Your Guide to ‘Sharpening the Saw’ and Enhancing Cognitive Renewal

Middle age Asian woman.
Middle age Asian woman.

I have a bit of guilty pleasure…

I’ve always enjoyed reading self-improvement books; I’ve probably read dozens of them over the years. 

Do I implement all of the things in the pages of these books? Definitely not, but if I can even get one useful tip out of a book, I consider that a win. 

“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey is an all-time classic.

It’s full of incredible tips to increase productivity (well, seven tips, to be exact), but I want to pull out my favorite tip and share it with you. 

Hopefully, this will help you as much as it’s helped me over the years. 

Habit #7, “Sharpen the Saw,” emphasizes the importance of continuous self-renewal in order to maintain productivity over the long term. 

In other words, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” 

Basically, if you’re using your saw all day for work, it’s going to get dull eventually. You need to do something else in order to keep it sharp. 

The “saw” is your brain. 

This habit is crucial for maintaining overall effectiveness and long-term success. The key aspect of this habit is mental renewal, which can be significantly enhanced with the right support.

The Importance of Mental Renewal

Two middle age students smiling happy painting clay sculpture at art school.

Mental renewal involves engaging in activities that stimulate and refresh the mind, such as reading, learning new skills, and exercising. It’s about keeping your cognitive abilities sharp, adaptable, and resilient by supplementing them with other types of activities. 

Because without regular mental rejuvenation, our effectiveness diminishes.

In addition to sharpening your saw with physical and mental activities, you can also feed your brain by providing it with the nutrients it needs to thrive.

Dynamic Brain and Mental Renewal

Dynamic Brain

Enter Dynamic Brain by Stonehenge Health, a supplement designed to optimize brain health and cognitive function.*

Dynamic Brain is formulated with a blend of 40  ingredients that support various aspects of cognitive health, making it an ideal companion in your quest to sharpen the saw.

Let’s take a closer look at some of these ingredients.

8 Key Ingredients and Their Benefits

Healthy lifestyle - people riding bicycles in city park

1. Choline

women with holding a cardboard egg box full of her eggs.

Choline is an essential nutrient critical for brain health, found in eggs, meat, and certain vegetables; it is particularly vital for older adults to maintain adequate levels through diet or supplements.

2. Phosphatidylserine

Soybean seeds in ceramic bowl

Phosphatidylserine, a crucial phospholipid in cell membranes, especially in the brain, is naturally present in foods like soybeans, white beans, egg yolks, and chicken liver.

3. Huperzia serrata

Huperzia, fir moss

Huperzia serrata, a firmoss known for its cognitive-enhancing properties, contains huperzine A, which is used in traditional Asian medicine for its health benefits.

4. Bacopa monnieri

Two happy busy female employees working together using computer planning project.

Bacopa monnieri, a traditional Ayurvedic herb, enhances cognitive functions such as memory and concentration through its active components, primarily bacosides.

Celebrated for its efficacy in enhancing memory, attention, and the speed of cognitive processing, our new formula contains ten times the original serving of bacopa extract for an unprecedented cognitive boost, delivering a powerful supply of this vital brain nutrient.*

5. Vitamin B12

middle age woman at art classroom looking positive and happy

Vitamin B12, or cobalamin, is essential for health. Methylcobalamin is naturally occurring, bioavailable, and is used in supplements for immediate utilization.

6. L-Theanine

green tea

L-Theanine, an amino acid found predominantly in green tea. This supplement is particularly favored by those looking to manage stress naturally without the use of stimulants. This extracted version doesn’t contain caffeine.

7. Lion’s Mane

lion's mane mushroom

Lion’s Mane, a functional mushroom, is celebrated for its potential cognitive health benefits and has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries.*

This remarkable mushroom supports cognitive function, reduces mild anxiety, helps with mood, and enhances overall brain health by stimulating the production of nerve growth factor (NGF).*

8. DHA

Top view Group of friends enjoy dinner party eating salmon

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), an omega-3 fatty acid essential for brain and retinal health, is found in fatty fish and is important for maintaining adequate levels, especially with aging.

These ingredients, meticulously combined in precise and proprietary amounts, create a synergy that your brain craves for peak performance.*

Integrating Dynamic Brain into Your Routine

Middle aged woman solving sudoku puzzle on sofa at home

To fully embrace Habit 7 and ensure you are sharpening the saw effectively, consider incorporating Dynamic Brain into your daily routine.

Morning boost: Take Dynamic Brain in the morning to kickstart your cognitive functions and set a productive tone for the day.*

Mindful breaks: Use the mental clarity provided by Dynamic Brain to engage in mindful activities like meditation or deep breathing exercises.*

• Learning sessions: Enhance your learning sessions with the memory and focus support from Dynamic Brain, making time doing crosswords or puzzles or wordle more effective.*

• Evening wind-down: Reflect on your day and plan for tomorrow with a clear and focused mind, thanks to the calming and soothing effects.*

Sharpening the saw through mental renewal is essential for long-term effectiveness and personal growth. 

Dynamic Brain by Stonehenge Health provides the cognitive support needed to keep your mind sharp, focused, and ready to embrace continuous improvement. 

By integrating this supplement into your daily routine, you can ensure that your mental saw is always finely honed, allowing you to achieve your fullest potential.

Discover Dynamic Brain

Don’t Fall For Fake Claims Like These

Scale Woman Feet Standing On Weight Scale In Bathroom.
Scale Woman Feet Standing On Weight Scale In Bathroom.

I’m sure you’ve seen ads with phrases like this…

“I pooped out 19 pounds!”


 “You have 20 pounds of stuck poop inside you!”


“I can’t believe how much poop was coming out of me after taking this pill.”

These claims are usually made by probiotic companies looking to hook you and then get you to spend your hard-earned money on false hopes. 

And I can understand the appeal of these claims. 

I wish losing weight was this easy. I mean how amazing would it be if losing 20 pounds was as simple as pooping out “stuck poop?”  

The truth is it’s not that simple. Our research team at Stonehenge Health did their due diligence, and we could not find anything to back up these claims. 

If you did have “stuck poop,” you’d have a very serious medical condition and need to be hospitalized. 

The most frustrating part of these false claims isn’t even that some of these companies have real doctors backing them… 

It’s the disappointment people who purchase them feel when they see no return on the scale after using them diligently. Even if they begin pooping more.

You’re pooping more because many of these products simply contain ingredients that have a laxative effect but don’t change the bacteria in the gut to support a healthier gut environment—which is why the weight loss is temporary (and by temporary, I mean the minute you leave the toilet). 

Now the average poop can weigh up to one pound. And the longer poop stays in your intestines, the drier and harder it becomes. This is why, although there may be an immediate drop in weight on the scale after a bowel movement, that doesn’t mean it’s actual fat loss. It’s simply the weight of the fecal matter. 

The majority of your feces is water (about 75%). The remaining is made up of things like undigested food particles (hello, corn), bile, dead cells, and much more.  

Now, you may be wondering: 

Well, when someone does lose weight, where does the fat go? 

Here’s a quick science lesson. 

Mature fitness woman tie shoelaces on road.

Your body has billions of fat cells. As you burn fat (when your body needs it for energy), you’d assume you lose those fat cells, right? Nope. The number of fat cells in your body remains virtually the same… forever.

Each fat cell simply gets smaller. Weight loss is your fat cells shrinking. Weight gain is your fat cells becoming more enlarged. 

Hence why, again, it wouldn’t make sense to believe you can “poop out pounds” like these ads are proclaiming. 

So what is the connection between poop and weight loss?

Pooping anywhere from 3 times a week to 3 times a day is normal. However, it’s human nature to want to be pooping on a daily basis because it feels good. Pooping reduces gas and bloating, which is why pooping can be a very satisfying and cleansing feeling.

So, let’s move away from companies using false claims about poop and weight loss and move to the truth about the digestive system and weight loss.

Here are the facts. 

