Your Guide to ‘Sharpening the Saw’ and Enhancing Cognitive Renewal

Middle age Asian woman.
Middle age Asian woman.

I have a bit of guilty pleasure…

I’ve always enjoyed reading self-improvement books; I’ve probably read dozens of them over the years. 

Do I implement all of the things in the pages of these books? Definitely not, but if I can even get one useful tip out of a book, I consider that a win. 

“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey is an all-time classic.

It’s full of incredible tips to increase productivity (well, seven tips, to be exact), but I want to pull out my favorite tip and share it with you. 

Hopefully, this will help you as much as it’s helped me over the years. 

Habit #7, “Sharpen the Saw,” emphasizes the importance of continuous self-renewal in order to maintain productivity over the long term. 

In other words, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” 

Basically, if you’re using your saw all day for work, it’s going to get dull eventually. You need to do something else in order to keep it sharp. 

The “saw” is your brain. 

This habit is crucial for maintaining overall effectiveness and long-term success. The key aspect of this habit is mental renewal, which can be significantly enhanced with the right support.

The Importance of Mental Renewal

Two middle age students smiling happy painting clay sculpture at art school.

Mental renewal involves engaging in activities that stimulate and refresh the mind, such as reading, learning new skills, and exercising. It’s about keeping your cognitive abilities sharp, adaptable, and resilient by supplementing them with other types of activities. 

Because without regular mental rejuvenation, our effectiveness diminishes.

In addition to sharpening your saw with physical and mental activities, you can also feed your brain by providing it with the nutrients it needs to thrive.

Dynamic Brain and Mental Renewal

Dynamic Brain

Enter Dynamic Brain by Stonehenge Health, a supplement designed to optimize brain health and cognitive function.*

Dynamic Brain is formulated with a blend of 40  ingredients that support various aspects of cognitive health, making it an ideal companion in your quest to sharpen the saw.

Let’s take a closer look at some of these ingredients.

8 Key Ingredients and Their Benefits

Healthy lifestyle - people riding bicycles in city park

1. Choline

women with holding a cardboard egg box full of her eggs.

Choline is an essential nutrient critical for brain health, found in eggs, meat, and certain vegetables; it is particularly vital for older adults to maintain adequate levels through diet or supplements.

2. Phosphatidylserine

Soybean seeds in ceramic bowl

Phosphatidylserine, a crucial phospholipid in cell membranes, especially in the brain, is naturally present in foods like soybeans, white beans, egg yolks, and chicken liver.

3. Huperzia serrata

Huperzia, fir moss

Huperzia serrata, a firmoss known for its cognitive-enhancing properties, contains huperzine A, which is used in traditional Asian medicine for its health benefits.

4. Bacopa monnieri

Two happy busy female employees working together using computer planning project.

Bacopa monnieri, a traditional Ayurvedic herb, enhances cognitive functions such as memory and concentration through its active components, primarily bacosides.

Celebrated for its efficacy in enhancing memory, attention, and the speed of cognitive processing, our new formula contains ten times the original serving of bacopa extract for an unprecedented cognitive boost, delivering a powerful supply of this vital brain nutrient.*

5. Vitamin B12

middle age woman at art classroom looking positive and happy

Vitamin B12, or cobalamin, is essential for health. Methylcobalamin is naturally occurring, bioavailable, and is used in supplements for immediate utilization.

6. L-Theanine

green tea

L-Theanine, an amino acid found predominantly in green tea. This supplement is particularly favored by those looking to manage stress naturally without the use of stimulants. This extracted version doesn’t contain caffeine.

7. Lion’s Mane

lion's mane mushroom

Lion’s Mane, a functional mushroom, is celebrated for its potential cognitive health benefits and has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries.*

This remarkable mushroom supports cognitive function, reduces mild anxiety, helps with mood, and enhances overall brain health by stimulating the production of nerve growth factor (NGF).*

8. DHA

Top view Group of friends enjoy dinner party eating salmon

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), an omega-3 fatty acid essential for brain and retinal health, is found in fatty fish and is important for maintaining adequate levels, especially with aging.

These ingredients, meticulously combined in precise and proprietary amounts, create a synergy that your brain craves for peak performance.*

Integrating Dynamic Brain into Your Routine

Middle aged woman solving sudoku puzzle on sofa at home

To fully embrace Habit 7 and ensure you are sharpening the saw effectively, consider incorporating Dynamic Brain into your daily routine.

Morning boost: Take Dynamic Brain in the morning to kickstart your cognitive functions and set a productive tone for the day.*

Mindful breaks: Use the mental clarity provided by Dynamic Brain to engage in mindful activities like meditation or deep breathing exercises.*

• Learning sessions: Enhance your learning sessions with the memory and focus support from Dynamic Brain, making time doing crosswords or puzzles or wordle more effective.*

• Evening wind-down: Reflect on your day and plan for tomorrow with a clear and focused mind, thanks to the calming and soothing effects.*

Sharpening the saw through mental renewal is essential for long-term effectiveness and personal growth. 

Dynamic Brain by Stonehenge Health provides the cognitive support needed to keep your mind sharp, focused, and ready to embrace continuous improvement. 

By integrating this supplement into your daily routine, you can ensure that your mental saw is always finely honed, allowing you to achieve your fullest potential.

Discover Dynamic Brain

New Recipe: Brain-Boosting Summer Wraps

Making wraps in kitchen
Making wraps in kitchen

What makes food ‘healthy’ in your mind? 

We all have pre-determined notions of what ‘healthy’ means to us, but if you take a second to examine why you hold these beliefs, I know you’ll learn something. 

So let’s give it a try—really.  

Is a certain food healthy because it’s low in calories? Because it’s a vegetable? 

Sorry, this was kind of a trick question…

Because when it comes to ‘healthy’ food, balance is key. Our bodies require a variety of nutrients, and no single item can provide everything. This opens up a world of possibilities to explore the diverse offerings of nature while nourishing our bodies. 

Today, I want to give you a (delicious) recipe that I’ve developed to help nurture your brain

That’s right, today’s healthy recipe is designed with ingredients research shows support brain health. In other words we’re feeding it the vitamins and nutrients it craves. I’ll even give you a quick breakdown of how each ingredient supports healthy brain function at the end. 

I call this one my Brain-Boosting Summer Wraps…

It’s delicious and light (perfect for summer), easy to make, and full of the ingredients you need to help you stay mentally sharp.


For the wraps:

• 4-100%  whole wheat tortillas 

• 1 cup cooked quinoa

• 1 cup cooked chickpeas

• 1/2 cup cooked and flaked salmon

• 1/4 cup chopped walnuts

• 1/2 cup shredded carrots 

• 1/2 cup baby spinach leaves 

• 1/2 avocado, sliced 

• 2 boiled eggs, chopped 

• 1 tablespoon Bacopa monnieri leaves, finely chopped

For the yogurt dressing:

• 1 cup plain Greek yogurt 

• 1 tablespoon lemon juice 

• 1 teaspoon honey (optional for sweetness)

• 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 

• Salt and pepper to taste


Prepare the quinoa and chickpeas:

1. Rinse the quinoa under cold water.

2. In a pot, bring 1 cup of water to a boil.

3. Add the quinoa, reduce the heat to low, and cover.

4. Simmer for 15 minutes or until the water is absorbed.

5. Remove from heat and let it cool.

6. Drain and rinse the chickpeas if using canned.

Prepare the yogurt dressing:

7. In a small bowl, whisk together the Greek yogurt, lemon juice, honey, Dijon mustard, salt, and pepper.

Assemble the wraps:

8. Lay out the whole wheat tortillas on a clean surface.

9. Evenly distribute the spinach leaves, cooked quinoa, chickpeas, flaked salmon, chopped walnuts, shredded carrots, sliced avocado, and chopped eggs across the tortillas.

