A Beginner’s Guide to Somatic Therapy

Two women perform somatic practices on a bed in a home bedroom
Two women perform somatic practices on a bed in a home bedroom

Question for you: 

Do you think that the mind follows the body? 

Example: If you have poor diet and exercise habits, they will negatively affect your psychological well-being. 

Or, do you think the body follows the mind? 

Example: If you’re depressed, your physical health will suffer. 

In reality, this issue is much more complex than the black-and-white scenarios above. 

And this is exactly what the field of somatic therapy explores. 

Somatic therapy is a form of psychotherapy that emphasizes the connection between the mind and body in healing. It is based on the understanding that trauma, stress, and emotional experiences can manifest physically in the body, leading to chronic pain, tension, and other physical symptoms. 

Somatic therapy aims to address these physical symptoms through various techniques, helping individuals to release stored tensions, alleviate stress, and improve overall physical and emotional well-being.

The techniques used in somatic therapy may include: 

• Deep breathing

• Relaxation exercises

• Guided imagery

• Movement (such as dance or yoga)

• Other body-oriented methods 

The therapy focuses on helping individuals become more aware of their bodily sensations and learning how to interpret and manage these sensations as a way to regulate emotions and reduce symptoms of distress.

Through innovative practices, somatic therapy claims to address issues like: 

• Trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

• Anxiety and stress

• Depression

• Chronic pain

• Grief and loss

• Emotional regulation

• Attachment disorders

• Dissociation and disconnection

• Self-esteem and body image issues

• Eating disorders

• Addiction recovery 

• Sleep disorders 

• Relationship issues and social anxiety 

• Life transitions and adjustment issues

Many people find somatic therapy beneficial in increasing self-awareness, particularly in how emotions are experienced in the body. This awareness can lead to better emotional regulation and a deeper understanding of one’s responses to stress and trauma.

The emphasis on bodily awareness and self-regulation techniques empowers people by giving them practical tools to manage symptoms of anxiety, depression, and trauma on their own.

Books on somatic therapy

middle aged blonde woman is reading a book while sitting on a sofa at home

The seminal work on trauma and somatic therapy is The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk. 

This book spent over 200 weeks on the New York Times Best Sellers list and explores how trauma affects the body and mind and presents somatic experiences as a powerful method for healing.

Oprah Winfrey even featured the book on her show and website

Additional books on somatic therapy include: 

Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma by Peter A. Levine.

Embodied Healing: Using Yoga to Recover from Trauma and Extreme Stress by Lisa Danylchuk.

In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness by Peter A. Levine.

Body-Centered Psychotherapy: The Hakomi Method by Ron Kurtz

Healing Trauma: A Pioneering Program for Restoring the Wisdom of Your Body by Peter A. Levine. 

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: Interventions for Trauma and Attachment by Pat Ogden and Janina Fisher.

If you’re interested in the topic, grab one of these books for a deep dive into somatic therapy and its theory and real-life applications.

Next steps: Placing the power of your body and mind in your own hands

Dynamic Brain

At Stonehenge Health, we’ve long been proponents of nurturing the connection between body and mind. 

Somatic therapy and brain health supplements like Dynamic Brain share a common purpose in improving well-being—somatic therapy through therapeutic techniques and Dynamic Brain through nutritional support for cognitive functions.*

With a blend of 40 brain health ingredients, including nootropics such as Huperzine A, Bacopa Extract, DHA, and Phosphatidylserine – Dynamic Brain is designed to support your brain’s cognitive ability.*

Learn more about Dynamic Brain from Stonehenge Health.

Navigating Denial’s Shadows and Lights

Senior woman with long gray hair wearing casual style rejection expression crossing arms doing negative sign, angry face over grey background.
Senior woman with long gray hair wearing casual style rejection expression crossing arms doing negative sign, angry face over grey background.

At the heart of human psychology lies the complex realm of denial. This mechanism, often misunderstood, can serve as both a shield and a barrier in our journey toward self-awareness and change.

It’s a delicate balance between recognizing denial’s protective embrace and acknowledging when it morphs into an obstacle to our growth.

Understanding Denial’s Dual Nature

Mature Couple In Quarrel

Denial operates as a psychological defense mechanism to safeguard us from the overwhelming tides of reality. It can manifest when we’re confronted with truths too painful or realities too stark to accept. This denial can sometimes be a necessary pause, allowing us emotional space to process and adapt to life’s challenges gradually. Yet, when clung to too tightly, denial may hinder our ability to confront necessary truths and enact meaningful changes in our lives.

Commonly, denial comes into play across various facets of life, including health diagnoses, substance use, and personal relationships. Its presence is a testament to our innate desire to maintain equilibrium, even amid unsettling truths. However, the cost of prolonged denial can be steep, potentially leading us away from the path of healing and growth.

The Journey Towards Recognition

Street lighting pole with two opposite directional arrows over blue cloudy background. Deny versus Admit concept.

The first step in navigating through denial is recognizing its presence within ourselves. This introspection requires courage and honesty as we peel back the layers of our defense mechanisms to confront the underlying realities. Acknowledging denial is not a sign of weakness but a profound act of strength, paving the way for transformative change.

In moments of self-discovery, reaching out for support becomes invaluable. Whether through conversations with trusted loved ones or seeking professional guidance, external perspectives can illuminate the shadows cast by denial, offering clarity and direction.

Supporting Others with Compassion

Senior women, workout hug and smile closeup with fitness and exercise outdoor for health.

When we observe denial in those around us, approaching with empathy and understanding is key. Initiating open, non-judgmental dialogues can encourage self-reflection, though the pace of change ultimately rests in their hands. Our role is not to coerce but to offer support, planting seeds of awareness that may blossom into action in time.

Fostering Resilience with Dynamic Mushrooms

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms

In our journey toward embracing reality and fostering personal growth, nurturing our mental and physical well-being becomes crucial. Stonehenge Health’s Dynamic Mushrooms emerges as a supportive ally in this process. This unique blend of Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Chaga, Shiitake, and Maitake mushrooms offers a foundation for cognitive health and a robust immune response, aiding our ability to cope with life’s stressors.*

The adaptogenic properties of these mushrooms can bolster our resilience, empowering us to face our challenges with clarity and strength.* By supporting our cognitive functions and enhancing our immune response, Dynamic Mushrooms complements our efforts to move beyond denial, facilitating a journey toward healing and self-awareness.*

Finding balance is key in the dance between denial’s protective nature and its potential to obstruct growth. As we navigate this delicate terrain, embracing support—from our inner circles and nature’s bounty—can light our path toward a more conscious and fulfilling life.