When your gut is overrun with bad bacteria, an imbalance called dysbiosis occurs. Dysbiosis can affect your ability to have regular bowel movements daily and be the reason you’re struggling to lose weight. 

A healthy, balanced gut microbiome aids digestion, boosts metabolism, and supports healthy weight management. So, the ultimate goal is a complete evacuation of the bowels daily because you have a healthy gut with good bacteria that supports both healthy digestion and weight loss. 

And with the right probiotic supplement, like Dynamic Biotics+ for Women, you can boost digestion while supporting fat loss.* 

Your 3-in-1 super biotic

Especially since it contains HOWARU® Shape Bifidobacterium lactis B420™ a probiotic strain, which has been clinically studied for its ability to reduce abdominal fat and keep the waist trim.*

It also contains 24 Diverse probiotic strains and 70 billion live probiotic cultures to boost digestive health and help improve digestion and regularity, so you’ll be less bloated and have less gas.*

Also added to Dynamic Biotics+ for Women is Chromaxchromium picolinate, which has been shown to help insulin regulate blood sugar levels to support your body in fat loss while maintaining lean body mass.* 

So if you want to improve your digestion AND lose weight try it with a science-based approach instead of clickbait claims with no scientific evidence. 

Ready to explore probiotics that can actually help you manage your weight and support a healthy gut microbiome?

2ndGen Biotics+

Which Probiotics Supplement is Right For You? Dynamic Biotics+ for Women vs. Dynamic Biotics

Mature woman smiling in kitchen
Mature woman smiling in kitchen

When it comes to probiotics, finding a product that aligns with your health goals is essential. 

My goal is to help you decide which one is the perfect fit for you…

Dynamic Biotics or Dynamic Biotics+ for Women.

Let’s get started.

Dynamic Biotics: An Ideal Solution for a Happy and Healthy Gut

Dynamic Biotics

Dynamic Biotics is particularly beneficial for those who want to enjoy their favorite foods without experiencing digestive issues, such as gas, cramps, irregularity, and bloating.

Expertly crafted with 16 strains of probiotics, Dynamic Biotics provides unmatched support for your digestive and immune systems. That’s because it contains Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, the most clinically studied probiotic strain, ensuring you receive the best support for your digestive and immune health.*

Dynamic Biotics promotes a balanced gut, supporting your overall health by creating an environment for digestive wellness.* It helps maintain a diverse and healthy microbiome, enhancing your body’s ability to break down food and absorb nutrients.*

A robust gut contributes to a stronger immune system, and Dynamic Biotics ensures the integrity of the digestive tract and gut lining, providing a healthy barrier against harmful substances.*

Here’s an added bonus: Dynamic Biotics can even help fight traveler’s diarrhea, making it a must-have for frequent travelers who are always on the go. If you get backed up when traveling, this can help you, too.

It reduces gas and bloating, alleviating discomfort and promoting a flatter stomach.* It also eases upper GI discomfort, helping with issues like reflux, abdominal pain, and nausea while improving lower GI health by reducing constipation and promoting regular bowel movements.*

Dynamic Biotics+ for Women: An Ideal Solution for a Happy and Healthy Gut plus weight management and vaginal support

Your 3-in-1 super biotic

Dynamic Biotics+ for Women combines 24 broad-spectrum live probiotic strains with 70 billion CFUs, prebiotics, a feminine herbal blend, and Chromax® chromium picolinate. 

This product is specifically crafted for vibrant women of all ages who occasionally struggle with urinary tract infections or vaginal microflora imbalances and discomfort in addition to general gut bacteria imbalances.* 

Dynamic Biotics+ for Women contains Chromax® chromium piccolinate. Research shows that the trace mineral chromium picolinate can support insulin function and help the body better tolerate sugar.* Chromax® can also improve body composition and support weight and fat loss.* Dynamic Biotics+ for Women also contains HOWARU® Shape Bifidobacterium lactis B420™ aprobiotic strain, which has been clinically studied for its ability to reduce abdominal fat and keep the waist trim.*

In addition, this capsule Contains HOWARU® Feminine Health, a blend of L. rhamnosus HN001™ and L. acidophilus La-14™ clinically studied probiotic strains for vaginal health and overall feminine wellness to help support a healthy vaginal microflora in as little as 7 days.*

With Chromax®, Dynamic Biotics+ for Women supports body composition and weight management, helping to improve body composition, support weight loss, and fat loss while maintaining lean body mass when combined with diet and exercise. HOWARU® Feminine Health features clinically studied probiotic strains that promote vaginal health, supporting a healthy vaginal microflora in as little as seven days. Additionally, HOWARU® Shape helps reduce abdominal fat and waist circumference while promoting a balanced gut bacteria ecosystem, supporting overall gut health.

Here’s a simple flowchart to help you determine which is right for you.

Biotics and Biotics+ Flowchart
Biotics and Biotics+ compare + contrast

Choosing the right probiotic supplement depends on your specific health goals and needs. 

If you prioritize digestive health and immune support, Dynamic Biotics is the way to go. 

If you’re focused on feminine wellness and maintaining a healthy body composition, Dynamic Biotics+ for Women is your perfect match. 

And for a comprehensive approach to your health, consider incorporating both into your daily regimen. These two products were created to be taken alone or together.

Why Choose One When You Can Have Both?

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Biotics and Dynamic Biotics+ for Women

These products complement each other perfectly, providing a comprehensive approach to health. 

Dynamic Biotics focuses on overall digestive and immune health, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to bolster their gut health. 

On the other hand, Dynamic Biotics+ for Women targets specific feminine health needs, ensuring urogenital wellness and supporting body composition goals.

Remember, about 70% of our immune system resides in our gut, and the probiotics in these supplements play a significant role in regulating various organ systems.

 By incorporating both Dynamic Biotics and Dynamic Biotics+ for Women into your daily routine, you can enjoy a powerful combination of benefits, ensuring robust digestive health, a strong immune system, and optimal feminine wellness.

Shop Probiotics at Stonehenge Health

Ready to take the next step in your gut and/or feminine health journey? Visit our online store and grab these amazing products at up to a 45% discount when you Subscribe and save

Discover Dynamic Biotics
2ndGen Biotics+

3 Probiotic Strains That Can Help You Slim Down

Smiling Slim Woman Looking At Her Reflection In Mirror
Smiling Slim Woman Looking At Her Reflection In Mirror

It’s important to recognize that weight management is more than counting calories in versus calories out. That’s one piece of the puzzle but not the whole story.

The body is complex, which means gut bacteria, hormones, and digestion also play a role in weight loss. 

I’ll never forget a 2013 study I heard about that got me thinking about how gut bacteria can affect weight loss. The study was published in Science, and most of the major news outlets at the time reported on it. 

In this study, researchers recruited pairs of human twins. One of the twins was lean, and the other was obese. The researchers then transferred gut bacteria from the twins into genetically identical mice. After the bacteria were transferred, the mice were raised in the same germ-free environment. They ate the same diet and in equal amounts. You’d assume that the mice would remain identical. Instead, the mice with bacteria from the obese twin grew heavier and accumulated more body fat than the mice with the bacteria from the thin twin. 

While it was a small study involving mice, the implications were significant. It shed light on a frustrating reality for so many people: you could be doing everything right, exercising regularly, and still not see any progress on the scale. 

Gut health can profoundly impact your ability to manage your weight. On the other hand, a healthy, balanced gut microbiome aids digestion, boosts metabolism, and supports healthy weight management. 

Since that study in 2013, hundreds of probiotics have been on the market, and research has advanced significantly. There are now human studies showing how different probiotic strains support unique areas of the body.

If weight loss is your goal… look for three specific slimming strains on the bottle when you purchase a probiotic.

1. Lactobacillus Rhamnosus

Young and older women sitting with healthy food and fresh drinks

This is one of the most widely studied probiotic strains. It has been shown to support healthy weight management and even decrease binge eating tendencies.

2. Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis B420. 