10. Sprinkle the finely chopped Bacopa monnieri leaves over the fillings.

Dress the wraps:

11. Drizzle the yogurt dressing over the fillings.

12. Fold in the sides of the tortilla and then roll up tightly from the bottom to form a wrap.

Serve the wraps immediately or wrap them in foil to enjoy later. Perfect for a picnic, lunch, or light dinner.

Nutritional Info:

Servings: 4 / Serving Size: 1 wrap / Calories: 400-450 / Fat: 18g-22g / Protein: 20g-25g / Carbohydrates: 40g-45g / Sugar: 5g-7g / Fiber: 8g-10g

Summer Wrap Recipe Card

These brain-boosting summer wraps are packed with nutrients, combining the cognitive benefits of Bacopa monnieri and choline with a rich mix of vitamins, minerals, Omega-3 fatty acids, complex carbohydrates, and protein.

Two standout brain nutrients in this recipe are:

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Walnuts, Salmon, and avocado in this recipe provide essential omega-3s. The brain is the fattiest organ in the body (composed of about 60% fat!) which is why it’s essential to supply your brain with this nutrient.

Choline: Eggs are one of the best sources of choline. A nutrient crucial to producing acetylcholine, which supports memory, learning, concentration, and motor skills.That’s why adding choline into your daily diet can help improve memory and attention in healthy adults

There’s another powerful brain ingredient I want to bring to your attention. 

Bacopa Monnieri is lesser known outside of the health and wellness space, but it’s effect on cognitive function is definitely worth noting. 

Now it’s not always easy to find in the average grocery store. So don’t worry if you have to leave it out of these wraps. I assure you they’ll still taste just as delicious. 

Unfortunately, you’re unlikely to find Bacopa Monnieri in many recipes, and even if you do, you’re unlikely to get sufficient quantity needed to provide the cognitive benefits like memory, focus, and learning.* 

I urge you to get it in a supplement form.

This is where Dynamic Brain from Stonehenge Health can help. 

Packed with 40 unique ingredients, including potent servings of the choline and Bacopa Monnieri, Dynamic Brain’s impressive nootropic blend helps support healthy concentration and alertness.*

It’s not wonder it’s our best selling product. It’s hard for us to keep this in stock.

So I must tell you that right now we’re fully stock! So get a bottle now before we sell out again!

Ready to explore this powerful nootropic supplement?

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain

Schools Out: 10 Ways I Keep My Mind Sharp In Summer (#10 is Delicious…)

Couple having fun during the summer
Couple having fun during the summer

As a kid, I couldn’t wait for school to end and summer vacation to begin.

Those last few weeks of class were torture as I would stare out the window at the nice weather, desperately waiting until I could slam my books shut, toss my backpack in the closet, and run around with my friends. 

I actually had a running joke with my family anytime an educational topic would come up: 

“Sorry, Mom—I turned my brain off for the summer.” 

Well, that was a looong time ago, and now I have almost the opposite desire.

Around our house, school helps keep our family on a routine. Keeping schedules, doing projects, and helping with homework helps me stay ‘on top of things.’ 

But in the summer, our schedules relax a little, and I can feel my mind wander a bit more than usual.  

This isn’t exactly a bad thing, but as I’m getting older, I definitely pay more attention to my mental health than I used to. 

Here are ten ways I keep mentally fit during the summer. 

1. Dynamic Brain Supplements

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain

OK, so this is a little bit of a shameless plug for my company… 

But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. 

One of the easiest ways I’ve found to boost my brain power is by taking Dynamic Brain every day.* This supplement is packed with essential nutrients and cognitive enhancers designed to improve focus, memory, and overall mental performance.*

And it’s not just me it works for, either. Just check out the reviews on the Dynamic Brain product page and see for yourself. 

2. Regular Physical Exercise

Couple doing yoga outside in the sun

Exercise isn’t just for my body; it’s great for my brain, too. Activities like jogging, swimming, or even a daily walk increase blood flow to the brain, promoting neurogenesis and enhancing cognitive function.

“Neurogenesis” is the creation of new neurons in the brain. This process starts during infancy and continues in specific brain areas throughout our lives but can sometimes stall as we get older.

3. Mindfulness and Meditation

Mature woman with laptop meditating at home.

Mindfulness and meditation help reduce my stress, improve concentration, and enhance memory. I set aside a few minutes daily to practice deep breathing, guided meditation, or mindful activities.

I use the Calm app for guided meditation, but if you’re new to the practice, you can also use many other tools. 

4. Learning Something New

Man learning how to play the guitar

Summer is a perfect time to pick up a new hobby or skill. Over the years, I’ve studied Spanish, learned to play the guitar, and taken an online course from the community college where I live. 

5. Being Socially Active

Smile, park and portrait of group of women enjoying bonding, quality time and relax in nature together.

Engaging with friends and family, joining clubs, or participating in community activities helps keep my mind sharp. Social interactions stimulate cognitive functions and reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

Especially during summer, I like to host dinner parties and BBQs with friends and family. 

6. Getting Adequate Sleep

Woman Stretching after a great sleep

Quality sleep is crucial for my cognitive function. I aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night to allow my brain to rest and rejuvenate. Good sleep hygiene practices significantly impact memory and learning.

7. Playing Brain-Training Games

Friends playing chess game on chess board for strategy

Numerous apps and games are designed to challenge my brain and improve my cognitive skills. I enjoy puzzles, card games, or strategy-based games to engage my mind.

8. Reading Regularly

Man reading a wonderful book

Reading books, articles, or even blogs stimulates my brain, improves my vocabulary, and enhances my comprehension skills. I make a summer reading list and dive into new and interesting topics.

I’m currently reading “The Women” by Kristin Hannah. It’s sometimes super intense, but I can’t put it down.  

9. Staying Hydrated

Smiling active couple holding water bottles

Dehydration can negatively affect my cognitive abilities. I ensure I drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep my brain functioning optimally.

You will never find me without my oversized water bottle. 

10. Eating a Brain-Healthy Diet

Best Brain Foods for your health

You didn’t think I’d write a whole blog post about mental fitness without giving you one of my favorite brain-boosting recipes, did you? 

I incorporate brain-boosting foods into my diet, such as fatty fish, blueberries, nuts, and seeds. These foods are rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and other nutrients essential for brain health.

Brain-Boosting Salmon and Kale Salad


• 2 salmon fillets
• 1 bunch of kale, washed and chopped
• 1 avocado, diced
• 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
• 1/2 red onion, thinly sliced
• 1/4 cup walnuts, chopped
• 2 tablespoons olive oil
• 1 tablespoon lemon juice
• 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
• Salt and pepper to taste
• Optional: fresh dill or parsley for garnish


Prepare the salmon:

• Preheat your grill or oven to 375°F (190°C).
• Season the salmon fillets with salt and pepper.
• Place the salmon on the grill or a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Grill or bake for about 12-15 minutes, or until the salmon is cooked and flakes easily with a fork. Set aside to cool slightly.

Massage the kale:

• Add the chopped kale to a large bowl. Drizzle with a little olive oil and a pinch of salt.
• Massage the kale with your hands for about 2-3 minutes until it becomes tender and slightly wilted.

Prepare the dressing:

• In a small bowl, whisk together the remaining olive oil, lemon juice, Dijon mustard, salt, and pepper.

