-knee-pain-emb-2pm
2. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31279955/
3. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5310664/
4. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9100705/
5. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9738113/
6. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17569207/

A Beginner’s Guide to Somatic Therapy

Two women perform somatic practices on a bed in a home bedroom
Two women perform somatic practices on a bed in a home bedroom

Question for you: 

Do you think that the mind follows the body? 

Example: If you have poor diet and exercise habits, they will negatively affect your psychological well-being. 

Or, do you think the body follows the mind? 

Example: If you’re depressed, your physical health will suffer. 

In reality, this issue is much more complex than the black-and-white scenarios above. 

And this is exactly what the field of somatic therapy explores. 

Somatic therapy is a form of psychotherapy that emphasizes the connection between the mind and body in healing. It is based on the understanding that trauma, stress, and emotional experiences can manifest physically in the body, leading to chronic pain, tension, and other physical symptoms. 

Somatic therapy aims to address these physical symptoms through various techniques, helping individuals to release stored tensions, alleviate stress, and improve overall physical and emotional well-being.

The techniques used in somatic therapy may include: 

• Deep breathing

• Relaxation exercises

• Guided imagery

• Movement (such as dance or yoga)

• Other body-oriented methods 

The therapy focuses on helping individuals become more aware of their bodily sensations and learning how to interpret and manage these sensations as a way to regulate emotions and reduce symptoms of distress.

Through innovative practices, somatic therapy claims to address issues like: 

• Trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

• Anxiety and stress

• Depression

• Chronic pain

• Grief and loss

• Emotional regulation

• Attachment disorders

• Dissociation and disconnection

• Self-esteem and body image issues

• Eating disorders

• Addiction recovery 

• Sleep disorders 

• Relationship issues and social anxiety 

• Life transitions and adjustment issues

Many people find somatic therapy beneficial in increasing self-awareness, particularly in how emotions are experienced in the body. This awareness can lead to better emotional regulation and a deeper understanding of one’s responses to stress and trauma.

The emphasis on bodily awareness and self-regulation techniques empowers people by giving them practical tools to manage symptoms of anxiety, depression, and trauma on their own.

Books on somatic therapy

middle aged blonde woman is reading a book while sitting on a sofa at home

The seminal work on trauma and somatic therapy is The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk. 

This book spent over 200 weeks on the New York Times Best Sellers list and explores how trauma affects the body and mind and presents somatic experiences as a powerful method for healing.

Oprah Winfrey even featured the book on her show and website

Additional books on somatic therapy include: 

Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma by Peter A. Levine.

Embodied Healing: Using Yoga to Recover from Trauma and Extreme Stress by Lisa Danylchuk.

In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness by Peter A. Levine.

Body-Centered Psychotherapy: The Hakomi Method by Ron Kurtz

Healing Trauma: A Pioneering Program for Restoring the Wisdom of Your Body by Peter A. Levine. 

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: Interventions for Trauma and Attachment by Pat Ogden and Janina Fisher.

If you’re interested in the topic, grab one of these books for a deep dive into somatic therapy and its theory and real-life applications.

Next steps: Placing the power of your body and mind in your own hands

Dynamic Brain

At Stonehenge Health, we’ve long been proponents of nurturing the connection between body and mind. 

Somatic therapy and brain health supplements like Dynamic Brain share a common purpose in improving well-being—somatic therapy through therapeutic techniques and Dynamic Brain through nutritional support for cognitive functions.*

With a blend of 40 brain health ingredients, including nootropics such as Huperzine A, Bacopa Extract, DHA, and Phosphatidylserine – Dynamic Brain is designed to support your brain’s cognitive ability.*

Learn more about Dynamic Brain from Stonehenge Health.

What Is Plyometrics? A Guide for Your Golden Years.

Senior Woman Jumping In The Air
Senior Woman Jumping In The Air

Most folks with an athletic background have heard of plyometrics. 

It’s a common practice in sports training, but it actually does provide some value outside of athletics, as well. 

In this article, we’re going to take a look at some of the ways in which plyometrics might be beneficial specifically for an older population. Let’s jump in.

What is plyometrics?

Closeup of man doing box jump exercise

Plyometrics, also called “jump training,” are exercises designed to increase muscular power and explosiveness. 