Wake Up and Workout: Unpacking the 30-30-30 Rule for Weight Loss

Group Of Senior Friends Exercising Togetherness Concept
Group Of Senior Friends Exercising Togetherness Concept

The 30-30-30 rule for weight loss is creating quite the buzz, promising a fresh morning routine that could be the key to shedding those extra pounds.

But what’s the science behind it, and more importantly, does it deliver on its promises?

Let’s dive into the details and see if this method is worth setting your alarm clock earlier.

Morning Rituals and Metabolism Magic

Senior man drinking a glass of milk with a happy face standing and smiling.

Kicking off your morning with 30 grams of protein within the first half-hour of waking feels like a health enthusiast’s dream.

Add 30 minutes of gentle exercise to the mix, and you’ve got a recipe that’s supposed to kickstart your metabolism and control blood sugar levels.

But is it the secret ingredient to weight loss, or just another trend that’s hard to digest?

Protein Power and the First Meal Myth

Fried egg and vintage alarm clock collage. Breakfast time concept

The idea hinges on the power of protein to boost satiety and regulate blood sugar. While breaking your fast with a protein-rich meal can set a positive tone for the day, timing it within the first 30 minutes might not be the magic bullet it’s made out to be.

What’s more important is finding a breakfast balance that fuels your body without watching the clock too closely.

Let’s Get Physical: Love for Low-Intensity 

Middle aged woman stretching

The second “30” in the equation suggests rolling out of bed and into a workout routine, emphasizing low-intensity exercise. Walking, stretching, or a leisurely bike ride might not sound like calorie-burning behemoths, but they’re champions at getting your blood flowing and setting a healthy tone for the day.

Yet, when it comes to weight loss, the scale might not tip in favor of this gentle approach alone.

Customize Your Calories: One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Calories counting and food control concept. woman using application on smartphone for scanning the amount of calories in the food before eat

Diving into the 30-30-30 rule reveals a universal truth: weight loss is personal and everyones caloric needs are unique.

While the routine offers a structured start, it’s the overall lifestyle choices, including diet diversity and exercise, that play starring roles in your health journey.

Remember, the best plan is the one you can stick with long-term, not just until the next trend takes its place.

Where Dynamic Biotics Comes In...

Dynamic Biotics

As we navigate the waves of weight loss wisdom, let’s not forget about the unsung hero of health: our gut.

Stonehenge Health’s Dynamic Biotics introduces f 55 billion live probiotic cultures into this narrative, supporting your digestive health and ensuring your gut flora flourishes with every life change.* With 16 diverse strains and the bonus of NutraFlora® Prebiotic Fiber, it’s like a wellness party for your microbiome, aiding digestion and potentially playing a supportive role in your weight loss saga.*

A Balanced Approach to a Healthier You

Senior woman happy after working out

The 30-30-30 rule might have its merits, but it’s just one piece of the puzzle. By combining this morning mantra with a holistic view of health, including nurturing your gut with Dynamic Biotics, you’re not just chasing weight loss; you’re building a foundation for lasting wellness.

6 Ways to Find Joy and Connection

Group of Friends Laughing
Group of Friends Laughing

Loneliness is a universal human experience. It sneaks up during major life changes or even amid the buzz of our daily lives. 

But remember, feeling lonely doesn’t mean you’re alone in this. Understanding and tackling loneliness is key to finding joy and connection.

1. Embrace Your Feelings

Profile view of older woman with short grey hair and glasses sitting at desk writing

Admitting you’re feeling lonely is the first step toward change. Journaling your thoughts or confiding in someone (friend, neighbor, family, therapist) can help you navigate these feelings and set the stage for a happier, more connected life.

2. Make Real-Life Connections

Cozy scene of two old friends having nice chat at cafe, enjoying tea or coffee

In our digital age, nothing beats face-to-face interactions. They enrich your life in ways that online interactions can’t. So, next time, choose a coffee date over a text.

3. Virtual Catch-Ups Count Too

Focus on screen with happy middle aged woman making video call with grown up young daughter

Distance doesn’t mean disconnection. Scheduled video chats with long-distance friends and family can strengthen bonds and bring joy into your life, even if you’re miles apart.

4. Join a Club, Find a Tribe

Senior couple playing tennis

Pursue your passions with others. Whether it’s tennis, art, or culinary delights, shared interests are a fantastic way to build new, meaningful relationships.

5. Embrace Solo Adventures

Close up focus on palette with mixed paints

Use alone time to grow. Start a new hobby, learn a language, or train for a marathon. These solo pursuits can be incredibly fulfilling and empowering.

6. Give Back, Feel Great

Charity Donations Fundraising Nonprofit Volunteer Concept

Volunteering offers dual benefits: helping others and boosting your own mood. Whether it’s community service or animal care, giving back can be a powerful antidote to loneliness.

From Lonely to Lively

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain

While these steps can help combat loneliness, caring for your mental health is equally crucial. 

This is where Stonehenge Health’s Dynamic Brain comes in. It’s formulated to support cognitive health and mental clarity, aiding you in pursuing new activities and social connections with confidence and focus.*

Dynamic Brain‘s blend of natural ingredients can help improve your mood and cognitive function, making it easier to step out of your comfort zone and build the connections you crave.* 

By taking care of your brain health, you’re setting yourself up for success in overcoming loneliness and finding joy in both solo and social pursuits.

Loneliness isn’t a permanent state…

 With these practical steps and the cognitive support from Dynamic Brain, you can embrace life’s moments – whether alone or in company – with a healthier, happier mindset. 

So why wait?

Begin your journey towards a more connected, fulfilling life today.

Brain Boosting Blueprint: 5 Ways Keep Your Mind Sharp

mature woman lying on the floor happy reading her book
mature woman lying on the floor happy reading her book

As time passes, our minds hold onto valuable memories and knowledge. Protecting these against the effects of aging becomes increasingly important as we grow older. Reducing the risk of age-related cognitive decline is not only about living longer but also about improving the quality of our lives.

At Stonehenge Health, we understand the crucial role of lifestyle choices in maintaining our cognitive health. In this article, we will explore the lifestyle habits that can help you in this important journey.

5 Key Habits for Long-Term Brain Health

mature woman holding a brain with hand over her mouth in front of orange background

1. Thinking Caps On

Portrait of mature woman playing sudoku puzzle.