Assemble the salad:

• Add the cherry tomatoes, avocado, red onion, and walnuts to the massaged kale. Toss to combine.
• Flake the salmon into large pieces and gently mix into the salad.

Dress the salad:

• Pour the dressing over the salad and toss gently to coat all ingredients.


• Transfer the salad to serving plates. Garnish with fresh dill or parsley if desired.

Nutritional Facts

Serving Size: 2 Servings

Per Serving: 700 calories, 50g fat, 26g carbohydrates, 40g protein, 6g sugar, 9g fiber

This recipe is packed with omega-3 fatty acids from the salmon, which are excellent for brain health, along with antioxidants and vitamins from the kale, avocado, and tomatoes. 

This recipe is perfect for a light, refreshing, nutritious summer meal.

By incorporating these activities and habits into my summer routine, I can keep my mind sharp and enjoy a mentally stimulating season.

Until next time…

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain

Beyond the Label: What the Community is Saying About Dynamic Krill Oil

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Krill Oil
Stonehenge Health Dynamic Krill Oil

There are a lot of things I love about working at Stonehenge Health

I get to write about my passion—health and wellness. 

I research and learn about cutting-edge new ingredients, studies, and products. 

I work with amazing and talented people. 

But my favorite part about working here? 

I get to hear stories about people transforming their lives through better health. 

I talk with people who tell me how our products have helped them improve their health literally every day, and I read dozens more online, too. 

Today, I wanted to share some of those stories with you, specifically about one of our most versatile products: Dynamic Krill Oil

Have you ever wondered if there’s a supplement that could address multiple health concerns at once? 

Imagine finding something that supports your overall well-being, from reducing joint discomfort to improving mental clarity. 

At Stonehenge Health, we’ve formulated Dynamic Krill Oil to do just that, plus a lot more.  

But don’t just take my word for it—listen to what our community has to say. Here are a few of my favorites:

Improved Mobility and Reduced Discomfort

woman exercising and walking outside

“One week into my first bottle of Dynamic Krill Oil, my right knee discomfort from a broken knee cap years ago has disappeared. Previously, kneeling caused serious problems. Three weeks in, my lower back discomfort is also considerably reduced.”*

Our customers often report rapid relief from long-standing discomfort. Whether it’s a knee injury or back stiffness, Dynamic Krill Oil helps to improve mobility and reduce discomfort, allowing you to enjoy your day.*

Clean and Pure Omega-3 Source

Closeup Shot Of Smiling Middle Aged Woman Taking Vitamin Pill Capsule

“I’m new to krill oil but have done a lot of research and am convinced of its benefits. After a few weeks, I feel great with zero side effects. I like that krill oil is cleaner than other types of fish oils for Omega-3’s because krill are lower on the food chain, helping them avoid pollutants that build up as larger creatures devour smaller ones. Plus, Antarctica is definitely clean as oceans go.”

Krill oil is a superior source of Omega-3 fatty acids because it’s derived from small, shrimp-like creatures found in the clean, unpolluted waters of Antarctica.*

This means fewer contaminants and a purer product for you.*

No Fishy Aftertaste

senior woman taking medicine at home

“There is no fishy aftertaste, and it contains high amounts of astaxanthin and phospholipids. After a few days of use, it relieved my dry eye symptoms.”

One common complaint about fish oil supplements is the unpleasant aftertaste.

Dynamic Krill Oil eliminates this issue, providing all the benefits without the fishy burps. Plus, the added astaxanthin and phospholipids enhance its effectiveness, particularly for conditions like dry eyes.*

Relief from Joint Discomfort and Swelling

Man outdoors stretching and exercising with headphones

“I’ve been taking Dynamic Krill Oil every day for about six months. Within days of starting, I noticed that my ankles were not swollen and stiff at the end of the day.”*

Dynamic Krill Oil can significantly reduce joint discomfort, making daily activities more comfortable.*

Many folks have experienced noticeable improvements in their joint health.*

Enhanced Mental Clarity

senior woman and man mediating and relaxing outdoors

“I have been using Stonehenge Health’s Dynamic Krill Oil for about 18 months and have to say that within the first week or so of using it, I felt a significant improvement in my mental clarity. It was such a relief to have my ‘sharp brain’ back; I can’t even explain my excitement. I thought I was doomed to declining mental faculties, and perhaps that is waiting for me down the road, but now? Now I have the brain I had 15-20 years ago, and I completely attribute it to this krill oil. Not only that, but I also experienced a noticeable reduction in my joint discomfort. Try it; you’ll be excited, too.”*

Dynamic Krill Oil isn’t just about physical health. Like the review above, many members of our community find that it enhances mental clarity and cognitive function, giving them back the sharpness and mental acuity they thought they had lost.*

Effective Swelling Reduction

massage therapy

“I had a case of swollen feet and lower legs, particularly my left. I took some other natural supplements that helped a little, but I still had significant swelling. I purchased my first Dynamic Krill Oil three months ago and started using it as soon as it arrived. I noticed a reduction in the swelling after about 4 weeks, and after 3 months of use the swelling in my feet and legs is about 95% improved. I am very happy with the product and have reordered it. Actually, I signed up for the automatic shipment program.”*

Persistent swelling can be uncomfortable. Dynamic Krill Oil has been shown to provide much-needed relief.*

Why Choose Dynamic Krill Oil?

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Krill Oil

Dynamic Krill Oil is more than just a supplement—it’s a comprehensive approach to better health. 

Packed with Omega-3 fatty acids, astaxanthin, and phospholipids, it offers multiple benefits:

Purity and potency: Harvested from the pristine waters of Antarctica, our krill oil is free from harmful contaminants. Every new bottle includes a QR code with a tracking lot number to view the source location on a map.*

No fishy aftertaste: Enjoy all the benefits without the unpleasant aftertaste associated with traditional fish oil.*

Cognitive support: Enhances mental clarity and brain health.*

Heart health: Supports cardiovascular health by maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.*

Imagine living a life with less discomfort, better mobility, clearer thinking, and overall improved well-being. 

Dynamic Krill Oil from Stonehenge Health can help you achieve just that.* 

Don’t let discomfort hold you back from the things you love to do.  

Try Dynamic Krill Oil today and join our satisfied customers who have already experienced its life-changing benefits.*

Discover Dynamic Krill Oil

Breaking Free from Multitasking With a Healthier Approach to Productivity

A cheerful, busy mature Asian female tailor or online clothes shop seller is multitasking, talking on the phone with her customer while working on her computer in her atelier studio.
A cheerful, busy mature Asian female tailor or online clothes shop seller is multitasking, talking on the phone with her customer while working on her computer in her atelier studio.

In today’s fast-paced world, multitasking is a societal norm. 

It’s often listed as a desirable skill in job descriptions and is commonly thought of as a positive trait. We almost yearn to juggle multiple tasks at once, believing it will make us more productive. 

And I admit it; as a Mom and full-time researcher and writer, I am a frequent multitasker. 

But is multitasking really beneficial, or is it doing more harm than good?

To answer that you have to dig into the science of the human brain.

The Science of Multitasking

task switching concept

From a scientific standpoint, multitasking isn’t quite what it seems. 

The human brain is not designed to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. Instead, what we refer to as multitasking is actually “task switching.” 

This is when the brain rapidly shifts its focus from one task to another. According to a study from the University of Southern California, this constant switching can lead to several inefficiencies. The study indicates that multitasking causes us to make more mistakes, retain less information, and also changes the way our brains work.1

When we switch tasks, our brain must reconfigure itself to the new task’s rules and parameters. This process consumes cognitive resources and time, making each switch less efficient and increasing the likelihood of errors. 