The primary purpose of plyometrics is to improve the speed and force of muscle contractions, which leads to greater power output for athletic movements. 

This is achieved through the use of explosive, fast-acting exercises that stretch and then quickly shorten muscles, known as the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC). This cycle enhances the neuromuscular system’s efficiency and reactivity, making it fundamental for improving performance in various sports and physical activities.

Is plyometrics training good for older adults?

Senior couple in rehabilitation center. Personal trainer writing records exercises

It depends. 

We need to begin this section with two caveats: 

1. Always consult your physician before starting any new exercise program

2. Plyometrics training consists of explosive movements; thus, caution is a necessity

In general, plyometrics is not a great option for beginners and is better suited for people who are already in decent physical shape; often with a sports background. With the proper approach, however, most people can get started safely with plyometrics.

How to prepare for a plyometrics exercise routine

Senior Couple Jogging In Park

Here are some tips to consider before starting a plyometrics workout:

Health status: Individuals with cardiovascular conditions, joint issues, or osteoporosis should be cautious. High-impact exercises can pose risks, including falls, fractures, or worsening of existing conditions.

Fitness level: Older adults who have been consistently active and have a solid base of strength and cardiovascular fitness may be able to include lower-intensity plyometric exercises under professional guidance.

Adaptations and modifications: Plyometric exercises can be modified to be lower-impact, focusing on controlled movements rather than high jumps and rapid changes in direction. Such modifications can make plyometrics safer and more beneficial for seniors.

Professional supervision: Consulting with a fitness professional, particularly one experienced in working with older adults, can help tailor a plyometric program to the individual’s needs, ensuring exercises are performed safely and effectively.

Gradual progression: It’s crucial for older adults to start slowly, with low-intensity plyometric exercises, gradually increasing intensity as their strength and endurance improve.

Focus on safety: Incorporating balance and strength training exercises alongside modified plyometrics can help improve overall stability, reducing the risk of falls.

That said, there is plenty to be gained by adding plyometrics to your fitness routine.

Benefits of plyometrics

Senior woman practicing yoga poses on the sandy beach. Elder caucasian woman stretching legs and arms on the seashore. Healthy lifestyle and fitness concept

Beyond the primary benefits of plyometrics, such as improved athletic performance and increased muscle strength, there are several additional secondary health benefits people can obtain: 

Enhanced coordination and balance: Plyometric exercises often involve complex, multi-joint movements that require coordination and balance. Over time, these exercises can improve neuromuscular control and proprioception.

Improved bone health: The impact forces associated with many plyometric exercises can stimulate bone growth and improve bone density, which is important for preventing osteoporosis.

Increased metabolic rate: Plyometric training is high-intensity and can increase the amount of calories burned during and after exercise, contributing to fat loss and improvements in body composition.

Better Cardiovascular Health: The intensity of plyometric exercises can also provide cardiovascular benefits, improving heart health and endurance.

Enhanced joint mechanics: Properly performed plyometric training can improve the mechanics of the knees, hips, and ankles, potentially reducing the risk of injury in these areas.

With the proper approach, you can enjoy the health benefits of plyometrics training while staying safe. 

Take your training to the next level with Dynamic Turmeric

Dynamic Turmeric

If you want to get the most out of your plyometrics training, consider supplementing your diet with Dynamic Turmeric from Stonehenge Health

Athletes of all shapes, sizes, and ages use turmeric supplementation because of its widely recognized anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which contribute to its potential benefits for joint health.* 

Turmeric has also been found to help support immunity, brain function, digestive health, and healthy joints. Many people across the globe even use turmeric for its abilities to help as an antioxidant, detoxifier, and its mood-improving capabilities.*
Check out Dynamic Turmeric from Stonehenge Health today.

Wake Up and Workout: Unpacking the 30-30-30 Rule for Weight Loss

Group Of Senior Friends Exercising Togetherness Concept
Group Of Senior Friends Exercising Togetherness Concept

The 30-30-30 rule for weight loss is creating quite the buzz, promising a fresh morning routine that could be the key to shedding those extra pounds.

But what’s the science behind it, and more importantly, does it deliver on its promises?