Much as regular exercise strengthens muscles, consistent mental activities enhance brain function. Participate in tasks that stimulate your thinking and bolster brain adaptability, like tackling brainteasers, strategizing through complex games, or acquiring new abilities. These mental gymnastics can forge new neural pathways and fortify existing connections.

2. Let’s Get Physical

Mature Woman doing stretching yoga side bend at home.

Physical activity isn’t just for the body. It has profound benefits for the brain, too. Aerobic exercises, in particular, can boost brain function and even spur the growth of new brain cells. Lace-up your walking shoes or get out that yoga mat — your brain will thank you.

3. Zen is the Name of the Game

Enhance your mind with meditation. Shot of an older couple meditating together outdoors.

Stress is a stealthy thief, subtly eroding our cognitive reserves. Incorporate stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, deep-breathing exercises, or incorporating practices like mindfulness into your everyday habits to safeguard your cognitive abilities.

4. Catch Your Z’s for a Mind at Ease

Middle age woman sleeping on the bed at bedroom

Quality sleep is the unsung hero of brain health. During sleep, our brains consolidate memories and purge toxins. Prioritize a sleep schedule that allows you to wake up refreshed and mentally sharp.

5. Food is (Brain) Power

Photo of mature woman happy positive smile prepare meal cooking flavoring pepper spices tasty plate kitchen home

Brain-healthy foods rich in antioxidants, healthy fats, and vitamins can provide the raw materials for cognitive preservation. Incorporate foods like berries, nuts, dark leafy vegetables, and oily fish as foundational elements for a diet that boosts brain health.

The Art of Celebrating Cognitive Milestones

older happy couple holding hands walking outdoors

As you integrate these habits into your life, celebrate each milestone. Whether it’s mastering a new puzzle, jogging a little further, or feeling more present, each achievement is a step toward cognitive resilience.

Our choices shape every day, each contributing to our ongoing health and vitality. Each decision we make — from the food we eat to the activities we engage in — can either support our cognitive health or detract from it. Making informed, health-focused choices is the essence of a lifestyle that cherishes cognitive well-being.

Your Partner on the Journey

Dynamic Brain

In the journey of life, as we strive to maintain cognitive health, Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain stands as a beacon of support. Dynamic Brain is a blend of the nutrition your brain needs in one easy-to-take serving with 40 ingredients, including Bacopa Extract, Choline, and Huperzine A, plus essential vitamins and minerals.* These components are pivotal in enhancing cognitive function, improving memory, and supporting overall brain health* so you can get out there and put your best brain forward.

The Soaring Popularity of Birding: Is it the Next Big Thing?

pilated woodpecker
pilated woodpecker

It was a sunny morning when the birdwatching bug bit me. 

My brother John’s voice, tinged with inexplicable excitement, echoed, “Margo, you’ve got to see this!”

With the enthusiasm he was exuding, you’d think he’d spotted a mythical creature prancing in the backyard.

But no, it wasn’t a unicorn. Instead, nestled amongst the trees off his back porch was a Pileated Woodpecker.

This past July, I spent a few weeks in the heart of Central Pennsylvania as a guest at my brother John’s house. With his mild-mannered demeanor and bookish charm, John is a polymath – knowledgeable about virtually every topic yet never coming off as a know-it-all. He is genuinely the perfect kind of person.

His home, perched atop a hill and enveloped in a colorful blanket of trees, was a bustling bird metropolis.

The bird feeders John had scattered around his property acted like avian magnets. At first, I was prepared for a relaxingly monotonous week – which I was perfectly content with. But as it turned out, monotony was about to take flight!

The night following our woodpecker encounter, I dove headfirst into John’s birdwatching world. We pored over the Kaufman Field Guide to Birds of North America. As we flipped through the pages, I began to understand the allure of birdwatching. It wasn’t just about ticking off species from a list; it was a rewarding hobby with many unexpected perks.

Natural Stress Buster

Active senior woman using binoculars to see the beauty of nature

In the relentless whirl of life, taking a moment to sit quietly and observe birds was like a serene massage for my mind. It was calming and soothing, and I found myself basking in the tranquil charm of this peaceful pastime.

Digital Detox

Blue Jay

We’re so tethered to our screens that we often overlook the mesmerizing world beyond the pixels. Spotting a variety of birds, from barn owls to blue jays, feels like you’re rekindling a forgotten friendship with nature.

Brain Gym

happy middle aged couple bird watching outdoors

Birdwatching, or “birding” as it is affectionately known among enthusiasts, is more than just a delightful hobby; it’s a mental workout in disguise. Each time you embark on a birding adventure, you’re not just stepping into the great outdoors but walking into an open-air classroom that challenges and stimulates your mind.

When you spot a new bird, it’s like solving a complex puzzle. You must observe carefully, noting details such as the bird’s size, shape, color, behavior, and even its unique calls. These observations then need to be matched with the information available in field guides or birding apps, making the process an engaging exercise in problem-solving and memory recall.

In addition, each bird species comes with its own set of intriguing facts about its lifestyle, feeding habits, migration patterns, and habitat preferences. As you uncover these facts, you’re learning new things about nature, ecology, and animal behavior. It’s like attending a biology lecture with the added bonus of fresh air and real-time observations.

Make It Social

Seniors trekking in a forest

Birdwatching can serve as a fantastic social activity, providing an opportunity to connect with like-minded people who share a similar passion for nature. Joining local bird watching clubs and joining organized birding trips can lead to new friendships and enriching conversations. 


Active senior couple hiking in mountains with backpacks and hiking poles, enjoying their adventure

Hiking up hills and meandering through wooded paths without realizing you’re breaking a sweat? Way more fun than a treadmill! By the end of the week, I found myself physically revitalized.

Today, I proudly identify myself as a “birder.” Interestingly, birding is not just a hobby favored by Boomers and Gen Xers like myself. It’s gaining traction among younger folks, too, proving that the appeal of birdwatching transcends age boundaries. 

As I look forward to many more birding adventures, I can’t help but feel excited about the future of this captivating hobby.

Sharpen Your Observation Skills*

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms

The power of birdwatching extends far beyond simple observation. It stimulates cognitive enhancement, emotional well-being, stress relief, physical activity, and social engagement.

To support birdwatching’s emotional and physical benefits, consider incorporating adaptogenic mushrooms like those found in Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms into your daily routine.*

Dynamic Mushrooms combine Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Chaga, Maitake, and Shiitake. Each of these mushrooms has adaptogenic properties, contributing to cognitive performance, immune health, and the ability to adapt to stressful situations.* This comprehensive blend eliminates the need to source each ingredient individually, offering a full spectrum of adaptogenic benefits in one convenient mix.*

Build the Life You Want in 9 Steps

happy senior couple smiling and embracing each other
happy senior couple smiling and embracing each other

Creating the life you envision isn’t a mere aspiration; it’s a deliberate pursuit requiring a well-defined vision, unwavering determination, and ongoing commitment. 