As a result, the quality of work often declines.

The Downsides of Multitasking on Your Health

Multitasking Concept. Overworked Businessman Sitting At Laptop Overloaded With Work

But apart from the reduced quality of work, there are potentially some serious mental health concerns associated with constant multitasking. 

Increased Stress

middle-aged woman sleeping leaned on soft cushions looks without energy

Multitasking can elevate stress levels. The brain’s constant shifting between tasks creates a sense of pressure and urgency, which can lead to chronic stress. 

Over time, this stress can contribute to burnout and other health issues.

Multitasking can elevate stress levels. The brain’s constant shifting between tasks creates a sense of pressure and urgency, which can lead to chronic stress. 

Over time, this stress can contribute to burnout and other health issues.

Cognitive Decline

forgetful woman looking at calendar

There is evidence that multitasking may contribute to long-term cognitive decline. Research published in the journal PLOS ONE found that people who frequently multitask may experience reduced brain density in areas responsible for cognitive control and emotional regulation.2


online shopping. impulsive shopping concept

Multitasking can make us more impulsive. When we’re constantly switching tasks, we may become accustomed to the rapid pace and start making hasty decisions without fully considering the consequences. 

This impulsiveness can negatively impact our professional and personal lives.

4 Benefits of Focusing on One Task

Middle-aged woman in headphones sit at table in kitchen look at laptop screen

While multitasking might seem like a way to get more done, focusing on one task at a time can be much more effective.

1. Improved Quality of Work

Happy mature woman planting flowers in the garden at home

When we dedicate our full attention to a single task, the quality of our work improves. We’re able to think more deeply, catch mistakes, and produce better outcomes.

2. Reduced Stress

mature woman happy cooking in kitchen

Focusing on one task at a time can reduce stress. It allows us to work at a more manageable pace and complete tasks more efficiently, leading to a greater sense of accomplishment and well-being.

3. Enhanced Cognitive Function

senior couple playing chess at leisure

Focusing on one task can strengthen our cognitive abilities. Concentrated effort improves memory, problem-solving skills, and overall brain health.

4. Better Decision Making

Happy retired couple of clients buying new house

Single-tasking encourages thoughtful decision-making. It gives us the time to consider all aspects of a situation, leading to more balanced and well-informed choices.

Supercharge Your Ability to Single-Task with Dynamic Mushrooms

Dynamic Mushrooms

Incorporating single-tasking into your routine can transform your productivity and well-being.

To enhance this process, consider adding Dynamic Mushrooms to your daily regimen. Dynamic Mushrooms is a powerhouse blend of Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Chaga, Maitake, and Shitake mushrooms. These adaptogenic mushrooms are meticulously extracted from concentrated fruiting bodies, providing the highest quality and most potent ingredients.

Supports Mental Clarity*

woman standing happily with arms crossed

Dynamic Mushrooms supports mental clarity, allowing you to focus more effectively on individual tasks.* With sharpened thinking, you can delve deeper into your work and produce higher-quality results.*

Reduces Stress*

mature woman relaxing on home couch

The adaptogenic properties of these mushrooms help your body better adapt to stressful situations, promoting a sense of calm and well-being.* This makes it easier to manage your workload without feeling overwhelmed.*

Enhances Cognitive Function*

older man painting

The blend of mushrooms in Dynamic Mushrooms supports cognitive function, helping to maintain brain health and improve mental performance.* This is especially beneficial when concentrating on complex tasks.

While multitasking may seem like a necessity in our busy lives, it often leads to reduced productivity, increased stress, and cognitive decline. 

By embracing the power of single-tasking, you can improve the quality of your work, reduce stress, and make better decisions. Dynamic Mushrooms can support this shift, enhancing your mental clarity and overall well-being.*

Take the first step towards a more focused and fulfilling life with Dynamic Mushrooms, and experience the benefits of truly embracing each moment.*


New Dynamic Brain Formula Unveiled

Dynamic Brain
Dynamic Brain

The product development and science team at Stonehenge Health has been working on a breakthrough for our most popular product, and we’re finally ready to release it… 

We are excited to announce the new and improved formula for Dynamic Brain

Our advanced brain health formula with a remarkable combination of nootropics and nutrients has gotten even better. 

Bottom line…

We’ve taken everything people love about our original formula, doubled down on what’s working, and added ingredients to enhance your experience with Dynamic Brain

With our new formulation, we aim to help you: 

• Elevate your mind*

• Support memory recall and focus*

• Boost alertness*

• Enhance learning*

• Maintain a sharper mind as you age*

Dynamic Brain, well known in the health and wellness community, has been a key to unlocking more cognitive potential in a world that demands peak mental performance. 

This new blend isn’t just an update; it’s a comprehensive overhaul designed to significantly boost cognitive functions such as memory, focus, and mental clarity.*

Let’s dive into the science.

What’s New: 8 Key Ingredients Unveiled

Thinking concept Mature man and illustrated brain on grey background

Among the balanced and enhanced new blend of 40 potent nutrients specifically chosen for their brain health benefits, seven stand out for their unique properties:

1. Choline

fresh egg on frying pan standing on electric stove while cooking breakfast in the morning

Choline is an essential nutrient critical for brain health, found in eggs, meat, and certain vegetables; it is particularly vital for older adults to maintain adequate levels through diet or supplements.

2. Phosphatidylserine

White and red beans in rolled up sacks. Displayed at street market stall

Phosphatidylserine, a crucial phospholipid in cell membranes, especially in the brain, is naturally present in foods like soybeans, white beans, egg yolks, and chicken liver.

3. Huperzia serrata

Herbal medicine capsules and dried herb from nature

Huperzia serrata, a firmoss known for its cognitive-enhancing properties, contains huperzine A, which is used in traditional Asian medicine for its health benefits.

4. Bacopa monnieri

Fresh and dried bacopa herb plant, known from Ayurveda as Brahmi.

Bacopa monnieri, a traditional Ayurvedic herb, enhances cognitive functions such as memory and concentration through its active components, primarily bacosides.

Celebrated for its efficacy in enhancing memory, attention, and the speed of cognitive processing, our new formula contains ten times the original serving of bacopa extract for an unprecedented cognitive boost, delivering a powerful supply of this vital brain nutrient.*

5. Vitamin B12

Hand holds a box of vitamin B12

Vitamin B12, or cobalamin, is essential for health. Methylcobalamin is naturally occurring, bioavailable, and is used in supplements for immediate utilization.

6. L-Theanine

An old lady drinking Japanese tea in a Japanese-style room

L-Theanine, an amino acid found predominantly in green tea. This supplement is particularly favored by those looking to manage stress naturally without the use of stimulants. This extracted version doesn’t contain caffeine.

7. Lion’s Mane

Lion's Mane mushroom on oak tree

Lion’s Mane, a functional mushroom, is celebrated for its potential cognitive health benefits and has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries.*

This remarkable mushroom supports cognitive function, reduces mild anxiety, helps with mood, and enhances overall brain health by stimulating the production of nerve growth factor (NGF).*

These ingredients, meticulously combined in precise and proprietary amounts, create a synergy that your brain craves for peak performance.*

8. DHA

happy smiling senior woman reading book at home

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), an omega-3 fatty acid essential for brain and retinal health, is found in fatty fish and is important for maintaining adequate levels, especially with aging.

Dynamic Brain: Your Cognitive Catalyst

Dynamic Brain

Dynamic Brain is not just a supplement; it’s a key to unlocking your brain’s full potential. 