Let’s dive into the details and see if this method is worth setting your alarm clock earlier.

Morning Rituals and Metabolism Magic

Senior man drinking a glass of milk with a happy face standing and smiling.

Kicking off your morning with 30 grams of protein within the first half-hour of waking feels like a health enthusiast’s dream.

Add 30 minutes of gentle exercise to the mix, and you’ve got a recipe that’s supposed to kickstart your metabolism and control blood sugar levels.

But is it the secret ingredient to weight loss, or just another trend that’s hard to digest?

Protein Power and the First Meal Myth

Fried egg and vintage alarm clock collage. Breakfast time concept

The idea hinges on the power of protein to boost satiety and regulate blood sugar. While breaking your fast with a protein-rich meal can set a positive tone for the day, timing it within the first 30 minutes might not be the magic bullet it’s made out to be.

What’s more important is finding a breakfast balance that fuels your body without watching the clock too closely.

Let’s Get Physical: Love for Low-Intensity 

Middle aged woman stretching

The second “30” in the equation suggests rolling out of bed and into a workout routine, emphasizing low-intensity exercise. Walking, stretching, or a leisurely bike ride might not sound like calorie-burning behemoths, but they’re champions at getting your blood flowing and setting a healthy tone for the day.

Yet, when it comes to weight loss, the scale might not tip in favor of this gentle approach alone.

Customize Your Calories: One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Calories counting and food control concept. woman using application on smartphone for scanning the amount of calories in the food before eat

Diving into the 30-30-30 rule reveals a universal truth: weight loss is personal and everyones caloric needs are unique.

While the routine offers a structured start, it’s the overall lifestyle choices, including diet diversity and exercise, that play starring roles in your health journey.

Remember, the best plan is the one you can stick with long-term, not just until the next trend takes its place.

Where Dynamic Biotics Comes In...

Dynamic Biotics

As we navigate the waves of weight loss wisdom, let’s not forget about the unsung hero of health: our gut.

Stonehenge Health’s Dynamic Biotics introduces f 55 billion live probiotic cultures into this narrative, supporting your digestive health and ensuring your gut flora flourishes with every life change.* With 16 diverse strains and the bonus of NutraFlora® Prebiotic Fiber, it’s like a wellness party for your microbiome, aiding digestion and potentially playing a supportive role in your weight loss saga.*

A Balanced Approach to a Healthier You

Senior woman happy after working out

The 30-30-30 rule might have its merits, but it’s just one piece of the puzzle. By combining this morning mantra with a holistic view of health, including nurturing your gut with Dynamic Biotics, you’re not just chasing weight loss; you’re building a foundation for lasting wellness.

Brain Boosting Blueprint: 5 Ways Keep Your Mind Sharp

mature woman lying on the floor happy reading her book
mature woman lying on the floor happy reading her book

As time passes, our minds hold onto valuable memories and knowledge. Protecting these against the effects of aging becomes increasingly important as we grow older. Reducing the risk of age-related cognitive decline is not only about living longer but also about improving the quality of our lives.

At Stonehenge Health, we understand the crucial role of lifestyle choices in maintaining our cognitive health. In this article, we will explore the lifestyle habits that can help you in this important journey.

5 Key Habits for Long-Term Brain Health

mature woman holding a brain with hand over her mouth in front of orange background

1. Thinking Caps On

Portrait of mature woman playing sudoku puzzle.

Much as regular exercise strengthens muscles, consistent mental activities enhance brain function. Participate in tasks that stimulate your thinking and bolster brain adaptability, like tackling brainteasers, strategizing through complex games, or acquiring new abilities. These mental gymnastics can forge new neural pathways and fortify existing connections.

2. Let’s Get Physical

Mature Woman doing stretching yoga side bend at home.

Physical activity isn’t just for the body. It has profound benefits for the brain, too. Aerobic exercises, in particular, can boost brain function and even spur the growth of new brain cells. Lace-up your walking shoes or get out that yoga mat — your brain will thank you.

3. Zen is the Name of the Game

Enhance your mind with meditation. Shot of an older couple meditating together outdoors.