This holds true whether you’re a high school student embarking on a new chapter or a businessperson reflecting on your accomplishments.

Irrespective of the individuality of your journey…

Certain steps serve as guiding principles, especially during pivotal moments like retirement or when the kids head off to college. 

Consider this comprehensive list to help you build the life you want.

1. Define What You Want

mature woman with headphones taking notes in front of her laptop

The first step in creating the life you want is defining what that looks like. Take time to reflect on your values, passions, and goals. What brings you joy and fulfillment? What are your aspirations in different areas of your life – career, relationships, personal development? Be specific with your goals as this provides a clear direction for your journey.1

2. Create a Vision Board

a woman creating a vision board. Cutting paper with sissors.

A vision board is a collage of images and words that represent your dreams. In creating a vision board you materialize your desires into something tangible. This constant visual reminder boosts motivation and keeps you focused on your objectives.2

3. Develop a Plan

steps towards a goal or target

Once you’ve defined your goals, develop a plan to achieve them. Break down your longer term goals into smaller, manageable actions and set timelines for each. This makes your goals more manageable and provides a clear roadmap to follow. Remember, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.”3

4. Prioritize Personal Growth

Mature woman learning how to create pottery on potter wheel in a workshop

Investing in personal growth is essential in building the life you want. This could involve acquiring new skills, pursuing further education, or seeking personal therapy. Self-improvement brings you closer to your goals and enhances self-esteem and resilience.4

5. Cultivate Positive Relationships

friends embracing each other

Surround yourself with people who support and inspire you. Positive relationships provide emotional support, stimulate personal growth, and can open opportunities that bring you closer to your goals.5

6. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

older woman in sportswear exercising with dumbbells indoors at home or gym

Physical health significantly impacts your ability to pursue your goals. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep can boost energy levels, enhance mood, and improve cognitive function.6

7. Practice Gratitude

Senior woman doing breathing exercise in nature on early morning with fog and mountains in background.

Gratitude shifts your thinking from what’s missing in your life to appreciating what you have. This positive mindset can increase happiness, reduce stress, and foster resilience, which are beneficial in the journey towards your goals.7

8. Be Flexible and Patient

women doing outdoor yoga

Building the life you want doesn’t happen overnight. It requires patience and the flexibility to adapt when things don’t go as planned. Embrace challenges as learning opportunities and don’t forget that every step, no matter how small, brings you closer to your goals.8

9. Seek Professional Guidance

Senior couple meeting with professional guidance

Consider seeking guidance from a life coach or mentor. They can provide valuable strategies, insights and support to navigate your journey effectively.9

Building the life you want is a continuous process of self-discovery, planning, and action. By implementing these steps, you’ll be well on your way to realizing your dreams. Remember, the power to create the life you desire lies within you.

The journey to the life you desire begins in your head…

Dynamic Brain

So here’s a suggestion, start every day with Stonehenge Health’s Dynamic Brain.

Dynamic Brain is a blend of the nutrition your brain needs in one easy-to-take serving with 40 ingredients, including Bacopa Extract, Choline, and Huperzine A, plus essential vitamins and minerals.*

Taking Dynamic Brain daily helps nourish and fuel your thinking, and supports your memory, heightening your ability to stay focused on achieving your hopes and dreams ahead of you.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

1. Locke, E.A., & Latham, G.P. (2002) American Psychologist, 57(9), 705-717.
2. Burnette, J.L., et al. (2013). Psychological Bulletin, 139(3), 655-701.
3. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, as cited in “The Quotable Saint-Exupery” (2003), edited by Connie R. Sasfy, p. 95.
4. Ryff, C.D., & Singer, B. (2008). Journal of Happiness Studies, 9(1), 13-39.
5. Holt-Lunstad, J., Smith, T.B., & Layton, J.B. (2010) PLoS Medicine, 7(7).
6. Hillman, C.H., Erickson, K.I., & Kramer, A.F. (2008). Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 9(1), 58-65.
7. Emmons, R.A., & McCullough, M.E. (2003). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(2), 377-389.
8. Duckworth, A.L., et al. (2007). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92(6), 1087-1101.
9. Grant, A.M. (2012). International Coaching Psychology Review, 7(2), 146-165.

The Loneliness Epidemic: Causes and What You Can Do About It

lonely, stressed mature woman sitting in her room by herself
lonely, stressed mature woman sitting in her room by herself

Surgeon General Vivek Murthy recently sounded the alarm on a growing health crisis in America: loneliness. 

In a formal advisory, Murthy compared the health risks of loneliness to those of smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day, linking it to cardiovascular disease, dementia, stroke, depression, and anxiety.1 

But why is this loneliness epidemic rampant, and what can you do about it?

The Causes of the Loneliness Epidemic

stressed senior woman looking at laptop.

Several factors contribute to the loneliness epidemic, each complex and multifaceted. 

One significant factor is the rise of technology. As we become more plugged into our devices, we often disconnect from the world around us. Social media, while designed to connect us, can sometimes make us feel more isolated as we compare our lives to others’ carefully curated online personas.2

Additionally, societal changes have led to increased isolation. More people are living alone, working remotely, or moving frequently for work or school, which can disrupt social connections.3

The stigma surrounding mental health also plays a role, as many people feel uncomfortable discussing their feelings of loneliness, exacerbating the problem.4

Recalibrate Your Relationship with Technology

Phone, fitness and music with senior friends on the grass outdoor taking a break from their workout routine. Exercise, smile and elderly people streaming audio while laughing on a field for wellness

Surgeon General Murthy’s 5-for-5 Connection Challenge inspires you to forge connections by taking one positive action every day for five days. 

Using technology as a tool, strengthen relationships by starting with sending heartfelt texts of love and encouragement to those you haven’t spoken to in a while. 

Simultaneously, this initiative emphasizes the crucial balance of offline connections, highlighting the importance of fostering meaningful relationships beyond the digital realm. It serves as a reminder that technology can enhance, not replace, the depth and authenticity of our human connections.

So, instead of allowing technology to isolate you, use it as a tool to foster genuine connections. This could involve video calls with loved ones, joining online communities with shared interests, or using social media to organize in-person meetups.

Offline, make an effort to connect with those around us. This could be as simple as striking up a conversation with a neighbor, joining a local club or volunteering in the community.