Designed for those seeking to maintain mental sharpness, support memory, and focus, as well as enhance concentration and alertness, Dynamic Brain is the companion you need in a world that demands peak mental performance.*

Embrace the opportunity to elevate your cognitive abilities and feel confident in your mind’s power. 

Today, if you sign up for recurring shipments via our Subscribe & Save program, you can get up to 40% off your subscription. 

Right now is the perfect moment to invest in your cognitive health.

We’re inspired daily by stories from satisfied customers who’ve regained their mental acuity, rediscovered their word-finding abilities, and improved their daily lives through Dynamic Brain

Now, it’s your turn to embark on this journey of cognitive revitalization.

Secure your shipment of Dynamic Brain today, and take the first step towards a sharper, more vibrant you.* 

Your path to a more focused and clear-minded existence starts now.

12 Brain Games to Keep You Sharp

Portrait of Asian Senior Elderly male spend leisure time
Portrait of Asian Senior Elderly male spend leisure time

Brain-training games are popular among people of all ages for enhancing mental functions and slowing cognitive aging. 

In fact, studies indicate that these games can potentially boost attention, memory, response times, logical reasoning, and other cognitive abilities when played consistently over an extended period.

Did we mention that they can be a lot of fun, too?

You’ll discover our 12 favorite games you can play to keep your mind engaged.

Let’s get started.

Digital games for your phone or tablet

joyful couple sits on a bed, sharing a video call on their mobile phone.

If you have a mobile phone or tablet, you can access a virtually unlimited amount of brain games. 

Here are our favorites.


Chess is excellent for enhancing strategic thinking and problem-solving skills. It requires players to anticipate their opponent’s moves, which improves foresight and planning abilities.

You’re undoubtedly familiar with the classic board game version of chess, but you may not know you can also play it online. allows you to play against a wider range of opponents, puzzles, and gameplay, which can introduce new strategies and challenges. The online experience is designed for your phone and tablet and is surprisingly easy to learn.

2. Lumosity


This app provides a series of brain games designed specifically to target areas like memory, attention, flexibility, speed of processing, and problem-solving skills. Lumosity’s games adapt to the user’s performance to push cognitive capabilities gradually.

3. CogniFit

Senior woman using digital tablet at home.

Similar to Lumosity, CogniFit offers a variety of games designed to boost several cognitive abilities. Each game is scientifically designed to target specific brain functions and is adjusted in difficulty based on your performance, helping to train and improve cognitive skills over time.

4. Wordle


This popular word puzzle game took the world by storm at the beginning of 2022. Wordle challenges players to guess a five-letter word within six attempts. Each guess provides feedback in the form of colored tiles, indicating when letters match or occupy the correct position.

It’s a great way to start your morning and ‘wake up’ your brain. Plus, it’s easy to text your results to your friends and family to create some healthy competition.

Analog games 

cheerful husband and wife playing jenga game on table

If you’re looking to put your phone or tablet away and engage with something more tactile, here are some games you can touch and feel.

5. Card Games (Bridge, Hearts, and Rummey)

people playing cards together at home.

Card games like Bridge, Hearts, and Rummy encourage strategic planning, memory, and mathematical skills. For example, Bridge requires significant collaboration and strategic thinking. 

Hearts involves memory and probability skills, and Rummy helps improve pattern recognition and strategic planning.

As a bonus, all of these games have a social component. Card nights are a great reason to get together with friends.

6. Sudoku

woman solving sudoku puzzles in a book with selective focus on the book.

This number-placement puzzle significantly enhances logical thinking and concentration. The challenge of filling in the grid correctly without repeating numbers in any row, column, or square requires focus and mental agility.

The portable books fit easily in a purse or the glovebox of your car so that you can take these puzzles with you into waiting rooms, car rides, etc.

7. Jigsaw Puzzles

friends arranging jigsaw pieces on table while enjoying coffee

While they’re not technically a game, puzzles can stimulate your brain just as much. 

Completing jigsaw puzzles involves distinguishing among different shapes and colors and visualizing where pieces fit, which enhances visual-spatial reasoning and attention to detail.

Physical games

playing golf while standing on field

Playing sports helps keep your brain sharp by increasing blood flow to your brain, which can make you think clearer and remember better. Sports also help your brain stay flexible so you can learn and remember things more easily. 

Plus, they’re great for reducing stress and boosting your mood.

8. Pickleball

Pickleball - Mixed Doubles Action of Colorful Court

Pickleball has skyrocketed in popularity recently, and for good reason. While many people enjoy the game’s excitement and physical component, it provides a mental boost, too. 

The physical activity in pickleball can also help improve mental alertness, coordination, and strategic thinking.

9. Table Tennis (Ping Pong)

Happy active mature man and a woman playing table tennis

Playing table tennis helps enhance motor skills, quick reactions, and strategic planning. It also improves hand-eye coordination and mental alertness, as players must quickly assess and respond to their opponent’s actions.

Games you can play with your kids or grandkids

Friends playing board game at table

Looking for something to do with your kids or grandkids that isn’t watching cartoons? 

Here are some games that are easy enough to be competitive for both of you, while also engaging your problem-solving skills.

10. Uno


Uno helps with color and number recognition, and it requires players to use strategic thinking regarding when to play certain cards, enhancing decision-making skills and adaptability to changing situations.

11. Ticket to Ride

board game

This game involves strategic planning, problem-solving, and geographical knowledge. Players plan train routes across the map, which requires foresight and tactical management of resources (like train cars and destination tickets).

12. Memory Games

high angle view of senior man collecting jigsaw puzzle

Any game that involves memory (like matching pairs or recalling sequences) enhances short-term and working memory. These games help in improving concentration and focus, which are vital for daily tasks.

Add Fuel to Your Brain Games

Dynamic Brain

While brain-training games and physical activities offer a fun and engaging way to keep your mind sharp, integrating a focused nutritional approach can significantly boost your cognitive health. 

Our Dynamic Brain supplement provides a scientifically formulated blend of natural ingredients to support memory, focus, and mental clarity.* 

Whether you’re strategizing your next move in chess, solving a complex Sudoku puzzle, or coordinating a game of pickleball, complementing your routine with Dynamic Brain can help enhance your cognitive functions and maintain your mental edge.* 

Embrace a comprehensive brain health approach with stimulating games and the right nutritional support from Stonehenge Health.

1. Al-Thaqib A, Al-Sultan F, Al-Zahrani A, et al. Brain training games enhance cognitive function in healthy subjects. Med Sci Monit Basic Res. 2018;24:63-69. doi:10.12659%2FMSMBR.909022

Unveil the Power of Fungi: 3 Science-Backed Benefits You Can Get From Mushrooms

reishi functional mushroom
reishi functional mushroom

If you’ve been reading magazines or seeing lots of ads for mushroom products, you might be wondering: 

What’s all this talk about mushrooms? I thought they were just for pasta, salads, and pizza…

We’re not talking about those kinds of ‘shrooms—we’re talking about functional mushrooms. 

They’re called “functional mushrooms” because they contain bioactive compounds believed to positively impact the body, from boosting the immune system to enhancing mental clarity and providing energy.*

Functional mushrooms are:

• Rich in beta-glucans, so they support your immune system.*

Nootropic, meaning they support memory and mental clarity.*

Adaptogenic, which means they assist your body in adapting to daily stress, leading to improved mood and sleep quality.*

At Stonehenge Health, we have a unique blend of five functional mushrooms we call Dynamic Mushrooms

With thousands of online reviews, our community has shared many stories about the results they’re getting with our functional mushroom blend. 

In today’s article, we’ll pull a few recent testimonials and dive into the science behind the reported health benefits. 