Stress is a stealthy thief, subtly eroding our cognitive reserves. Incorporate stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, deep-breathing exercises, or incorporating practices like mindfulness into your everyday habits to safeguard your cognitive abilities.

4. Catch Your Z’s for a Mind at Ease

Middle age woman sleeping on the bed at bedroom

Quality sleep is the unsung hero of brain health. During sleep, our brains consolidate memories and purge toxins. Prioritize a sleep schedule that allows you to wake up refreshed and mentally sharp.

5. Food is (Brain) Power

Photo of mature woman happy positive smile prepare meal cooking flavoring pepper spices tasty plate kitchen home

Brain-healthy foods rich in antioxidants, healthy fats, and vitamins can provide the raw materials for cognitive preservation. Incorporate foods like berries, nuts, dark leafy vegetables, and oily fish as foundational elements for a diet that boosts brain health.

The Art of Celebrating Cognitive Milestones

older happy couple holding hands walking outdoors

As you integrate these habits into your life, celebrate each milestone. Whether it’s mastering a new puzzle, jogging a little further, or feeling more present, each achievement is a step toward cognitive resilience.

Our choices shape every day, each contributing to our ongoing health and vitality. Each decision we make — from the food we eat to the activities we engage in — can either support our cognitive health or detract from it. Making informed, health-focused choices is the essence of a lifestyle that cherishes cognitive well-being.

Your Partner on the Journey

Dynamic Brain

In the journey of life, as we strive to maintain cognitive health, Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain stands as a beacon of support. Dynamic Brain is a blend of the nutrition your brain needs in one easy-to-take serving with 40 ingredients, including Bacopa Extract, Choline, and Huperzine A, plus essential vitamins and minerals.* These components are pivotal in enhancing cognitive function, improving memory, and supporting overall brain health* so you can get out there and put your best brain forward.

Build the Life You Want in 9 Steps

happy senior couple smiling and embracing each other
happy senior couple smiling and embracing each other

Creating the life you envision isn’t a mere aspiration; it’s a deliberate pursuit requiring a well-defined vision, unwavering determination, and ongoing commitment. 

This holds true whether you’re a high school student embarking on a new chapter or a businessperson reflecting on your accomplishments.

Irrespective of the individuality of your journey…

Certain steps serve as guiding principles, especially during pivotal moments like retirement or when the kids head off to college. 

Consider this comprehensive list to help you build the life you want.

1. Define What You Want

mature woman with headphones taking notes in front of her laptop

The first step in creating the life you want is defining what that looks like. Take time to reflect on your values, passions, and goals. What brings you joy and fulfillment? What are your aspirations in different areas of your life – career, relationships, personal development? Be specific with your goals as this provides a clear direction for your journey.1

2. Create a Vision Board

a woman creating a vision board. Cutting paper with sissors.

A vision board is a collage of images and words that represent your dreams. In creating a vision board you materialize your desires into something tangible. This constant visual reminder boosts motivation and keeps you focused on your objectives.2

3. Develop a Plan

steps towards a goal or target

Once you’ve defined your goals, develop a plan to achieve them. Break down your longer term goals into smaller, manageable actions and set timelines for each. This makes your goals more manageable and provides a clear roadmap to follow. Remember, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.”3

4. Prioritize Personal Growth

Mature woman learning how to create pottery on potter wheel in a workshop

Investing in personal growth is essential in building the life you want. This could involve acquiring new skills, pursuing further education, or seeking personal therapy. Self-improvement brings you closer to your goals and enhances self-esteem and resilience.4

5. Cultivate Positive Relationships

friends embracing each other

Surround yourself with people who support and inspire you. Positive relationships provide emotional support, stimulate personal growth, and can open opportunities that bring you closer to your goals.5

6. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

older woman in sportswear exercising with dumbbells indoors at home or gym

Physical health significantly impacts your ability to pursue your goals. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep can boost energy levels, enhance mood, and improve cognitive function.6

7. Practice Gratitude

Senior woman doing breathing exercise in nature on early morning with fog and mountains in background.