The loneliness epidemic is a complex issue with no easy solutions. However, by acknowledging the problem and taking steps to foster connection on both an individual and societal level, we can together begin to turn the tide. 

Each positive interaction you make not only benefits you personally but also has the potential to positively impact our communities. Therefore, combating the loneliness epidemic is not just about improving your health outcomes—it’s about strengthening our society as a whole.

Stress to Social Success

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms

Making friends can sometimes feel like a daunting task. The pressure to fit in, the fear of rejection, and the anxiety of opening up to someone new can make the process stressful and overwhelming. It’s a journey filled with uncertainties, and it often feels like you’re navigating an emotional roller coaster. 

However, remember that it’s okay to take things slow and be patient with yourself.

To help better manage stressful situations and embrace a sense of calm during this process, consider adaptogenic mushrooms.*  Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms offer a unique blend of Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Chaga, Maitake, and Shiitake. Each of these mushrooms is renowned for its adaptogenic properties.* This distinctive combination supports cognitive performance, immune health,  and stress resilience – all packed conveniently in one blend.* Support your journey towards making new connections with ease and tranquility.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

1. The 45-Second Tool to Change Your Life – POLITICO
2. How We Can Overcome Loneliness | Psychology Today
3. Pew Research Center
4. American Psychological Association

Keep Your Metabolism Buzzing: Avoid These 9 Common Slow-Down Mistakes

Sporty mature woman with scales showing thumb-up on green background
Sporty mature woman with scales showing thumb-up on green background

Metabolism, often touted as the body’s internal furnace, is the complex network of chemical processes that convert food into energy. This intricate system influences how quickly or slowly we burn calories, impacting our weight and overall health. 

As we age, it’s no secret that the metabolic pace tends to decelerate, and a few extra pounds may stealthily find their way onto the scale.

This slowing of metabolism with age is a multifaceted phenomenon. First and foremost, it’s influenced by a natural decline in muscle mass, a consequence of aging, and a sedentary lifestyle. Since muscle tissue is metabolically active, its reduction results in a slower calorie-burning engine. 

Add to that the hormonal changes accompanying aging, and the perfect storm for a more sluggish metabolism begins to brew.

However, it’s not solely the passage of time that contributes to this metabolic lull; our lifestyle choices play a significant role. So, while pursuing a speedier metabolism is often lauded as the holy grail of weight management, our inadvertent derailment of the body’s calorie-burning capabilities requires attention. 

Let’s explore the undercover habits that might be covertly putting the brakes on your metabolism and discover strategies to kick it into higher gear!

1. Skipping Meals, aka, Extreme Caloric Restriction

Healthy meal prep containers with quinoa, chicken and cole slaw

Many people mistakenly believe that dramatically reducing their calorie intake or skipping meals will lead to weight loss. However, this approach often signals the body to enter a conservation mode, slowing down your metabolism to conserve energy.

Do this instead…Opt for a balanced approach to eating by incorporating regular, well-proportioned meals and snacks throughout the day. Focus on nutrient-dense foods that help provide sustained energy and support your metabolism. By nourishing your body consistently, you can maintain a more stable metabolism and avoid the pitfalls of extreme caloric restriction.

2. Low Protein 

Best Foods High in Protein. Healthy eating and diet concept

For your metabolism, protein is more than a muscle supporter; it plays a crucial role in sustaining a well-operating engine. Since muscle tissue is metabolically active, a reduction in muscle mass can lead to a decrease in overall metabolic rate.

Do this instead…Ensure you include a variety of protein-rich foods in your diet, such as lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, and plant-based protein sources. Eat a balanced mix of foods throughout, incorporating protein into each meal. This approach helps preserve muscle mass, promoting a healthier and more efficient metabolism.

3. Not Prioritizing Exercise

Senior couple exercising in gym

If your idea of exercise is only lifting the remote, brace yourself for a metabolic slowdown. A sedentary lifestyle can significantly impact metabolism. Regular exercise, especially strength training, keeps your muscles strong and helps your body burn more calories at rest. On the flip side, not exercising can make you lose muscle and use less energy.

Keep in mind cardio is beneficial, but don’t rely solely on it. Skipping strength training might lead to muscle loss and a drop in your metabolic rate.

Do this instead… Blend regular exercise into your routine, balancing cardio with strength training for a winning combination. Engage in activities that build muscle, boosting both your metabolic rate and overall well-being. Whether sweating through squats, taking strolls, or dancing up a storm, make consistent movement a habit to keep your metabolism on its toes.

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Turmeric not only offers antioxidant benefits but also promotes joint health, mobility, and flexibility. This is crucial for all those keen on maintaining a body in motion and a metabolism that’s always in high gear.*

4. Dehydration

Senior woman drinking water in the morning

Water is essential for various bodily functions, and when there’s an inadequate water supply, metabolism may slow down. Additionally, drinking water has been associated with a temporary boost in metabolic rate.

Do this instead…Keep yourself well-hydrated by drinking adequate water consistently throughout the day. Carry a reusable water bottle and sip water regularly, especially during physical activities or in warm environments. Aim for the recommended daily water intake to support optimal metabolic function and overall health.

5. Too Much Junk Food

woman buying healthy food

Processed foods earn the label “junk food” due to their high content of added sugars, unhealthy fats, and refined carbs, all culprits in weight gain and metabolic dysfunction. These foods, lacking essential nutrients, can disrupt your metabolism and hinder your body’s efficient energy conversion.

Do this instead… Make mindful choices by incorporating whole, nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains into your diet. While a little indulgence is allowed, it’s crucial to steer clear of processed foods known for their excess empty calories and lack of essential nutrients. Prioritize a balanced diet to support your metabolism and overall well-being. Enhance your decision-making by reading food labels and opting for whole, unprocessed alternatives, promoting a more favorable metabolic balance.

6. Too Many Cocktails

Shot of a mature woman relaxing on the sofa at home with a cup of coffee. Coffee and a quiet moment. Happy mature woman with coffee cup relaxing by the window

Did you know that enjoying a beer or a glass of wine with your meal can actually slow down your metabolism? Here’s why: when you drink, your liver prioritizes breaking down alcohol, temporarily pausing other calorie-burning processes. And don’t forget the calories added..

Do this instead…If you choose to consume alcohol, Consider opting for lower-alcohol beverages and incorporate alcohol-free days into your week. Prioritize a balanced lifestyle that supports both enjoyment and overall well-being while avoiding excessive alcohol consumption to maintain a healthy metabolic state.