Let’s start with three of the top reported health benefits: 

1. Increased concentration*

2. Reduced stress*

3. Less brain fog*

Let’s dive in.

1. Concentration

Concentrated mature businesswoman ceo boss typing on laptop, working at office desk

Short attention spans…

In our increasingly fast-paced world, you may feel like your attention span is getting shorter every year. 

Maybe it’s getting harder to finish a book, pay attention to a conversation, or even watch a movie without looking at your phone…

If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. Concentration problems are a widespread concern, but you don’t have to let them negatively impact your life. 

Studies on the Lion’s Mane mushroom have shown its potential to enhance cognitive functions, including concentration. One study indicated that its bioactive compounds could stimulate brain cell growth, improving mental focus and cognitive agility, which are key to maintaining concentration. 1

This is exactly why we’ve included Lion’s Mane in our Dynamic Mushrooms formulation. A full gram in a 10:1 extract of the mushroom’s fruiting body packs a potent punch of nootropics designed to help support cognitive function.* 

 These are the types of stories we hear from our customers every day: 

“I noticed the difference in mental activity in the first few days.”*Jeff

“The day after taking it, I do feel a lot sharper! I noticed it the very first day after taking it! I gave it a month before writing this review because I do randomly have good days sometimes, and I wanted to rule out coincidences. But I am convinced it is working for me!”*Arlene

While many people turn to stimulants like caffeine to try and enhance their concentration, functional mushrooms may be able to give you the boost in focus you’re looking for without the crash.*

2. Stress

Senior Man Rubbing Tired Eyes Wearing Eyeglasses

Have you ever watched a TV show with a character who is so laid-back and calm no matter the situation you can’t help but laugh when you see them? 

It’s funny because everyone gets stressed out occasionally; nobody stays cool 100% of the time. 

And while stress is never fun, it happens sometimes and that’s normal. 

But if you find yourself constantly stressed or know somebody who is, it may indicate a larger problem. 

The Reishi mushroom, known for its adaptogenic properties, can help balance the body’s stress responses.*

“Adaptogenic” refers to substances that help the body manage stress by normalizing physiological processes and promoting a balanced homeostasis.

Clinical evaluations suggest that Reishi can lower elevated stress levels, promoting a more relaxed state of mind.*

Dynamic Mushrooms is packed with 100 mg of this incredible fungi, along with another 100 mg in a 4:1 extract of Maitake—also studied for its role in helping modulate the body’s stress response.* 

Together, these two adaptogenic mushrooms can provide a buffer against the physical and psychological impacts of stress.*

“These are amazing! Best mushrooms I have tried on the market. Fruiting bodies helped a lot with cognitive, stress, fatigue, and focus. Felt the results on day 2, been taking for three months now. Subscribed for monthly deliveries. Well worth it.”*Jessica

3. Brain fog

older man forgetful

“Helps with brain fog and concentration.”*Geno

Brain fog isn’t technically a medical condition but rather a term describing symptoms that can affect one’s thinking ability. 

If you’ve ever had feelings of confusion, forgetfulness, lack of focus, mental clarity, and decreased concentration, then you know exactly what brain fog is. 

It can be caused by a variety of factors, including lack of sleep, stress, hormonal changes, diet, and medical conditions.

Hericium erinaceus (commonly known as Lion’s Mane mushroom) has been reported to have therapeutic activities related to the promotion of nerve and brain health.*

By stimulating the production of nerve growth factor, Lion’s Mane can potentially clear mental clutter and enhance cognitive clarity, combatting brain fog symptoms.* This improvement in cognitive functioning is essential for mental clarity and effective thinking.*

Next Steps

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms

Our customers use Dynamic Mushrooms to unlock the full power of their minds (among other health benefits). 

The thousands of online reviews we’ve received continuously tell us this. 

But what we want to know is: 

What could you accomplish with increased mental energy and sharpness? 

If you’re ready to find out, join the thousands of Dynamic Mushrooms fans and subscribe to unlock your full potential today.


Krill Oil vs Fish Oil: Which is Better For Your Health?

Krill oil pills on a spoon, closeup
Krill oil pills on a spoon, closeup

Fish oil and krill oil have been a mainstay in the health and wellness conversation for years now for one primary reason: 

Omega-3 fatty acids. 

There’s a great reason for all the hype. 

Omega-3s have been clinically proven to deliver incredible health benefits such as: 

Heart health: Omega-3s have been clinically proven to support heart health in various ways.*1 

Eye health: Omega-3 is one of the structural components of the retina in the eyes, and supplementation can support overall eye health.*2 

Bone and joint health: Omega-3s can boost the amount of calcium in bones, which leads to improved bone strength.3 They are also beneficial in reducing joint discomfort and stiffness.* 

Mental health support: High levels of Omega-3s are associated with improved mood and cognitive function.*4 

Sleep quality: Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly DHA, may contribute to better sleep quality.*

So, if krill oil and fish oil have Omega-3s, you’ll get the same health benefits from either, right? 

Not exactly. 

It turns out there are several key differences between krill oil and fish oil—backed by science—that provide the answer to the question: 

Which is better for you: Krill or fish oil? 

When you look at the facts, there is really no comparison.

Here are four reasons krill oil is best for your health.

1. Omega-3 Health Benefits

woman taking supplement

Fish oil is renowned for its high concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids, specifically EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). As listed in the section above, these fats are crucial for providing many health benefits. 

Krill oil also contains EPA and DHA. However, unlike fish oil, the Omega-3s in krill oil are bound to phospholipids, which studies suggest may enhance the body’s absorption of these fatty acids.

Both supplements effectively deliver Omega-3 benefits, but krill oil may offer an edge in bioavailability.* This means that the same amount of Omega-3s might be more effectively used by the body when sourced from krill oil, potentially increasing its health benefits per gram.*

Advantage: Krill oil.

2. Additional Health Benefits

couple jogging outdoors

Beyond Omega-3s, only one type of oil has additional advantages. 

Fish oil is a well-established supplement often used for various conditions linked to Omega-3 deficiencies, but the benefits it provides are all related to Omega-3s. 

Krill oil, on the other hand, contains astaxanthin, a potent antioxidant that fish oil lacks. Astaxanthin offers additional antioxidant properties, protecting cells from damage and supporting your health.*

The astaxanthin in krill oil provides a unique bonus outside Omega-3s, offering more comprehensive health benefits.*

Advantage: Krill oil.

3. Absorption

krill oil shape of a fish on a plate

The form of Omega-3s plays a crucial role in how well they are absorbed and utilized by the body. 

Fish oil’s Omega-3s are primarily in triglyceride form, which can be less efficiently absorbed compared to the phospholipid form found in krill oil. 

Phospholipids align more closely with the human body’s cell structure, facilitating a more straightforward absorption pathway. 

This enhanced absorption means that krill oil might offer more Omega-3 benefits at lower dosages, making it an appealing option for those who prefer to take fewer supplements.*

Advantage: Krill oil.

4. Purity and Sourcing

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Krill Oil

Purity is a significant concern when it comes to fish oil—and fish in general—as fish from the ocean can contain mercury and other environmental toxins. The purity of fish largely depends on the fish source, the food chain from which it comes, and the waters from which it is harvested. 

Fish oil is primarily derived from capelin, sand eel, anchovy, horse mackerel, cod liver, pilchard, and menhaden. These fish can be caught in many places worldwide, often in polluted oceans. 