Home training concept. Smiling senior woman doing elbow plank on yoga mat in living room

This specific patented strain has been documented in more than 60 scientific studies, including 16 clinical trials, for its ability to help reduce abdominal fat and keep the waist trim.

3. Lactobacillus Gasseri

Doctor supports the colon of a person . Concept digestive system.

A review of over a dozen human randomized controlled trials concluded that L. gasseri supports healthy weight management. Other studies have shown that this strain supports fatty tissue reduction and improves metabolism.

A healthy weight is just one of the many amazing benefits of a healthy gut. 

Your skin health is also influenced by your gut, thanks to something called the Gut-Skin Axis.

75% of your immune system is based in the gut. 

90% of your serotonin – the feel-good hormone – is produced in the gut. 

The gut and your hormones are also deeply intertwined, which is especially important for women in perimenopause and menopause.

That’s why a high-quality probiotic is something everyone should consider as part of their daily wellness routine. 

And since you can’t see inside your own gut, it’s important to listen to the subtle signs your body is giving you.

Signs You Could Have Poor Gut Health:

Cropped image older unhealthy woman embracing belly, suffering from strong stomach ache.

• Weight Gain

• Bad Breath

• Skin Irregularities

• Constipation

• Gas

• Bloating

• Low Energy

• Mood Swings

• Aches and Pains

• Joint Discomfort

• Lack of Motivation

Now remember the good bacteria in your gut have a favorite food: fiber. Fiber remains intact as it moves through your digestive system. As it travels, healthy microbes in your gut feed off the fiber’s vitamins and nutrients. So when you don’t get enough fiber, your microbes starve. Some die off. Others start eating the gut’s mucus lining, which can damage the gut wall.

Here’s a friendly reminder of 4 Fiber-Rich Foods (Plus A high-fiber berry salad recipe)

The team at Stonehenge Health is always working to stay current on the most efficacious, premium ingredients to create cutting-edge products. If you haven’t already done so, subscribe to our email list and be the first to know when we announce new products.

2ndGen Biotics+

Is The Key to Better Gut Health Digestive Enzymes?

older couple having a meal together
older couple having a meal together

Have you ever wondered why you sometimes feel sluggish, bloated, cramped, or tired after a meal? 

A lot of that has to do with how your body breaks down the food you eat

That’s where digestive enzymes come in. 

Let’s dive into this fascinating world of enzymes and their role in our digestive health.

What are Digestive Enzymes? 

Digestive enzymes are proteins the body produces to help break down food into nutrients that can be absorbed and utilized. You can also get digestive enzymes through external sources like food and supplements

Enzymes are essential for the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. 

Many digestive enzymes are naturally produced by various parts of our digestive systems, including the salivary glands, stomach, pancreas, and small intestine.

From the moment a piece of food touches your tongue until it leaves your body, enzymes work to help us absorb all the nutrients we can from it. 

The 3 Main Types of Digestive Enzymes

Let’s briefly get into the science to shed some light on how digestive enzymes work and where they come from.  

1. Amylase

Amylase breaks down carbohydrates into sugars. These sugars are the primary source of energy for our cells, fueling various physical and mental activities. Amylase is found in saliva and pancreatic juice.

2. Protease

Protease breaks down proteins into amino acids. Amino acids are essential for repairing tissues, supporting immune function, and facilitating numerous metabolic processes in the body. Protease is found in the stomach, pancreas, and small intestine.

3. Lipase

Lipase breaks down fats into fatty acids and glycerol. Glycerol is essential for energy production, metabolism, hydration, and various physiological functions contributing to overall health. Lipase is produced by the pancreas and released into the small intestine.

When all your digestive enzymes function properly, you get several real-life benefits, including improved digestion, enhanced nutrient absorption, and better gut health. 

Digestive enzymes help reduce bloating, gas, and indigestion by properly breaking down food. They also enhance the body’s ability to absorb essential nutrients from food, contributing to overall health. 

Additionally, digestive enzymes support a healthy gut microbiome by preventing undigested food particles from causing inflammation or bacterial overgrowth.

Sometimes, however, the enzymes in our bodies don’t work correctly; we simply lack enough of them, or our bodies may slow down their production as we age.

And this leads to problems. 

How Can You Tell if You’re Enzyme Deficient?

Early detection of enzyme deficiency is key to maintaining your digestive health. A deficiency involves recognizing specific symptoms and sometimes undergoing medical testing. 

Common symptoms of enzyme deficiency include:

• Frequent digestive discomfort such as bloating, gas, and abdominal pain
• Malabsorption, a condition that prevents the absorption of nutrients through the small intestine and could include frequent diarrhea
• Unintentional weight loss is also an indicator 

Additionally, nutritional deficiencies caused by poor digestion may produce symptoms like fatigue, weakness, hair loss, and skin issues. 

A woman who's tired, in front of her computer

Specific food intolerances, such as difficulty digesting dairy products (lactose intolerance) or digestive issues when consuming gluten-containing foods, can also suggest enzyme deficiencies.

Additionally, medical tests can identify enzyme deficiencies through: 

• Stool tests (measuring fat and undigested food)
• Blood tests (checking nutrient levels and antibodies)
• Breath tests (measuring hydrogen for lactose intolerance)
• Direct enzyme testing (assessing pancreatic function)

If enzyme deficiency is suspected, it is crucial to consult a gastroenterologist. They can evaluate your medical history, conduct exams, and order tests. 

How to Manage an Enzyme Deficiency

If you’re showing signs of enzyme deficiency, there are a few steps you can take to get yourself back in tip-top shape. 

Of course, it’s imperative that you speak with a healthcare professional first. 

But in general, here’s how you can deal with this issue. 

Manage Underlying Conditions

Shot of a middle aged female doctor consulting with her patient in the hospital.

Sometimes, an enzyme deficiency might be due to underlying health issues. This is the #1 reason you should speak to your doctor. 

Monitoring your symptoms and seeking professional guidance are essential steps in effectively managing and treating enzyme deficiencies.

If you’re diagnosed with an enzyme deficiency, your treatment options may include one or both of these additional measures. 

Dietary Adjustments

A woman prepping her healthy lunch

One approach to managing digestive enzyme issues is to avoid certain foods that can exacerbate your symptoms. This might include dairy, gluten, or high-fat foods that your body struggles to break down effectively. 

Avoiding foods that trigger your symptoms allows your digestive system to heal and function more efficiently. Over time, this can lead to fewer digestive issues, improved nutrient absorption, and overall better health.

However, while this can improve digestive health and reduce discomfort, it’s not always the most enjoyable path.

Let’s face it: Missing out on your favorite foods can feel like a real drag. Who wants to pass on an Italian dinner or a creamy ice cream sundae? Social gatherings, dining out, and even everyday meals can become a challenge when you have to think about what you can and can’t eat constantly.

But you’re in luck because there’s another step you can take. 

Digestive Enzyme Supplements

Stonehenge Health Incredible Digestive Enzymes

Imagine savoring your favorite meals again, free from the fear of digestive distress. Digestive enzyme supplements—like Incredible Digestive Enzymes from Stonehenge Health—can help improve nutrient absorption, enhance gut health, and reduce bloating and indigestion.*

Incredible Digestive Enzymes is a blend of 18 multi-functioning enzymes specially formulated to help you digest your food the way your body was meant to. 

Additionally, Incredible Digestive Enzymes addresses all food groups with one unique blend of enzymes to help put you back on track with ease and comfort.*

Don’t let enzyme deficiencies hold you back. Embrace the benefits of a healthy digestive system with Incredible Digestive Enzymes

Take the first step towards a happier, healthier you.

Stonehenge Health Incredible Digestive Enzymes

Embrace Adventure This June: How My Friend Found Relief During Great Outdoors Month

Older woman smiling hiking outdoors summer
Older woman smiling hiking outdoors summer

Did you know that June is “Great Outdoors Month?” 

Like many of us, I’ve (unknowingly) been celebrating ‘Great Outdoors Month’ pretty much every June my whole life. 