7. Too Little Sleep, Too Much Stress

Portrait of senior woman lying in bed waking up fresh start

Ever notice that things tend to feel more stressed when you don’t get enough sleep? Insufficient and poor-quality sleep and stress go hand in hand, throwing a wrench into your hormonal harmony. In these situations, cortisol levels spike, potentially messing with your metabolic balance and hindering efficient calorie burning. 

Do this insteadEstablishing a consistent sleep routine and a calm bedtime environment helps ensure you get enough restful sleep. Try stress-relieving activities like deep breathing, yoga, or a relaxing hobby. These small changes can make a big difference in supporting your metabolism and overall well-being.

Effortlessly conquer stressful situations with the aid of Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms, ensuring you maintain that cool and collected vibe needed to thrive.

8. Not Enough Fiber

High Fiber Foods on  wooden background. Flat lay

Not getting enough fiber in your diet can put a damper on your metabolism. Here’s why: fiber adds bulk to your meals, slows down nutrient absorption, and keeps things moving smoothly in your digestive system.1-3

When you’re low on fiber, there’s a traffic jam in your digestive tract. Nutrients get absorbed too quickly, which can mess with your blood sugar levels, making your metabolism feel sluggish.

Do this insteadInclude fiber-rich foods in your meals – think fruits, veggies, whole grains, and legumes. Fiber not only keeps your digestion running smoothly but also helps you feel full, which can be a plus for managing your calorie intake. 

9. Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies

Friends having lunch together passing back and forth dishes to each other

Eating enough vitamins and minerals can really help your body’s energy-making process. Without them, your body might struggle to make and use energy properly. Certain small nutrients play a big part in helping different energy-making paths in your body, and not having enough of them can slow down how your body burns calories.

Important vitamins like B vitamins, vitamin D, and minerals such as iron, magnesium, and zinc are very important for your body’s energy health. For example, B vitamins help turn food into energy, and if you don’t have enough, your body’s energy-making process can slow down.3 Not having enough vitamin D can affect how well your body uses insulin, which can affect how well your body makes energy.4

Iron, which is an important mineral, helps carry oxygen and make energy, and if you don’t have enough, you can feel tired and your body might not make energy as well.5 Magnesium is another important mineral that helps with many reactions in your body that make energy.6

Do this instead…To make sure you’re getting enough of these small nutrients and to help your body make energy as best as it can, it’s important to eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods. Making sure you get enough of these small nutrients can help keep your body from feeling sluggish and promote overall good health. You might want to talk to a healthcare professional to check how well you’re doing with your nutrition.

In our quest for a smoothly running metabolism, let’s steer clear of the usual roadblocks and gear ourselves towards achieving metabolic excellence. By sidestepping these common errors and adopting habits that boost metabolism, you can tap into your body’s maximum calorie-burning capacity. So, prepare to ignite your metabolic engine and set off on an adventure towards a more energetic and efficient version of yourself!

Dynamic Turmeric Learn More
Dynamic Mushrooms Learn More

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

1. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/fiber/art-20043983
2. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/carbohydrates/fiber/.
3. Aghdassi, E., McArthur, M., Liu, B., McGeer, A., Simor, A., Allard, J. P. (2009)
4. Takiishi, T., Gysemans, C., Bouillon, R., & Mathieu, C. (2015). Vitamin D and diabetes Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America, 44(2), 319–347
5. Ref: Beard, J. (2001). Iron biology in immune function, muscle metabolism and neuronal functioning. Journal of Nutrition, 131(2), 568S–580S.
6. Ref: Nielsen, F. H., & Lukaski, H. C. (2006). Update on the relationship between magnesium and exercise. Magnesium research, 19(3), 180–189

Why It’s Never Too Late to Take a Dance Class

Positive senior man dancing playful Latin dance bachata with female partner during group class in choreography studio.
Positive senior man dancing playful Latin dance bachata with female partner during group class in choreography studio.

My friend Marina and I cherished our Saturday morning neighborhood walks. It became our routine, a way to soak in nature and share quality time together. However, one Friday night, everything changed when Marina called to cancel because she and her husband had enrolled in a ballroom dance class.

This announcement caught me off guard. Ballroom dance? I was disappointed but intrigued. 

As Marina shared her enthusiasm for mastering tricky dance steps and fulfilling a long-held desire, it became clear that dance was more than just steps. Dance is an expression of life set to music, a sentiment that stuck with me.

Digging deeper into Marina’s newfound love, I’ve discovered that the notion of dance classes being exclusive for the young and agile has faded away. In its place has emerged a trend where people of all ages are rediscovering the joy of moving together

Today, nobody is too old to explore tap, ballet, or groove to a Latin beat. Dance is for anyone open to a new experience.

So, if you often find yourself scrolling through social media, secretly yearning to move with the fluidity of those graceful dancers gliding across your screen, here’s a secret for you – it’s never too late to start. Yes, even if your body has passed its prime and you rely on Celebrex to navigate stairs. Taking up a dance class at any age offers benefits for both your body and mind. 

It’s time to trade in traditional workouts for dancing shoes and explore why stepping onto the dance floor is the workout that will make you want to boogie!

1. A Social Affair: Meeting New People and Building Connections 

group of women at gym

Whether you’re a newcomer or a dance aficionado, the inclusive nature of dance classes offers an excellent opportunity to meet new people. Breaking the ice becomes a breeze when you’re learning intricate steps together or sharing a laugh over a misstep. The camaraderie formed in dance classes may extend beyond the studio, creating lasting friendships that enrich your social life. As you twirl and sway with your fellow dancers, you’ll discover a supportive community that shares the same enthusiasm for movement and self-expression.

2. Physical Fitness in Disguise: A Fun and Vigorous Workout

Happy seniors and mature couples exercising with dumbbells.

Whether salsa-ing or waltzing, dance engages various muscle groups, promoting flexibility, strength, and cardiovascular health. The best part? You won’t even realize you’re working out! The infectious rhythms and dynamic movements distract from the physical exertion, making dance an ideal option for those who despise the treadmill or the weight room. The joyous nature of dance turns exercise into a celebration, helping you maintain a healthy lifestyle without the dread that accompanies more conventional fitness routines.

3. Stress-Buster: Dance Away Your Worries

woman hand finger walking on piano between music note with shoe concept

Combining rhythmic movements and expressive gestures provides a cathartic release, allowing you to channel your emotions into the dance. As you immerse yourself in the music and the choreography flow, the day’s worries fade away. Dance has been proven to reduce cortisol levels, the hormone associated with stress, making it a therapeutic and enjoyable way to unwind. (1) The next time life feels overwhelming, put on your dancing shoes and let the music guide you to serenity.