In contrast, krill oil typically shows lower levels of contaminants for a few reasons: 

• Krill have short lifespans, giving them less time to ingest toxins

• Krill are on the bottom of the food chain, giving them less chance to ingest toxins

• Krill live in the Antarctic Ocean, which contains the most pristine waters on Earth

With Dynamic Krill Oil from Stonehenge Health, you can actually see the exact source of your krill oil bottle by scanning the QR code on the label of each bottle and entering the lot number  on our website. 

>> Click here for more info on our commitment to transparent sourcing

Note: Both krill and fish oil products should be certified by third-party organizations to ensure they are free from harmful levels of contaminants and that they contain the advertised levels of Omega-3s.

Advantage: Krill oil. 

Both krill oil and fish oil offer valuable health benefits, particularly in delivering Omega-3 fatty acids essential for maintaining various aspects of health.*

However, krill oil has a clear advantage due to better absorption, lack of harmful contaminants, and additional antioxidant benefits from astaxanthin.*

If you’re considering integrating krill oil into your health regimen, Dynamic Krill Oil from  Stonehenge Health is a top-rated option. 

Our product contains the highest-quality ingredients, and we ensure that each batch is sustainably harvested, transparently sourced, and rigorously tested for purity and potency. This aligns with our commitment to environmental responsibility and high-quality health supplements.

The purest and easily absorbed krill oil. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“This stuff is as pure as it gets. The only oceans that haven’t been horribly polluted are the Antarctic Oceans. That’s where they harvest this stuff, so you KNOW you’re getting the best.”Dustin

Stamina booster. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I recovered energy and stamina. Great.” Ana

Choosing the right Omega-3 supplement can significantly influence your health journey. Consider making Dynamic Krill Oil part of your daily routine to reap the profound benefits.

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Krill Oil supplement
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Is Your Turmeric Supplement Delivering the Goods?

Close up,Turmeric powder and fresh turmeric (curcumin) rhizome on a wooden background,Turmeric is used to produce medicine,copy space.
Close up,Turmeric powder and fresh turmeric (curcumin) rhizome on a wooden background,Turmeric is used to produce medicine,copy space.

When it comes to harnessing the power of natural supplements for your well-being, turmeric has long been a popular choice in the wellness arena. 

However, not all turmeric supplements are created equal… 

Understanding the differences can significantly impact their effectiveness in your health regimen. 

Not everyone knows that curcumin, a compound that has been the subject of extensive research and praise, is the key component in turmeric and is responsible for all its health benefits. 

To understand if your turmeric supplement is delivering the benefits you want, you first need to understand curcumin.

The Curcumin Connection

Golden Milk, made with turmeric and other spices

Dating back over 4,000 years, turmeric has a long-celebrated history in Asia as both a spice for food and its traditional medicine value. Turmeric is one of the most thoroughly researched plants in existence today.

The real magic lies in curcumin, the compound that gives turmeric its vibrant color and is credited with most of its health benefits. 

Curcumin, in the right serving, can support your body in many ways, such as: 

• Your immunity*

• Your digestion*

• Your brain health*

• Your joint health*

But because the “right serving” of curcumin won’t come from your spice cabinet, you’ll need to find a high-quality supplement that delivers the health benefits you want.

Dietary Dilemmas

Harvest turmeric in the morning

Some might wonder if they can skip supplements altogether and simply add more turmeric spice to their diet

While turmeric as a spice is beneficial for overall health and adds a unique flavor profile to dishes, the concentration of curcumin you consume through food is minimal.  

The turmeric you find in a spice jar at the grocery store contains only about 2-5% curcumin by weight.

This is where the distinction between merely consuming turmeric and taking a turmeric supplement becomes crucial.

To truly benefit from curcumin’s potential, we recommend supplementing with a concentrated form. 

However, this route has some pitfalls you must watch out for…

The Supplement Spectrum

Turmeric capsule

A common misconception among consumers is that all turmeric supplements provide the necessary amount of curcumin to make a significant impact. 

Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

Many supplements on the market do not contain sufficient curcuminoids, the active group of compounds in curcumin. 

This means those sub-par turmeric supplements may not offer the benefits you’re seeking.

To obtain the health benefits you’re looking for, the turmeric supplement formula should ideally contain at least 1,500 mg of turmeric curcumin infused with standardized 95% curcuminoids. A serving at this level can be highly effective in promoting overall health.

And there’s a quick and easy solution to ensuring you’re getting the recommended amount for maximum benefit…

Label Literacy

woman hand taking turmeric pill, girl hand holding turmeric powder in capsule or curcumin herb medicine with a glass of water, treatment for acid reflux problem

This brings us to the importance of label literacy when selecting a turmeric supplement. 

We strongly encourage you to scrutinize the labels of your supplements closely. 

Look for products that specify the amount of curcuminoids they contain. A supplement with a higher concentration of these compounds is more likely to deliver the health benefits associated with turmeric.

If the Supplement Facts label on your turmeric supplement doesn’t contain an extract standardized to 95% curcuminoids, you may want to seek another product. 

Here’s an example from our Dynamic Turmeric:

dynamic turmeric label

Making the Right Choice in Your Turmeric Supplements

Dynamic Turmeric

Now that you know what to look for in a turmeric supplement, you might wonder where to find a truly optimal product. 

Look no further than Dynamic Turmeric

At Stonehenge Health, we prioritize transparency and quality, offering a supplement that stands out in the vast sea of wellness products. Our top-of-the-line supplement is formulated to ensure you receive a potent dose of curcuminoids in every serving. 

Additionally, we implement several other quality measures to ensure you receive the best turmeric supplement on the market: 

• We include 1,650 mg of a turmeric blend consisting of an Organic Turmeric Powder and an extract standardized to 95% Curcuminoids.

• We include organic ginger root for added digestive comfort.* 

• We include BioPerine®, a black pepper derivative that research shows increases the body’s absorption rate.*

• We don’t use fillers, binders, or synthetic ingredients of any kind.

• All our products are 3rd party tested for quality assurance.

• Our products are manufactured in the USA from the finest globally sourced ingredients with no harmful contaminants.

When choosing a turmeric supplement, don’t settle for anything less than a product that delivers on its promises.

With the right supplement like Dynamic Turmeric, you can confidently incorporate the benefits of curcumin into your daily routine.*

Introducing Batch Tracking for Dynamic Krill Oil: A New Era of Transparency and Quality

Head shot close up portrait happy elderly senior woman looking at camera, holding glass of fresh water and pill. Smiling mature grandmother taking vitamins, enjoying daily healthcare habit at home
Head shot close up portrait happy elderly senior woman looking at camera, holding glass of fresh water and pill. Smiling mature grandmother taking vitamins, enjoying daily healthcare habit at home

At Stonehenge Health, we understand the importance of taking supplements and knowing exactly where they come from and their benefits. 

That’s why we’re excited to announce an innovative new feature for Dynamic Krill Oil, one of our most popular products: batch tracking

Starting March 22, 2024, every new bottle shipped of Dynamic Krill Oil now includes an industry-leading traceability feature on the label. 

You can now verify our sourcing transparency by scanning the QR code and entering the batch number printed on the bottle. This will allow you to locate where your krill oil originated in the pristine waters of the Antarctic Ocean.

Trace Your Krill; Trust Your Source

close up of a world map with the word Antartica in focus

With our new batch tracking feature, every bottle of Dynamic Krill Oil opens up a story—the story of where and how we source our high-quality krill. 

This feature is more than a tool; it’s a window into our dedication to transparency, quality, and the health of our customers. 

You deserve to know more about the products you choose for your health, and we’re here to provide that information clearly and honestly.

Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Find your batch number

Dynamic Krill Oil bottle

Every bottle of Dynamic Krill has a batch number printed on the label.