Gratitude shifts your thinking from what’s missing in your life to appreciating what you have. This positive mindset can increase happiness, reduce stress, and foster resilience, which are beneficial in the journey towards your goals.7

8. Be Flexible and Patient

women doing outdoor yoga

Building the life you want doesn’t happen overnight. It requires patience and the flexibility to adapt when things don’t go as planned. Embrace challenges as learning opportunities and don’t forget that every step, no matter how small, brings you closer to your goals.8

9. Seek Professional Guidance

Senior couple meeting with professional guidance

Consider seeking guidance from a life coach or mentor. They can provide valuable strategies, insights and support to navigate your journey effectively.9

Building the life you want is a continuous process of self-discovery, planning, and action. By implementing these steps, you’ll be well on your way to realizing your dreams. Remember, the power to create the life you desire lies within you.

The journey to the life you desire begins in your head…

Dynamic Brain

So here’s a suggestion, start every day with Stonehenge Health’s Dynamic Brain.

Dynamic Brain is a blend of the nutrition your brain needs in one easy-to-take serving with 40 ingredients, including Bacopa Extract, Choline, and Huperzine A, plus essential vitamins and minerals.*

Taking Dynamic Brain daily helps nourish and fuel your thinking, and supports your memory, heightening your ability to stay focused on achieving your hopes and dreams ahead of you.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

1. Locke, E.A., & Latham, G.P. (2002) American Psychologist, 57(9), 705-717.
2. Burnette, J.L., et al. (2013). Psychological Bulletin, 139(3), 655-701.
3. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, as cited in “The Quotable Saint-Exupery” (2003), edited by Connie R. Sasfy, p. 95.
4. Ryff, C.D., & Singer, B. (2008). Journal of Happiness Studies, 9(1), 13-39.
5. Holt-Lunstad, J., Smith, T.B., & Layton, J.B. (2010) PLoS Medicine, 7(7).
6. Hillman, C.H., Erickson, K.I., & Kramer, A.F. (2008). Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 9(1), 58-65.
7. Emmons, R.A., & McCullough, M.E. (2003). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(2), 377-389.
8. Duckworth, A.L., et al. (2007). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92(6), 1087-1101.
9. Grant, A.M. (2012). International Coaching Psychology Review, 7(2), 146-165.

Keep Your Metabolism Buzzing: Avoid These 9 Common Slow-Down Mistakes

Sporty mature woman with scales showing thumb-up on green background
Sporty mature woman with scales showing thumb-up on green background

Metabolism, often touted as the body’s internal furnace, is the complex network of chemical processes that convert food into energy. This intricate system influences how quickly or slowly we burn calories, impacting our weight and overall health. 

As we age, it’s no secret that the metabolic pace tends to decelerate, and a few extra pounds may stealthily find their way onto the scale.

This slowing of metabolism with age is a multifaceted phenomenon. First and foremost, it’s influenced by a natural decline in muscle mass, a consequence of aging, and a sedentary lifestyle. Since muscle tissue is metabolically active, its reduction results in a slower calorie-burning engine. 

Add to that the hormonal changes accompanying aging, and the perfect storm for a more sluggish metabolism begins to brew.

However, it’s not solely the passage of time that contributes to this metabolic lull; our lifestyle choices play a significant role. So, while pursuing a speedier metabolism is often lauded as the holy grail of weight management, our inadvertent derailment of the body’s calorie-burning capabilities requires attention. 

Let’s explore the undercover habits that might be covertly putting the brakes on your metabolism and discover strategies to kick it into higher gear!

1. Skipping Meals, aka, Extreme Caloric Restriction

Healthy meal prep containers with quinoa, chicken and cole slaw

Many people mistakenly believe that dramatically reducing their calorie intake or skipping meals will lead to weight loss. However, this approach often signals the body to enter a conservation mode, slowing down your metabolism to conserve energy.

Do this instead…Opt for a balanced approach to eating by incorporating regular, well-proportioned meals and snacks throughout the day. Focus on nutrient-dense foods that help provide sustained energy and support your metabolism. By nourishing your body consistently, you can maintain a more stable metabolism and avoid the pitfalls of extreme caloric restriction.

2. Low Protein 

Best Foods High in Protein. Healthy eating and diet concept

For your metabolism, protein is more than a muscle supporter; it plays a crucial role in sustaining a well-operating engine. Since muscle tissue is metabolically active, a reduction in muscle mass can lead to a decrease in overall metabolic rate.