Hiking, paddleboarding, biking… It’s the perfect time of year to get outside and move your body. 

It got me thinking, though, about one of my dearest friends Sarah, and her battle with nerve discomfort

You see, Sarah and I have been hiking buddies for more than 20 years. We even hiked to the summit of Mt. Whitney (14,505 feet), but that was a looooong time ago. 

Anyway, a few years back, Sarah started dealing with nerve issues in her hands and feet. One day, after she declined an evening walk with me, I remember her saying: 

“I’m so sorry I can’t walk with you tonight. It feels like a sunburn but inside my feet. Even a bedsheet rubbing across my toes at night will wake me up with an insane burning sensation that makes it hard to sleep, so walking is out tonight.” 

I’ve had my own share of health issues over the years, but nothing quite like what she described. I felt awful for her. 

But you know what? Sarah didn’t get down on herself, and she didn’t quit doing the things she loved, like being outdoors… 

She took action. 

Today, I want to share with you how my friend conquered her own nerve issues. 

She’s given me permission to tell you her story, and we both hope it will help if you or somebody you know is dealing with nerve discomfort.

Speak with a Healthcare Professional

older woman with healthcare professional

It sounds obvious, but do not skip this step. Nerve discomfort is a relatively common issue, especially as you get older. 

Speak openly with your physician about your circumstances, but also understand you have options beyond prescription medications. 

Sarah worked with her doctor from the start to develop a plan that included the following lifestyle changes.

Eat a Good Diet 

Excited senior woman smiling cheerfully while having some delicious vegan food. Mature woman serving herself a healthy buddha bowl at home. Woman taking care of her aging body with a plant-based diet.

Eating a well-balanced diet is crucial. There’s no special eating plan specifically for nerve issues, but ensuring you’re getting enough nutrients can help your overall health and potentially reduce discomfort. 

Sarah has started incorporating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into her meals. Reducing or eliminating alcohol intake has also been beneficial. We now enjoy healthy picnic recipes packed full of superfoods when we have outdoor meals.

Get Regular Exercise

Spin class, fitness or senior woman on bike in workout or training for cycling progress, health or wellness. Group, challenge or confident elderly person on bicycle machine for gym or cardio exercise

Many studies have shown that people with chronic discomfort who exercise feel better, have more energy, and have improved moods compared to those who don’t. 

Note: I’ll cover how to overcome that initial barrier to getting yourself moving in the next few sections.

Sarah found low-impact activities like walking in the park, swimming, and gentle cycling worked best. We’ve even modified our hikes to choose flatter, easier trails. 

Despite the nerve discomfort, these activities help Sarah stay active and boost her mood.

Use of Assistive Devices 

Elder family hikers pair fun stroll.

Sarah has found that using assistive devices like hiking poles makes it easier for her to move around and reduces her discomfort on the trails. 

Always someone who loves fashion, picking the right shoes can also be a crucial step in comfort. Gone are the uncomfortable pumps, as Sarah is now embracing more sensible but still stylish walking shoes.

She also invested in ergonomically designed chairs and desks for her home, which have brought significant relief.

Relaxation Techniques

Yoga, fitness and woman exercise, training and workout for wellness, relax and health in living room at home. Meditation, pilates and senior lady stretching, focus and calm on yoga mat in lounge.

Stress can exacerbate nerve discomfort, so managing it is key. 

Sarah started practicing yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises. These techniques not only help with stress but also seem to reduce her level of discomfort. 

We often have serene outdoor yoga sessions, finding peaceful spots in nature to practice mindfulness and relaxation.

Supplementing Your Diet with the Right Formula of Amino Acids, Antioxidants, and Nutrients

Senoir mature asian woman with glass of water taking pills, sitting on couch.

Sarah’s nerve discomfort has significantly improved since she added Dynamic Nerve from Stonehenge Health to her daily routine.* 

Dynamic Nerve is formulated to alleviate nerve discomfort through a comprehensive approach that targets the root causes and symptoms.*

Here’s how it works:

Nutrient-Rich Formula

 Foods high in  antioxidants, fiber, smart carbohydrates and vitamins.

Dynamic Nerve combines essential vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts known for their nerve-supporting properties.* Key ingredients include Alpha Lipoic Acid, which helps to protect nerve cells from oxidative stress, and a B-vitamin complex that supports overall nerve health and function.*

Enhanced Nerve Regeneration

Senior man with back pain. Spine physical therapist and paient. Chiropractic pain relief therapy.

Ingredients like Acetyl-L-Carnitine promote the regeneration of damaged nerves, contributing to long-term relief from nerve discomfort.*

Improved Blood Circulation

Fitness, morning and running with old couple in park

Dynamic Nerve enhances blood flow to the nerves, ensuring they receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen for optimal function and recovery.*

Signal Modulation

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Nerve

The formula helps to modulate the transmission of signals to the brain, reducing the perception of nerve discomfort.*

Dynamic Nerve offers a holistic approach to managing and reducing nerve discomfort by addressing these multiple facets of nerve health.* This supports both immediate relief and long-term nerve health.*

I really hope you enjoyed my friend Sarah’s story, but more importantly, I hope you do something with it. 

I hope you’re able to embrace Great Outdoors Month by finding activities that suit your comfort level. Don’t let nerve discomfort hold you back from experiencing the beauty and tranquility of nature this month and all year long.

And if you’re looking for a supplement to support your nerve health, check out Dynamic Nerve from Stonehenge Health. Sarah’s seen great improvements, and I believe you might, too.* 

Let’s get outside and enjoy all that nature has to offer, together.

Breaking Free from Multitasking With a Healthier Approach to Productivity

A cheerful, busy mature Asian female tailor or online clothes shop seller is multitasking, talking on the phone with her customer while working on her computer in her atelier studio.
A cheerful, busy mature Asian female tailor or online clothes shop seller is multitasking, talking on the phone with her customer while working on her computer in her atelier studio.

In today’s fast-paced world, multitasking is a societal norm. 

It’s often listed as a desirable skill in job descriptions and is commonly thought of as a positive trait. We almost yearn to juggle multiple tasks at once, believing it will make us more productive. 

And I admit it; as a Mom and full-time researcher and writer, I am a frequent multitasker. 

But is multitasking really beneficial, or is it doing more harm than good?

To answer that you have to dig into the science of the human brain.

The Science of Multitasking

task switching concept

From a scientific standpoint, multitasking isn’t quite what it seems. 

The human brain is not designed to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. Instead, what we refer to as multitasking is actually “task switching.” 

This is when the brain rapidly shifts its focus from one task to another. According to a study from the University of Southern California, this constant switching can lead to several inefficiencies. The study indicates that multitasking causes us to make more mistakes, retain less information, and also changes the way our brains work.1

When we switch tasks, our brain must reconfigure itself to the new task’s rules and parameters. This process consumes cognitive resources and time, making each switch less efficient and increasing the likelihood of errors. 

As a result, the quality of work often declines.

The Downsides of Multitasking on Your Health

Multitasking Concept. Overworked Businessman Sitting At Laptop Overloaded With Work

But apart from the reduced quality of work, there are potentially some serious mental health concerns associated with constant multitasking. 

Increased Stress

middle-aged woman sleeping leaned on soft cushions looks without energy

Multitasking can elevate stress levels. The brain’s constant shifting between tasks creates a sense of pressure and urgency, which can lead to chronic stress. 

Over time, this stress can contribute to burnout and other health issues.

Multitasking can elevate stress levels. The brain’s constant shifting between tasks creates a sense of pressure and urgency, which can lead to chronic stress. 

Over time, this stress can contribute to burnout and other health issues.

Cognitive Decline

forgetful woman looking at calendar

There is evidence that multitasking may contribute to long-term cognitive decline. Research published in the journal PLOS ONE found that people who frequently multitask may experience reduced brain density in areas responsible for cognitive control and emotional regulation.2


online shopping. impulsive shopping concept

Multitasking can make us more impulsive. When we’re constantly switching tasks, we may become accustomed to the rapid pace and start making hasty decisions without fully considering the consequences. 