Step 2: Visit our website

screenshot of stonehengehealth website

Scan the QR code printed on the bottle with your smartphone or visit our website’s Dynamic Krill Oil product page. 

Scroll down until you see the batch number tool. It will display the current batch number highlighted in yellow and a map of the Antarctic Ocean.

Step 3: Enter your bottle’s batch number

screenshot of stonehenge health website

Type in the batch number from your bottle and click the red “Display Location” button. A pin will appear from the exact spot in the ocean where the krill in your bottle was harvested.

Our Commitment to Transparency

Middle aged woman drinking a glass of water with a happy face standing and smiling with a confident smile showing teeth

Transparency in the ingredient sourcing process is not just a policy at Stonehenge Health; it’s our promise to you. 

You have the right to know exactly what you’re putting into your body and where it comes from. 

Our new krill source batch tracking feature for Dynamic Krill Oil embodies this belief, offering unparalleled insight into the journey from sea to bottle. 

This level of transparency ensures that our customers can trust the quality and efficacy of our products, reinforcing our commitment to health, well-being, and ethical sourcing.

Why Ingredient Quality Matters

Krill Oil in gel capsules

In a market flooded with health supplements, the quality of ingredients differentiates the beneficial from the ineffectual. 

High-quality ingredients mean better absorption, more potent health benefits, and fewer contaminants. 

For krill oil, this means sourcing the krill in pristine waters, minimizing exposure to pollutants, and maximizing the natural benefits of Omega-3s.

The Essential Benefits of Omega-3s

Stonehenge Health Krill Oil

Omega-3 fatty acids are fundamental to our health, playing a vital role in your health, including: 

• Supporting heart, brain, and eye health*

• Helping maintain healthy joints*

• Neutralizing free radicals via the antioxidant astaxanthin*

We invite you to experience the difference that true quality and transparency can make. Visit the product page today, enter the batch number of your new bottle’s label of Dynamic Krill Oil, and discover the origin of your krill. (Valid on new products shipped after March 22, 2024. You can still test the feature using the provided batch number to see how it works.)

It’s not just about knowing you’re taking a supplement rich in Omega-3s; it’s about choosing a product that stands for quality, integrity, and health.

Stonehenge Health is more than a supplement company; we’re your partner in the journey towards a healthier life. 

Our commitment to quality, transparency, and customer well-being is at the heart of everything we do. 

Trust us to be your guide in the world of supplements, where every ingredient is sourced with care, and every product is made with your health in mind.

Dynamic Krill Oil supplement

Choline: The Super Nutrient for Boosting Brain, Heart, and Liver Health

Older couple smiling together at breakfast outside
Older couple smiling together at breakfast outside

Imagine unlocking a secret ingredient that powers up your brain, supports your heart, and keeps your liver in top shape. 

Often flying under the radar, choline is the unsung hero in the quest for optimal health, as it performs critical roles that keep your body and mind in peak condition. 

Choline is your go-to ally whether you’re aiming to boost your cognitive prowess, ensure your heart beats strong, or keep your liver clean. 

Let’s explore the wonders of choline together.

What is Choline?

Smiling elderly female patient holding pill and glass of water. Senior mature woman taking daily dose of prescribed meds against depression, mental disorders, flu, insomnia, pain. Elderly treatment

Choline is a nutrient that’s vital for many aspects of your health. 

It’s a building block that your body needs to perform a bunch of important tasks. Think of it as a helper that does a few critical jobs for your: 

• Brain

• Liver

• Heart

• Muscles

To help you visualize the effect of choline, imagine your body as a city with constant construction projects. 

Choline is like the building materials needed at the construction sites to build successful projects. 

Just like a city needs these materials to build and repair buildings, your body needs choline to build and maintain important parts of your body, especially your brain.

Choline helps throughout the body. Let’s take a look at all the places you’ll find benefits…

7 Benefits Choline Has On Your Health

Group of happy mature people laughing while enjoying in card game at the table.

If you don’t get enough choline, your body may experience a variety of issues because choline is involved in so many critical functions. When you get the ideal amount, choline works wonders for your body and mind. 

1. Helps your brain work better: Choline is like food for your brain. It helps with learning and remembering things, for a better mood, and controlling muscles.2 It’s important to keep your brain sharp as you get older, and choline can help.

2. Keeps your liver healthy: Choline helps stop fat from piling up in your liver, which can help your liver stay clean and work smoothly.

3. Boosts your metabolism: Choline is involved in how your body uses fats, which helps keep your metabolism going strong. This means your body can use food better and keep you feeling energetic.

4. Good for your heart: Choline helps manage certain fat levels in your blood, supporting a healthy heart.

5. Supports muscle movement: Choline is important for muscle control, making sure they can move and respond the way you want them to, which is crucial for everything from walking to lifting things.

6. Keeps cell walls strong: Choline helps build the walls of your cells, protecting and organizing cell contents properly. It’s like ensuring each cell has a strong house to live in.

7. Can make you feel happier: Choline, which is involved in making brain chemicals that control mood, might help improve your mood. 2 Research suggests that Choline helps you keep spirits high and maintain a balanced mood.

Your liver produces a small amount of choline, but not enough. Since your body doesn’t make sufficient choline for optimal health, eating foods rich in choline or taking choline supplements is a good way to ensure you’re getting enough.

9 Ways To Get Choline

cheese nuts eggs dairy

Choline can be found in a variety of foods, both animal and plant-based, as well as supplements. Here are 9 different sources that can help you meet your daily choline requirements:

1. Eggs: The yolk of an egg is particularly high in choline. One large egg can provide about 147 mg of choline, making eggs one of the best sources of this nutrient.

2. Meat: Various types of meat, including beef, pork, and chicken, contain good amounts of choline. For example, a 3-ounce serving of chicken breast provides about 72 mg of choline.

3. Fish: Fatty fish like salmon are good sources of choline. A 3-ounce serving of salmon can offer about 56 mg of choline.

4. Dairy: Milk, yogurt, and cheese contain choline in smaller amounts. For instance, a cup of milk has about 38 mg of choline.

5. Legumes: Certain legumes (beans), such as kidney beans and soybeans, are good plant-based sources of choline. A cup of cooked soybeans provides about 107 mg of choline.

6. Nuts and seeds: Nuts and seeds, especially peanuts and sunflower seeds, contain choline. A quarter cup of peanuts provides about 24 mg of choline.

7. Vegetables: Cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower are decent sources of choline. For example, a cup of cooked Brussels sprouts has about 63 mg of choline.

8. Whole grains: Quinoa, wheat germ, and brown rice provide small amounts of choline as well.

9. Dynamic Brain: With a blend of 40 brain health ingredients, including nootropics such as Huperzine A, Bacopa Extract, DHA, and Phosphatidylserine – Dynamic Brain is designed to support your brain’s cognitive ability.*

Unleash your brain’s full potential with Stonehenge Health’s Dynamic Brain, the ultimate cognitive support supplement designed to enhance memory, focus, and mental clarity.* 

Our carefully formulated blend of 40 powerful brain health ingredients, including choline and nootropics like Huperzine A, Bacopa Extract, DHA, and Phosphatidylserine, works synergistically to support optimal brain function and cognitive agility.* 

Whether you’re navigating the stressful demands of a hectic lifestyle, aiming to boost your productivity, or seeking to protect your brain health for years to come, Dynamic Brain offers a scientifically backed solution rich in choline and 39 other brain health ingredients.* 

Join the thousands of satisfied customers who have already experienced the transformative benefits of Dynamic Brain—a sharper, more focused mind is just a supplement away.*

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