Do this instead…Ensure you include a variety of protein-rich foods in your diet, such as lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, and plant-based protein sources. Eat a balanced mix of foods throughout, incorporating protein into each meal. This approach helps preserve muscle mass, promoting a healthier and more efficient metabolism.

3. Not Prioritizing Exercise

Senior couple exercising in gym

If your idea of exercise is only lifting the remote, brace yourself for a metabolic slowdown. A sedentary lifestyle can significantly impact metabolism. Regular exercise, especially strength training, keeps your muscles strong and helps your body burn more calories at rest. On the flip side, not exercising can make you lose muscle and use less energy.

Keep in mind cardio is beneficial, but don’t rely solely on it. Skipping strength training might lead to muscle loss and a drop in your metabolic rate.

Do this instead… Blend regular exercise into your routine, balancing cardio with strength training for a winning combination. Engage in activities that build muscle, boosting both your metabolic rate and overall well-being. Whether sweating through squats, taking strolls, or dancing up a storm, make consistent movement a habit to keep your metabolism on its toes.

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Turmeric not only offers antioxidant benefits but also promotes joint health, mobility, and flexibility. This is crucial for all those keen on maintaining a body in motion and a metabolism that’s always in high gear.*

4. Dehydration

Senior woman drinking water in the morning

Water is essential for various bodily functions, and when there’s an inadequate water supply, metabolism may slow down. Additionally, drinking water has been associated with a temporary boost in metabolic rate.

Do this instead…Keep yourself well-hydrated by drinking adequate water consistently throughout the day. Carry a reusable water bottle and sip water regularly, especially during physical activities or in warm environments. Aim for the recommended daily water intake to support optimal metabolic function and overall health.

5. Too Much Junk Food

woman buying healthy food

Processed foods earn the label “junk food” due to their high content of added sugars, unhealthy fats, and refined carbs, all culprits in weight gain and metabolic dysfunction. These foods, lacking essential nutrients, can disrupt your metabolism and hinder your body’s efficient energy conversion.

Do this instead… Make mindful choices by incorporating whole, nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains into your diet. While a little indulgence is allowed, it’s crucial to steer clear of processed foods known for their excess empty calories and lack of essential nutrients. Prioritize a balanced diet to support your metabolism and overall well-being. Enhance your decision-making by reading food labels and opting for whole, unprocessed alternatives, promoting a more favorable metabolic balance.

6. Too Many Cocktails

Shot of a mature woman relaxing on the sofa at home with a cup of coffee. Coffee and a quiet moment. Happy mature woman with coffee cup relaxing by the window

Did you know that enjoying a beer or a glass of wine with your meal can actually slow down your metabolism? Here’s why: when you drink, your liver prioritizes breaking down alcohol, temporarily pausing other calorie-burning processes. And don’t forget the calories added..

Do this instead…If you choose to consume alcohol, Consider opting for lower-alcohol beverages and incorporate alcohol-free days into your week. Prioritize a balanced lifestyle that supports both enjoyment and overall well-being while avoiding excessive alcohol consumption to maintain a healthy metabolic state.

7. Too Little Sleep, Too Much Stress

Portrait of senior woman lying in bed waking up fresh start

Ever notice that things tend to feel more stressed when you don’t get enough sleep? Insufficient and poor-quality sleep and stress go hand in hand, throwing a wrench into your hormonal harmony. In these situations, cortisol levels spike, potentially messing with your metabolic balance and hindering efficient calorie burning. 

Do this insteadEstablishing a consistent sleep routine and a calm bedtime environment helps ensure you get enough restful sleep. Try stress-relieving activities like deep breathing, yoga, or a relaxing hobby. These small changes can make a big difference in supporting your metabolism and overall well-being.

Effortlessly conquer stressful situations with the aid of Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms, ensuring you maintain that cool and collected vibe needed to thrive.

8. Not Enough Fiber

High Fiber Foods on  wooden background. Flat lay

Not getting enough fiber in your diet can put a damper on your metabolism. Here’s why: fiber adds bulk to your meals, slows down nutrient absorption, and keeps things moving smoothly in your digestive system.1-3

When you’re low on fiber, there’s a traffic jam in your digestive tract. Nutrients get absorbed too quickly, which can mess with your blood sugar levels, making your metabolism feel sluggish.