This impulsiveness can negatively impact our professional and personal lives.

4 Benefits of Focusing on One Task

Middle-aged woman in headphones sit at table in kitchen look at laptop screen

While multitasking might seem like a way to get more done, focusing on one task at a time can be much more effective.

1. Improved Quality of Work

Happy mature woman planting flowers in the garden at home

When we dedicate our full attention to a single task, the quality of our work improves. We’re able to think more deeply, catch mistakes, and produce better outcomes.

2. Reduced Stress

mature woman happy cooking in kitchen

Focusing on one task at a time can reduce stress. It allows us to work at a more manageable pace and complete tasks more efficiently, leading to a greater sense of accomplishment and well-being.

3. Enhanced Cognitive Function

senior couple playing chess at leisure

Focusing on one task can strengthen our cognitive abilities. Concentrated effort improves memory, problem-solving skills, and overall brain health.

4. Better Decision Making

Happy retired couple of clients buying new house

Single-tasking encourages thoughtful decision-making. It gives us the time to consider all aspects of a situation, leading to more balanced and well-informed choices.

Supercharge Your Ability to Single-Task with Dynamic Mushrooms

Dynamic Mushrooms

Incorporating single-tasking into your routine can transform your productivity and well-being.

To enhance this process, consider adding Dynamic Mushrooms to your daily regimen. Dynamic Mushrooms is a powerhouse blend of Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Chaga, Maitake, and Shitake mushrooms. These adaptogenic mushrooms are meticulously extracted from concentrated fruiting bodies, providing the highest quality and most potent ingredients.

Supports Mental Clarity*

woman standing happily with arms crossed

Dynamic Mushrooms supports mental clarity, allowing you to focus more effectively on individual tasks.* With sharpened thinking, you can delve deeper into your work and produce higher-quality results.*

Reduces Stress*

mature woman relaxing on home couch

The adaptogenic properties of these mushrooms help your body better adapt to stressful situations, promoting a sense of calm and well-being.* This makes it easier to manage your workload without feeling overwhelmed.*

Enhances Cognitive Function*

older man painting

The blend of mushrooms in Dynamic Mushrooms supports cognitive function, helping to maintain brain health and improve mental performance.* This is especially beneficial when concentrating on complex tasks.

While multitasking may seem like a necessity in our busy lives, it often leads to reduced productivity, increased stress, and cognitive decline. 

By embracing the power of single-tasking, you can improve the quality of your work, reduce stress, and make better decisions. Dynamic Mushrooms can support this shift, enhancing your mental clarity and overall well-being.*

Take the first step towards a more focused and fulfilling life with Dynamic Mushrooms, and experience the benefits of truly embracing each moment.*


How & When Should I Take My Supplements?

elderly woman taking a pill
elderly woman taking a pill

We often get asked what the optimal time is to take a supplement. You may have heard that you should take them with food on an empty stomach, or… take them before breakfast, or… take them before you go to sleep, so which is it?

The answers depend on the ingredients, what you want to accomplish, and, most importantly, what you want to avoid—like insomnia or digestive discomfort.

So, let’s break it down by product type to discover when and why timing matters in achieving the full benefits you’re looking for in your daily supplement routines.

Water-Soluble Vitamins

Dynamic Liposomal Vitamin C

The human body does not naturally store water-soluble vitamins for later use, so you need to replenish them daily through your diet or supplements. 

Two of the most well-known water-soluble vitamins are B complex and C vitamins.

In general, it’s safe to take any B vitamins or a B-complex vitamin at any time of the day. 

But because B vitamins are known to boost your energy, taking them first thing in the morning lets you take advantage of their energy-boosting properties.  

Recent research also shows that B Vitamins may interfere with sleep and even cause vivid dreams—another reason to take them earlier in the day.1

Vitamin C naturally occurs in citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, and lemons. No matter how you get your Vitamin C—fruit or supplements—the benefits are enormous. It’s an essential nutrient that not only supports a healthy immune system but also collagen synthesis and brain health

However, a study on 16,000 Americans showed that one in three of us is still Vitamin C deficient.2

Note: Because even a moderate Vitamin C deficiency can lead to dry skin, a reduction in collagen synthesis, and an impaired immune system, consider taking a high-quality daily supplement like Stonehenge Health’s Dynamic Liposomal Vitamin C.

This formula contains a potent daily dose of 1,500 mg of fat-soluble and highly bioavailable Vitamin C. Dynamic Liposomal Vitamin C efficiently replenishes your daily needs.

Fat-Soluble Vitamins

Senior woman eating breakfast with a smile. Dynamic Brain

Some examples of fat-soluble vitamins include vitamins A, D, E, and K. 

Fat-soluble vitamins dissolve in oil, so they should generally be taken alongside food. 

Studies show that taking fat-soluble vitamins immediately following a meal may boost the amount of vitamins your body absorbs.3 

This means that it doesn’t particularly matter what time you take them as long as you take them with food.


Dynamic Biotics

Your gut microbiome is a vast collection of beneficial and harmful bacteria that directly affect your digestive health, brain function, and immunity

Probiotics can help restore your gut with helpful bacteria that balance your gut microbiome. Getting (and keeping) your gut in balance is key to feeling your best.

Your digestive system becomes less active while you sleep; therefore, the best time to take probiotic supplements like Stonehenge Health’s Dynamic Biotics is at bedtime. This way, the probiotics have the chance to hang out longer in your intestines and colonize.

Note: Dynamic Biotics contains 55 billion colony-forming units (CFUs) of lactobacillus and bifidobacterium probiotic strains. It also includes prebiotics to help nourish the good bacteria and give them the food they need to have the best chance to colonize and thrive in your gut.*


Senior woman in bathrobe taking vitamin pills in kitchen.

It’s best to take minerals such as zinc and magnesium before bedtime. 

Some minerals produce a calming effect that may help you fall asleep more quickly and sleep more deeply.4 

If you’ve been prescribed a mineral supplement twice a day, the best times to take it are morning and evening.


Dynamic Krill Oil

Omega-3 supplements offer a wide range of health benefits, from a better mood to better mobility.* 

Many experts recommend taking essential fatty acids with a meal, ideally dinner. Omega-3 is more likely to be tolerated by your body when taken with food, and the enzymes released during digestion help facilitate absorption.5

 An emulsified form of krill oil is best, as it can further help with absorption.*

Fish oil is a popular omega-3 supplement that has a reputation for causing indigestion and nausea. Because fish oil is hard to digest, take fish oil in divided doses if you can, not before exercise or bedtime. Physical activity or moving your body into a prone position may cause unpleasant fishy-tasting reflux, sometimes referred to as “fish burps.”

Note: Many people have turned to krill oil due to its increased bioavailability compared to fish oil. Stonehenge Health’s Dynamic Krill Oil contains 1,600 mg of K•REAL® Pure Antarctic Krill Oil (with EPA and DHA), ensuring that your body gets enough to thrive.*


Dynamic Turmeric

Antioxidants protect your cells from free radical damage caused by exposure to pollution, and chemicals and as a byproduct of an unhealthy lifestyle.*

Antioxidant supplements like Stonehenge Health’s Dynamic Turmeric should be taken with a meal to help maximize absorption and minimize stomach upset. If you’re taking a twice-a-day dosage, you can take one in the morning and one in the afternoon.


Dynamic Mushrooms

Adaptogens—like the ones found in some functional mushrooms—help you adapt to all forms of stress, such as physical exertion, noise, fatigue, and emotional strain.* 

They simultaneously help you feel less anxious and more energized while improving your sense of well-being.* 6

Given their wide range of wellness benefits, adaptogens have exploded in popularity in the last few years.

Given that some adaptogens stimulate while others are more relaxing, timing an adaptogen depends on what you want to accomplish. Take energizing adaptogens like Lion’s Mane and Cordyceps in the morning or during the day.