4. Boosted Confidence: Mastering New Skills and Overcoming Challenges

Middle age woman holding shiny disco ball smiling and thumbs up

Dance classes challenge you to learn new steps, coordinate movements, and express yourself in ways you might not have thought possible. As you overcome the initial hurdles and see progress in your abilities, you’ll undoubtedly feel your self-esteem rise. The sense of accomplishment you get from mastering a dance routine or perfecting a challenging move translates into increased confidence that extends into other areas of your life. Dance becomes a powerful tool for personal growth and empowerment, proving that the journey of self-discovery can be as exhilarating as the dance itself.

5. Cultural Exploration: Embracing Diversity Through Dance

Blurred professional man and woman dancing Latin dance in costumes in studio, two pairs ballroom shoes in the foreground

Dance is a universal language that transcends borders and cultures. From the sensual rhythms of Latin dances to the elegance of ballroom styles, each dance form carries its own cultural history and significance. Engaging in diverse dance classes opens your eyes to the beauty of different traditions, fostering an appreciation for the global mosaic of movement. It’s a journey that not only expands your dance repertoire but also broadens your cultural horizons.

6. Improvising & Memorizing for a Better Brain

music notes in head/brain concept

Dance classes often incorporate improvisation, a great way to stimulate the brain and boost cognitive functions (1). Remembering dance steps and sequences can also improve memory and mental agility. So, dancing is not just good for the body—it’s a workout for the mind. (1-2)

The power of dance extends far beyond simple entertainment. It catalyzes cognitive enhancement, emotional health, stress relief, physical performance, social engagement, and creativity stimulation.

Regardless of your preference, be it jazz or samba, immersing yourself in your dance can unlock countless benefits.

To further dance’s emotional and physical support, consider adaptogenic mushrooms like those found in Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms into your daily life. 

Dynamic Mushrooms combine Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Chaga, Maitake, and Shiitake. Each of these mushrooms possesses adaptogenic properties, contributing to cognitive performance, immune wellness, and the ability to adapt to stressful situations.* This all-encompassing blend saves you the trouble of finding each ingredient, offering a full spectrum of adaptogenic benefits in one convenient blend. And if your joints require some extra care, Stonehenge Health Dynamic Turmeric steps in, harnessing the properties of curcumin to promote overall well-being. Offering antioxidant benefits, it supports joint health, mobility, and flexibility—essential elements for those deeply passionate about dance.*

Dynamic Mushrooms Learn More
Dynamic Turmeric Learn More

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

1. Meekums B, Karkou V, Nelson EA. Issue 2. Art. No.: CD009895. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009895.
2. Karkou V, Aithal S, Richards M, Hiley E, Meekums B. CD011022. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD011022

The Science Behind “Senior Moments”: Understanding Age-Related Brain Freeze

Senior couple stressed and upset
Senior couple stressed and upset

Embarking on life’s journey, our bodies naturally go through various transformations, and our brains are no exception. It’s pretty common to experience momentary memory lapses, often humorously referred to as “brain freezes” or “senior moments“, as we age. 

But what exactly causes these fleeting moments of forgetfulness?

The Natural Aging Process

Memory loss due to dementia. Senior woman losing parts of head as symbol of decreased mind function. Senior woman losing parts of head feeling confused as symbol of decreased mind function.

Normal aging may lead to certain natural transformations in the brain that can subsequently impact memory and cognitive function. As you grow older, certain parts of your brain that hold memories, such as the hippocampus, can shrink, which may result in occasional forgetfulness (1). Additionally, your brain cells can produce fewer chemical messengers, decreasing neuron communication and affecting memory and cognitive abilities.

The Role of Stress and Anxiety

senior woman stressed and angry at her computer

Stress and anxiety can significantly impact memory and cognitive function. As we age, we will likely encounter more stressors and life changes – retirement, health issues, or loss of loved ones, for example. These situations can lead to elevated stress levels, which, in turn, can affect areas of the brain involved in memory processing and recall.


senior woman trying to do multiple things at once concept. stressed, anxiety, unhappy

As we grow older, our brain’s ability to juggle multiple streams of information begins to decline. This is primarily due to the natural aging process, which affects how efficiently our brain coordinates and processes diverse pieces of information.

This change can make multitasking increasingly demanding and in its attempt to manage several tasks at once, you may experience the dreaded brain freeze. This is essentially a momentary lapse in mental agility, often noticed when we struggle to remember things or swiftly switch between tasks.

The Impact of Sleep on Memory

senior woman sleeping in bed

Sleep quality plays a significant role in memory and cognitive function. Poor sleep quality or insufficient sleep can significantly affect these areas. During sleep, our brains consolidate memories, so inadequate sleep can hinder this process, leading to forgetfulness.

What you can do about it….

Senior man collecting puzzle

Experiencing “brain freezes” or momentary memory lapses is a normal part of aging. Factors such as natural aging, stress, multitasking, and poor sleep quality can all contribute to these lapses. However, by understanding these factors and taking proactive steps to maintain cognitive health — such as minimizing stress, engaging in mentally stimulating activities, ensuring sufficient sleep, and maintaining proper brain nutrition — we can mitigate the impact of these brain freezes.

Mental Stimulation and Cognitive Health

happy senior man reading a book on his couch

Keeping the brain busy with mentally stimulating activities is imperative for maintaining cognitive function as you age. Activities that require mental effort, like puzzles, reading, teaching, and learning a new skill can help keep the brain sharp and may even delay cognitive decline.

Brain Nutrition 

Dynamic Brain

Nurturing your brain is essential for health and memory function because your brain needs a variety of nutrients to function optimally.  A diet rich in vegetables, fruit, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats can provide these necessary nutrients. However, getting all the nutrients your brain needs from diet alone can be challenging.

In such cases, supplements like Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain can be beneficial. Dynamic Brain is a blend of nutrients crafted to support brain health, ensuring that your brain gets the nutrients it needs to stay sharp and focused.*

These strategies help promote overall brain health as we age and enhance our quality of life. Aging might be inevitable, but with the right approach, we can ensure that our golden years are filled with clarity, vitality, and an active mind.*

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

1. AARP. (2016). Is It a Senior Moment or Something More Serious? [online] Available at: https://www.aarp.org/health/conditions-treatments/info-2016/senior-moment-memory-lapse.html

The Future of Wellness – Trends 2024

smiling senior couple standing close together, caringly and laughing, cooking at kitchen table
smiling senior couple standing close together, caringly and laughing, cooking at kitchen table

Welcome to the future of wellness.