Do this insteadInclude fiber-rich foods in your meals – think fruits, veggies, whole grains, and legumes. Fiber not only keeps your digestion running smoothly but also helps you feel full, which can be a plus for managing your calorie intake. 

9. Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies

Friends having lunch together passing back and forth dishes to each other

Eating enough vitamins and minerals can really help your body’s energy-making process. Without them, your body might struggle to make and use energy properly. Certain small nutrients play a big part in helping different energy-making paths in your body, and not having enough of them can slow down how your body burns calories.

Important vitamins like B vitamins, vitamin D, and minerals such as iron, magnesium, and zinc are very important for your body’s energy health. For example, B vitamins help turn food into energy, and if you don’t have enough, your body’s energy-making process can slow down.3 Not having enough vitamin D can affect how well your body uses insulin, which can affect how well your body makes energy.4

Iron, which is an important mineral, helps carry oxygen and make energy, and if you don’t have enough, you can feel tired and your body might not make energy as well.5 Magnesium is another important mineral that helps with many reactions in your body that make energy.6

Do this instead…To make sure you’re getting enough of these small nutrients and to help your body make energy as best as it can, it’s important to eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods. Making sure you get enough of these small nutrients can help keep your body from feeling sluggish and promote overall good health. You might want to talk to a healthcare professional to check how well you’re doing with your nutrition.

In our quest for a smoothly running metabolism, let’s steer clear of the usual roadblocks and gear ourselves towards achieving metabolic excellence. By sidestepping these common errors and adopting habits that boost metabolism, you can tap into your body’s maximum calorie-burning capacity. So, prepare to ignite your metabolic engine and set off on an adventure towards a more energetic and efficient version of yourself!

Dynamic Turmeric Learn More
Dynamic Mushrooms Learn More

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

1. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/fiber/art-20043983
2. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/carbohydrates/fiber/.
3. Aghdassi, E., McArthur, M., Liu, B., McGeer, A., Simor, A., Allard, J. P. (2009)
4. Takiishi, T., Gysemans, C., Bouillon, R., & Mathieu, C. (2015). Vitamin D and diabetes Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America, 44(2), 319–347
5. Ref: Beard, J. (2001). Iron biology in immune function, muscle metabolism and neuronal functioning. Journal of Nutrition, 131(2), 568S–580S.
6. Ref: Nielsen, F. H., & Lukaski, H. C. (2006). Update on the relationship between magnesium and exercise. Magnesium research, 19(3), 180–189

Why It’s Never Too Late to Take a Dance Class

Positive senior man dancing playful Latin dance bachata with female partner during group class in choreography studio.
Positive senior man dancing playful Latin dance bachata with female partner during group class in choreography studio.

My friend Marina and I cherished our Saturday morning neighborhood walks. It became our routine, a way to soak in nature and share quality time together. However, one Friday night, everything changed when Marina called to cancel because she and her husband had enrolled in a ballroom dance class.

This announcement caught me off guard. Ballroom dance? I was disappointed but intrigued. 

As Marina shared her enthusiasm for mastering tricky dance steps and fulfilling a long-held desire, it became clear that dance was more than just steps. Dance is an expression of life set to music, a sentiment that stuck with me.

Digging deeper into Marina’s newfound love, I’ve discovered that the notion of dance classes being exclusive for the young and agile has faded away. In its place has emerged a trend where people of all ages are rediscovering the joy of moving together

Today, nobody is too old to explore tap, ballet, or groove to a Latin beat. Dance is for anyone open to a new experience.

So, if you often find yourself scrolling through social media, secretly yearning to move with the fluidity of those graceful dancers gliding across your screen, here’s a secret for you – it’s never too late to start. Yes, even if your body has passed its prime and you rely on Celebrex to navigate stairs. Taking up a dance class at any age offers benefits for both your body and mind. 

It’s time to trade in traditional workouts for dancing shoes and explore why stepping onto the dance floor is the workout that will make you want to boogie!