Note: If you want to stay calm during a stressful workday, take a multi-adaptogen formula like Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms.* Lion’s Mane and Maitake will give you focus and energy, while the Reishi will help you stay calm and balanced.*

Multi-Ingredient Supplements

Dynamic Brain

Nutritional supplements that address specific health goals—such as boosting immunity to help stave off infection or improving cognitive function—often contain various ingredients that don’t fit entirely into one category. 

Take Stonehenge Health’s Dynamic Brain—It’s a combination of 40 ingredients, including vitamins, minerals, and neuro-nutrients, that support your brain’s health while also helping to improve your memory and focus.* 

For multi-ingredient supplements like this, follow the instructions on the bottle.

If it is a multi-pill dosage, split the number of pills between morning and evening. Do not take Dynamic Brain at night. It contains a high level of B-complex vitamins known to boost energy. Therefore, the best time of day to take Dynamic Brain is first thing in the morning.

One last thing: Not all supplements on the market are monitored for quality, purity, or safety like prescription drugs. You should always select supplements made by a reputable source that is third-party tested and manufactured in cGMP-certified facilities in the United States, like all the high-quality products made by Stonehenge Health.

No matter how you’re looking to benefit from taking supplements, consistent daily use is the key to getting the results you’re looking for. Finding the time of day that works best for your needs and incorporating them as part of your routine is the ideal way to feel the maximum results and long-term benefits of any nutritional supplement you select.

Discover Stonehenge Health
1. When Is the Best Time to Take Vitamins? |
2. Wallace TC, McBurney M, Fulgoni VL 3rd. Multivitamin/mineral supplement contribution to micronutrient intakes in the United States, 2007-2010. J Am Coll Nutr. 2014;33(2):94-102. Doi: 10.1080/07315724.2013.846806. PMID: 24724766. |
3. Albahrani, Ali A, and Ronda F Greaves. “Fat-Soluble Vitamins: Clinical Indications and Current Challenges for Chromatographic Measurement.” The Clinical biochemist. Reviews vol. 37,1 (2016): 27-47. |
4. Abbasi, Behnood et al. “The effect of magnesium supplementation on primary insomnia in elderly: A double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial.” Journal of research in medical sciences : the official journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences vol. 17,12 (2012): 1161-9. |
5. Maki KC, Dicklin MR. Strategies to improve bioavailability of omega-3 fatty acids from ethyl ester concentrates. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2019 Mar;22(2):116-123. doi: 10.1097/MCO.0000000000000537. PMID: 30550388. |
6. What are Adaptogens & Types |
7. Is It Better to Take Vitamins in the Morning or Night? |

20-Minute Savory Mushroom Pâté Recipe: The Star Appetizer of Your Next BBQ

Family having lunch at summer garden party.
Family having lunch at summer garden party.

“Can you bring an appetizer?”

If you have a dinner party or a barbecue coming up, we have a dish you can bring that will seriously ‘wow’ your friends. 

If you bring chips and salsa, your friends will be grateful, and it’ll probably get eaten. 

If you bring this mushroom pâté, there will be a line at the appetizer table, and you will become a legend. 

This is a vegetarian version of the classic pâté and makes for a rich and flavorful spread that’s perfect for appetizers or as part of a sophisticated meal.

It’s not only delicious, but the mushrooms in this recipe contain several health benefits your friends and family will appreciate. 

Mushrooms like shitake, portobello, and cremini are low in calories, making them a great weight management choice. 

They also provide valuable nutrients such as B vitamins, which are essential for energy metabolism and brain health, and minerals like selenium, which is important for thyroid function and has antioxidant properties.

Additionally, mushrooms labeled “fortified” have been exposed to sunlight or ultraviolet light, which provides them with vitamin D—a crucial nutrient for bone health and immune function.

You can feel confident knowing this recipe is not only tasty but also supports a healthy, balanced diet with a range of nutrients. 

This pâté is an elegant and flavorful choice that can impress as a part of a charcuterie board or a gourmet appetizer. Its rich, umami-packed flavor profile makes it a delightful alternative to meat-based pâtés.

And best of all… 

It’s easy to make!

Mushroom Pâté


• 1 pound mixed mushrooms (shiitake, portobello, cremini), finely chopped

• 1 shallot, minced

• 2 cloves garlic, minced

• 1/4 cup unsalted butter (consider subbing 3 tsp of olive oil for a healthy alternative) 

• 1 tablespoon olive oil

• 1/4 cup dry sherry or white wine

• 1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves

• 2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped

• 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

• 1/3 cup low-fat cream cheese, softened (consider subbing ⅓ cup silken tofu for a healthy alternative)

• Salt and freshly ground black pepper

• Toasted bread, crackers, or vegetable sticks for serving


1. Cook the mushrooms: Heat the butter and olive oil over medium heat in a large skillet. Add the shallot and garlic, and sauté until soft and translucent. Add the mushrooms and increase the heat to medium-high. Cook until the mushrooms are golden brown and all their liquid has evaporated, stirring occasionally.

2. Deglaze and season: Add the dry sherry or white wine to the skillet, scraping up any browned bits from the bottom of the pan. Cook until most of the liquid has evaporated. Stir in the thyme and cook for another minute. Remove from heat and let it cool slightly.

3. Blend the pâté: Transfer the mushroom mixture to a food processor. Add the parsley, Dijon mustard, and cream cheese. Blend until smooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

4. Chill: Transfer the pâté to a serving bowl or mold. Cover and chill in the refrigerator for at least an hour to allow the flavors to meld and the pâté to firm up.

5. Serve: Serve the mushroom pâté chilled with toasted bread, crackers, or a selection of vegetable sticks for dipping.

Nutritional Info:

Servings: Approximately 10

• Serving size: 2-3 tablespoons

• Calories per serving: 80 kcal

• Fat per serving: 7 grams

• Protein per serving: 2 grams

• Carbohydrates per serving: 3 grams

• Sugars per serving: 1 gram

• Fiber per serving: .5 gram

Mushroom pate recipe card

This unique recipe is guaranteed to impress your friends. Be prepared for a lot of questions about the recipe, and feel free to share this link. 

Or keep it a secret; it’s up to you.

Functional Mushrooms for Healthy Stress Response

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms

Do parties, BBQs, or other social gatherings ever give you anxiety? 

Party anxiety is pretty common, but it can turn what’s supposed to be a pleasant time among family and friends into something that you dread. 

Dynamic Mushrooms from Stonehenge Health harnesses the natural power of adaptogenic mushrooms to address stress and anxiety.* 

Adaptogenic mushrooms are types of fungi known for their ability to help the body adapt to and resist different physical and mental stressors. In other words, they can help your body cope with stress and anxiety, which is why they’re a key ingredient in Dynamic Mushrooms. It’s important to note that these are not the mushrooms you’ll find in this pâté or at the supermarket.

This blend contains four renowned types of mushrooms—Lion’s Mane, Chaga, Maitake, and Reishi—each known for their health-promoting properties.*

Lion’s Mane is celebrated for its potential to support brain health and cognitive function.* This can be particularly beneficial for managing stress, as it may help improve focus and mental clarity, making it easier to navigate stressful situations.* 

Reishi is widely used in traditional medicine for its calming properties and is believed to help enhance sleep quality and reduce anxiety, providing a more relaxed state of mind.*

But there’s more. 

Chaga and Maitake also help your body and mind better adapt to stressful situations, so you feel zen-like calmness.*

Chaga is known for its antioxidant properties, which can combat oxidative stress—a physiological stressor.*

Maitake has been noted for its potential to support overall immunity, which can be compromised by chronic stress and anxiety.*

By combining these powerful mushrooms, Dynamic Mushrooms aims to offer a natural, holistic approach to managing stress and promoting a sense of well-being, helping users maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle amidst their daily challenges. Why not give it a try and see how it can help you?