As we enter 2024, it’s time to take a closer look at the latest trends in health and wellbeing. While self-care and mindfulness have been all the rage in recent years, 2024 brings even more exciting advancements in personal wellness.

With new innovations and research emerging every day, there’s no better time than now to explore what lies ahead. So grab hold a giant glass of water and get ready for a deep dive into the hottest trends set to take the wellness world by storm in 2024. From personalized plans to ancient nutrients, let’s uncover what lies ahead for our minds, bodies, and souls on this journey toward optimal health.

Weight Management Pills: Riding the Wave

Vitamins, measuring tape, grains, fresh vegetables and fruits on wooden table. Healthcare, healthy diet, nutrition and weight loss concept.

Weight management pills are undoubtedly a trending topic in 2024. It’s fascinating how celebrities like Oprah Winfrey and Amy Schumer have helped propel these pharmaceutical wonders. Medications such as Ozempic (semaglutide) and Wegovy have garnered attention not only for their role in managing type 2 diabetes but also for their potential to aid in weight loss. Despite their high cost and varying insurance coverage, these drugs are expected to thrive in 2024.

Furthermore, pharmaceutical giants like Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly are making strides to expand the usage of their weight loss drugs, which will undoubtedly contribute to this growing trend. As a result, the weight loss drug market, including weight management pills, is set to experience significant growth in 2024.

However, it is essential not to overlook potential side effects. These medications may cause mild nausea or more severe kidney problems. Additionally, it is crucial to remember that weight management pills are not a magical solution. A balanced perspective is needed, with a healthy diet and regular exercise taking the spotlight in any weight loss journey. As we delve into the weight management pill saga of 2024, let us keep this in mind and approach the topic with a well-rounded perspective.

LED Light Therapy: A Bright Future

LED light anti-aging mask for facial skin care in a spa

LED light therapy is a groundbreaking, non-invasive treatment that harnesses various light wavelengths to revitalize the skin and alleviate pain. Not only has this therapy shown promising results in reducing inflammation, improving acne, and boosting collagen production, but it also offers a convenient and spa-like experience from the comfort of your own home. 

As people increasingly prioritize skin health and seek out effective solutions, LED light therapy is expected to become an integral component of body and face care routines in 2024, addressing not only cosmetic concerns but also providing relief from discomfort.

Body Care: Beyond the Face

mature woman looks gladfully above keeps arms foded has well cared complexion healthy skin white teeth isolated over brown background.

Body care has been an overlooked aspect of our personal care routines for too long. In 2024, however, it is set to take center stage, becoming as important as the care we give to our faces. This trend signifies a shift towards comprehensive wellness, recognizing that our skin’s health and vitality extend beyond our faces. It encompasses not just products but also practices like massage and detoxification that contribute to overall well-being.

The “Age-Agnostic Beauty” trend also signals a change in our approach to skincare. It rejects the notion that certain products or practices are only suitable for certain ages. Instead, it promotes the idea that good skincare, including body care, is essential at every age.

Slow Vacations: The Art of Unwinding

Happy senior man and woman old retired couple walking and holding hands on a beach at sunset

In this era of rapid digitalization and constant connectivity, slow vacations offer a much-needed respite. This emerging trend emphasizes immersing yourself in a new environment, engaging with local culture, and truly unwinding.

Rather than rushing from one tourist spot to another, slow vacations encourage you to take your time, savor experiences, and create meaningful memories. This trend aligns with the broader shift towards mindfulness and stress reduction, as people seek ways to disconnect from their fast-paced lives and reconnect with themselves.

Low Impact Cardio: Kind to Your Body

Senior man on his mountain bike outdoors

Low-impact cardio exercises like walking, cycling, and swimming are making waves in the fitness world. These workouts are gentle on the joints but still provide an effective cardiovascular workout. They’re perfect for all ages and fitness levels, making them a sustainable choice for long-term health and fitness. In 2024, expect more people to embrace low-impact cardio as part of their regular exercise routine.

Somatic Therapy: Healing from Within

a group of mature women attending yoga classes outside.

In 2024, somatic therapy is a rising trend in holistic healing, standing out as a transformative body-centered approach. This approach, rooted in the idea that emotional distress affects us physically and vice versa, is gaining popularity for its effectiveness.

“Somatic” encompasses all things related to the body, emphasizing its physical and sensory dimensions. In therapy, it involves techniques that bridge the psychological and physical realms, like mindfulness exercises. These exercises heighten awareness of bodily sensations, emotions, and thoughts, establishing a link between conscious thoughts and the physical body.

To tap into this trend and find a somatic therapist in 2024, you can explore online directories and mental health platforms or ask for recommendations from healthcare professionals. 

Deep Sleep: Key to Wellbeing

tired man sleeping on bed at home.

Deep sleep is the unsung hero of wellness. Quality sleep is essential for physical health, mental clarity, and emotional balance. As our understanding of sleep’s critical role in overall health deepens, we’ll see more products and practices aimed at improving sleep hygiene and promoting restful, rejuvenating sleep in 2024. It all starts with putting your phone down before hitting the pillow.

Brain Health: The Power of Choline and Bacopa Extract

Dynamic Brain

The focus on brain health is more prominent than ever in 2024. With rising awareness about mental health and cognitive decline, ingredients like choline and bacopa extract are stealing the limelight. Choline plays a crucial role in supporting brain development, while bacopa extract, known for its traditional use, has been found to support memory and cognitive function. *

Considering these important findings, incorporating supplements such as Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain into your wellness routine is worth considering. Dynamic Brain includes these beneficial ingredients, providing a convenient way to support your brain health.*

Functional Mushrooms: Nature’s Superfood

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms

Functional mushrooms like Lion’s Mane, Reishi, and Maitake have a long-standing history in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, spanning centuries. These incredible mushrooms have gained recognition for their potential benefits in supporting the immune system, managing stressful situations, and promoting brain health.*  In recent years, as plant-based diets and natural remedies have surged in popularity, functional mushrooms have emerged as a prominent player in the wellness sphere.* 

Today, you can discover these unique mushrooms infused in various products, including coffees, health bars, chocolates, and more. To experience their incredible properties, try a high-quality supplement like Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms, which blends the most recognized and extensively studied functional mushrooms. 

Embrace the wellness trends of 2024 and unlock the potential of functional mushrooms for a vibrant and balanced lifestyle.

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain on a blue brain wave background
Dynamic Mushrooms

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.