1. A Social Affair: Meeting New People and Building Connections 

group of women at gym

Whether you’re a newcomer or a dance aficionado, the inclusive nature of dance classes offers an excellent opportunity to meet new people. Breaking the ice becomes a breeze when you’re learning intricate steps together or sharing a laugh over a misstep. The camaraderie formed in dance classes may extend beyond the studio, creating lasting friendships that enrich your social life. As you twirl and sway with your fellow dancers, you’ll discover a supportive community that shares the same enthusiasm for movement and self-expression.

2. Physical Fitness in Disguise: A Fun and Vigorous Workout

Happy seniors and mature couples exercising with dumbbells.

Whether salsa-ing or waltzing, dance engages various muscle groups, promoting flexibility, strength, and cardiovascular health. The best part? You won’t even realize you’re working out! The infectious rhythms and dynamic movements distract from the physical exertion, making dance an ideal option for those who despise the treadmill or the weight room. The joyous nature of dance turns exercise into a celebration, helping you maintain a healthy lifestyle without the dread that accompanies more conventional fitness routines.

3. Stress-Buster: Dance Away Your Worries

woman hand finger walking on piano between music note with shoe concept

Combining rhythmic movements and expressive gestures provides a cathartic release, allowing you to channel your emotions into the dance. As you immerse yourself in the music and the choreography flow, the day’s worries fade away. Dance has been proven to reduce cortisol levels, the hormone associated with stress, making it a therapeutic and enjoyable way to unwind. (1) The next time life feels overwhelming, put on your dancing shoes and let the music guide you to serenity.

4. Boosted Confidence: Mastering New Skills and Overcoming Challenges

Middle age woman holding shiny disco ball smiling and thumbs up

Dance classes challenge you to learn new steps, coordinate movements, and express yourself in ways you might not have thought possible. As you overcome the initial hurdles and see progress in your abilities, you’ll undoubtedly feel your self-esteem rise. The sense of accomplishment you get from mastering a dance routine or perfecting a challenging move translates into increased confidence that extends into other areas of your life. Dance becomes a powerful tool for personal growth and empowerment, proving that the journey of self-discovery can be as exhilarating as the dance itself.

5. Cultural Exploration: Embracing Diversity Through Dance

Blurred professional man and woman dancing Latin dance in costumes in studio, two pairs ballroom shoes in the foreground

Dance is a universal language that transcends borders and cultures. From the sensual rhythms of Latin dances to the elegance of ballroom styles, each dance form carries its own cultural history and significance. Engaging in diverse dance classes opens your eyes to the beauty of different traditions, fostering an appreciation for the global mosaic of movement. It’s a journey that not only expands your dance repertoire but also broadens your cultural horizons.

6. Improvising & Memorizing for a Better Brain

music notes in head/brain concept

Dance classes often incorporate improvisation, a great way to stimulate the brain and boost cognitive functions (1). Remembering dance steps and sequences can also improve memory and mental agility. So, dancing is not just good for the body—it’s a workout for the mind. (1-2)

The power of dance extends far beyond simple entertainment. It catalyzes cognitive enhancement, emotional health, stress relief, physical performance, social engagement, and creativity stimulation.

Regardless of your preference, be it jazz or samba, immersing yourself in your dance can unlock countless benefits.

To further dance’s emotional and physical support, consider adaptogenic mushrooms like those found in Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms into your daily life. 

Dynamic Mushrooms combine Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Chaga, Maitake, and Shiitake. Each of these mushrooms possesses adaptogenic properties, contributing to cognitive performance, immune wellness, and the ability to adapt to stressful situations.* This all-encompassing blend saves you the trouble of finding each ingredient, offering a full spectrum of adaptogenic benefits in one convenient blend. And if your joints require some extra care, Stonehenge Health Dynamic Turmeric steps in, harnessing the properties of curcumin to promote overall well-being. Offering antioxidant benefits, it supports joint health, mobility, and flexibility—essential elements for those deeply passionate about dance.*

Dynamic Mushrooms Learn More
Dynamic Turmeric Learn More

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

1. Meekums B, Karkou V, Nelson EA. Issue 2. Art. No.: CD009895. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009895.
2. Karkou V, Aithal S, Richards M, Hiley E, Meekums B. CD011022. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD011022