12 Brain Games to Keep You Sharp

Portrait of Asian Senior Elderly male spend leisure time
Portrait of Asian Senior Elderly male spend leisure time

Brain-training games are popular among people of all ages for enhancing mental functions and slowing cognitive aging. 

In fact, studies indicate that these games can potentially boost attention, memory, response times, logical reasoning, and other cognitive abilities when played consistently over an extended period.

Did we mention that they can be a lot of fun, too?

You’ll discover our 12 favorite games you can play to keep your mind engaged.

Let’s get started.

Digital games for your phone or tablet

joyful couple sits on a bed, sharing a video call on their mobile phone.

If you have a mobile phone or tablet, you can access a virtually unlimited amount of brain games. 

Here are our favorites.


Chess is excellent for enhancing strategic thinking and problem-solving skills. It requires players to anticipate their opponent’s moves, which improves foresight and planning abilities.

You’re undoubtedly familiar with the classic board game version of chess, but you may not know you can also play it online. allows you to play against a wider range of opponents, puzzles, and gameplay, which can introduce new strategies and challenges. The online experience is designed for your phone and tablet and is surprisingly easy to learn.

2. Lumosity


This app provides a series of brain games designed specifically to target areas like memory, attention, flexibility, speed of processing, and problem-solving skills. Lumosity’s games adapt to the user’s performance to push cognitive capabilities gradually.

3. CogniFit

Senior woman using digital tablet at home.

Similar to Lumosity, CogniFit offers a variety of games designed to boost several cognitive abilities. Each game is scientifically designed to target specific brain functions and is adjusted in difficulty based on your performance, helping to train and improve cognitive skills over time.

4. Wordle


This popular word puzzle game took the world by storm at the beginning of 2022. Wordle challenges players to guess a five-letter word within six attempts. Each guess provides feedback in the form of colored tiles, indicating when letters match or occupy the correct position.

It’s a great way to start your morning and ‘wake up’ your brain. Plus, it’s easy to text your results to your friends and family to create some healthy competition.

Analog games 

cheerful husband and wife playing jenga game on table

If you’re looking to put your phone or tablet away and engage with something more tactile, here are some games you can touch and feel.

5. Card Games (Bridge, Hearts, and Rummey)

people playing cards together at home.

Card games like Bridge, Hearts, and Rummy encourage strategic planning, memory, and mathematical skills. For example, Bridge requires significant collaboration and strategic thinking. 

Hearts involves memory and probability skills, and Rummy helps improve pattern recognition and strategic planning.

As a bonus, all of these games have a social component. Card nights are a great reason to get together with friends.

6. Sudoku

woman solving sudoku puzzles in a book with selective focus on the book.

This number-placement puzzle significantly enhances logical thinking and concentration. The challenge of filling in the grid correctly without repeating numbers in any row, column, or square requires focus and mental agility.

The portable books fit easily in a purse or the glovebox of your car so that you can take these puzzles with you into waiting rooms, car rides, etc.

7. Jigsaw Puzzles

friends arranging jigsaw pieces on table while enjoying coffee

While they’re not technically a game, puzzles can stimulate your brain just as much. 

Completing jigsaw puzzles involves distinguishing among different shapes and colors and visualizing where pieces fit, which enhances visual-spatial reasoning and attention to detail.

Physical games

playing golf while standing on field

Playing sports helps keep your brain sharp by increasing blood flow to your brain, which can make you think clearer and remember better. Sports also help your brain stay flexible so you can learn and remember things more easily. 

Plus, they’re great for reducing stress and boosting your mood.

8. Pickleball

Pickleball - Mixed Doubles Action of Colorful Court

Pickleball has skyrocketed in popularity recently, and for good reason. While many people enjoy the game’s excitement and physical component, it provides a mental boost, too. 

The physical activity in pickleball can also help improve mental alertness, coordination, and strategic thinking.

9. Table Tennis (Ping Pong)

Happy active mature man and a woman playing table tennis

Playing table tennis helps enhance motor skills, quick reactions, and strategic planning. It also improves hand-eye coordination and mental alertness, as players must quickly assess and respond to their opponent’s actions.

Games you can play with your kids or grandkids

Friends playing board game at table

Looking for something to do with your kids or grandkids that isn’t watching cartoons? 

Here are some games that are easy enough to be competitive for both of you, while also engaging your problem-solving skills.

10. Uno


Uno helps with color and number recognition, and it requires players to use strategic thinking regarding when to play certain cards, enhancing decision-making skills and adaptability to changing situations.

11. Ticket to Ride

board game

This game involves strategic planning, problem-solving, and geographical knowledge. Players plan train routes across the map, which requires foresight and tactical management of resources (like train cars and destination tickets).

12. Memory Games

high angle view of senior man collecting jigsaw puzzle

Any game that involves memory (like matching pairs or recalling sequences) enhances short-term and working memory. These games help in improving concentration and focus, which are vital for daily tasks.

Add Fuel to Your Brain Games

Dynamic Brain

While brain-training games and physical activities offer a fun and engaging way to keep your mind sharp, integrating a focused nutritional approach can significantly boost your cognitive health. 

Our Dynamic Brain supplement provides a scientifically formulated blend of natural ingredients to support memory, focus, and mental clarity.* 

Whether you’re strategizing your next move in chess, solving a complex Sudoku puzzle, or coordinating a game of pickleball, complementing your routine with Dynamic Brain can help enhance your cognitive functions and maintain your mental edge.* 

Embrace a comprehensive brain health approach with stimulating games and the right nutritional support from Stonehenge Health.

1. Al-Thaqib A, Al-Sultan F, Al-Zahrani A, et al. Brain training games enhance cognitive function in healthy subjects. Med Sci Monit Basic Res. 2018;24:63-69. doi:10.12659%2FMSMBR.909022

Unveil the Power of Fungi: 3 Science-Backed Benefits You Can Get From Mushrooms

reishi functional mushroom
reishi functional mushroom

If you’ve been reading magazines or seeing lots of ads for mushroom products, you might be wondering: 

What’s all this talk about mushrooms? I thought they were just for pasta, salads, and pizza…

We’re not talking about those kinds of ‘shrooms—we’re talking about functional mushrooms. 

They’re called “functional mushrooms” because they contain bioactive compounds believed to positively impact the body, from boosting the immune system to enhancing mental clarity and providing energy.*

Functional mushrooms are:

• Rich in beta-glucans, so they support your immune system.*

Nootropic, meaning they support memory and mental clarity.*

Adaptogenic, which means they assist your body in adapting to daily stress, leading to improved mood and sleep quality.*

At Stonehenge Health, we have a unique blend of five functional mushrooms we call Dynamic Mushrooms

With thousands of online reviews, our community has shared many stories about the results they’re getting with our functional mushroom blend. 

In today’s article, we’ll pull a few recent testimonials and dive into the science behind the reported health benefits. 

Let’s start with three of the top reported health benefits: 

1. Increased concentration*

2. Reduced stress*

3. Less brain fog*

Let’s dive in.

1. Concentration

Concentrated mature businesswoman ceo boss typing on laptop, working at office desk

Short attention spans…

In our increasingly fast-paced world, you may feel like your attention span is getting shorter every year. 

Maybe it’s getting harder to finish a book, pay attention to a conversation, or even watch a movie without looking at your phone…

If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. Concentration problems are a widespread concern, but you don’t have to let them negatively impact your life. 

Studies on the Lion’s Mane mushroom have shown its potential to enhance cognitive functions, including concentration. One study indicated that its bioactive compounds could stimulate brain cell growth, improving mental focus and cognitive agility, which are key to maintaining concentration. 1

This is exactly why we’ve included Lion’s Mane in our Dynamic Mushrooms formulation. A full gram in a 10:1 extract of the mushroom’s fruiting body packs a potent punch of nootropics designed to help support cognitive function.* 

 These are the types of stories we hear from our customers every day: 

“I noticed the difference in mental activity in the first few days.”*Jeff

“The day after taking it, I do feel a lot sharper! I noticed it the very first day after taking it! I gave it a month before writing this review because I do randomly have good days sometimes, and I wanted to rule out coincidences. But I am convinced it is working for me!”*Arlene

While many people turn to stimulants like caffeine to try and enhance their concentration, functional mushrooms may be able to give you the boost in focus you’re looking for without the crash.*

2. Stress

Senior Man Rubbing Tired Eyes Wearing Eyeglasses

Have you ever watched a TV show with a character who is so laid-back and calm no matter the situation you can’t help but laugh when you see them? 

It’s funny because everyone gets stressed out occasionally; nobody stays cool 100% of the time. 

And while stress is never fun, it happens sometimes and that’s normal. 

But if you find yourself constantly stressed or know somebody who is, it may indicate a larger problem. 

The Reishi mushroom, known for its adaptogenic properties, can help balance the body’s stress responses.*

“Adaptogenic” refers to substances that help the body manage stress by normalizing physiological processes and promoting a balanced homeostasis.

Clinical evaluations suggest that Reishi can lower elevated stress levels, promoting a more relaxed state of mind.*

Dynamic Mushrooms is packed with 100 mg of this incredible fungi, along with another 100 mg in a 4:1 extract of Maitake—also studied for its role in helping modulate the body’s stress response.* 

Together, these two adaptogenic mushrooms can provide a buffer against the physical and psychological impacts of stress.*

“These are amazing! Best mushrooms I have tried on the market. Fruiting bodies helped a lot with cognitive, stress, fatigue, and focus. Felt the results on day 2, been taking for three months now. Subscribed for monthly deliveries. Well worth it.”*Jessica

3. Brain fog

older man forgetful

“Helps with brain fog and concentration.”*Geno

Brain fog isn’t technically a medical condition but rather a term describing symptoms that can affect one’s thinking ability. 

If you’ve ever had feelings of confusion, forgetfulness, lack of focus, mental clarity, and decreased concentration, then you know exactly what brain fog is. 

It can be caused by a variety of factors, including lack of sleep, stress, hormonal changes, diet, and medical conditions.

Hericium erinaceus (commonly known as Lion’s Mane mushroom) has been reported to have therapeutic activities related to the promotion of nerve and brain health.*

By stimulating the production of nerve growth factor, Lion’s Mane can potentially clear mental clutter and enhance cognitive clarity, combatting brain fog symptoms.* This improvement in cognitive functioning is essential for mental clarity and effective thinking.*

Next Steps

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Mushrooms

Our customers use Dynamic Mushrooms to unlock the full power of their minds (among other health benefits). 

The thousands of online reviews we’ve received continuously tell us this. 

But what we want to know is: 

What could you accomplish with increased mental energy and sharpness? 

If you’re ready to find out, join the thousands of Dynamic Mushrooms fans and subscribe to unlock your full potential today.


Krill Oil vs Fish Oil: Which is Better For Your Health?

Krill oil pills on a spoon, closeup
Krill oil pills on a spoon, closeup

Fish oil and krill oil have been a mainstay in the health and wellness conversation for years now for one primary reason: 

Omega-3 fatty acids. 

There’s a great reason for all the hype. 

Omega-3s have been clinically proven to deliver incredible health benefits such as: 

Heart health: Omega-3s have been clinically proven to support heart health in various ways.*1 

Eye health: Omega-3 is one of the structural components of the retina in the eyes, and supplementation can support overall eye health.*2 

Bone and joint health: Omega-3s can boost the amount of calcium in bones, which leads to improved bone strength.3 They are also beneficial in reducing joint discomfort and stiffness.* 

Mental health support: High levels of Omega-3s are associated with improved mood and cognitive function.*4 

Sleep quality: Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly DHA, may contribute to better sleep quality.*

So, if krill oil and fish oil have Omega-3s, you’ll get the same health benefits from either, right? 

Not exactly. 

It turns out there are several key differences between krill oil and fish oil—backed by science—that provide the answer to the question: 

Which is better for you: Krill or fish oil? 

When you look at the facts, there is really no comparison.

Here are four reasons krill oil is best for your health.

1. Omega-3 Health Benefits

woman taking supplement

Fish oil is renowned for its high concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids, specifically EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). As listed in the section above, these fats are crucial for providing many health benefits. 

Krill oil also contains EPA and DHA. However, unlike fish oil, the Omega-3s in krill oil are bound to phospholipids, which studies suggest may enhance the body’s absorption of these fatty acids.

Both supplements effectively deliver Omega-3 benefits, but krill oil may offer an edge in bioavailability.* This means that the same amount of Omega-3s might be more effectively used by the body when sourced from krill oil, potentially increasing its health benefits per gram.*

Advantage: Krill oil.

2. Additional Health Benefits

couple jogging outdoors

Beyond Omega-3s, only one type of oil has additional advantages. 

Fish oil is a well-established supplement often used for various conditions linked to Omega-3 deficiencies, but the benefits it provides are all related to Omega-3s. 

Krill oil, on the other hand, contains astaxanthin, a potent antioxidant that fish oil lacks. Astaxanthin offers additional antioxidant properties, protecting cells from damage and supporting your health.*

The astaxanthin in krill oil provides a unique bonus outside Omega-3s, offering more comprehensive health benefits.*

Advantage: Krill oil.

3. Absorption

krill oil shape of a fish on a plate

The form of Omega-3s plays a crucial role in how well they are absorbed and utilized by the body. 

Fish oil’s Omega-3s are primarily in triglyceride form, which can be less efficiently absorbed compared to the phospholipid form found in krill oil. 

Phospholipids align more closely with the human body’s cell structure, facilitating a more straightforward absorption pathway. 

This enhanced absorption means that krill oil might offer more Omega-3 benefits at lower dosages, making it an appealing option for those who prefer to take fewer supplements.*

Advantage: Krill oil.

4. Purity and Sourcing

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Krill Oil

Purity is a significant concern when it comes to fish oil—and fish in general—as fish from the ocean can contain mercury and other environmental toxins. The purity of fish largely depends on the fish source, the food chain from which it comes, and the waters from which it is harvested. 

Fish oil is primarily derived from capelin, sand eel, anchovy, horse mackerel, cod liver, pilchard, and menhaden. These fish can be caught in many places worldwide, often in polluted oceans. 

In contrast, krill oil typically shows lower levels of contaminants for a few reasons: 

• Krill have short lifespans, giving them less time to ingest toxins

• Krill are on the bottom of the food chain, giving them less chance to ingest toxins

• Krill live in the Antarctic Ocean, which contains the most pristine waters on Earth

With Dynamic Krill Oil from Stonehenge Health, you can actually see the exact source of your krill oil bottle by scanning the QR code on the label of each bottle and entering the lot number  on our website. 

>> Click here for more info on our commitment to transparent sourcing

Note: Both krill and fish oil products should be certified by third-party organizations to ensure they are free from harmful levels of contaminants and that they contain the advertised levels of Omega-3s.

Advantage: Krill oil. 

Both krill oil and fish oil offer valuable health benefits, particularly in delivering Omega-3 fatty acids essential for maintaining various aspects of health.*

However, krill oil has a clear advantage due to better absorption, lack of harmful contaminants, and additional antioxidant benefits from astaxanthin.*

If you’re considering integrating krill oil into your health regimen, Dynamic Krill Oil from  Stonehenge Health is a top-rated option. 

Our product contains the highest-quality ingredients, and we ensure that each batch is sustainably harvested, transparently sourced, and rigorously tested for purity and potency. This aligns with our commitment to environmental responsibility and high-quality health supplements.

The purest and easily absorbed krill oil. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“This stuff is as pure as it gets. The only oceans that haven’t been horribly polluted are the Antarctic Oceans. That’s where they harvest this stuff, so you KNOW you’re getting the best.”Dustin

Stamina booster. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I recovered energy and stamina. Great.” Ana

Choosing the right Omega-3 supplement can significantly influence your health journey. Consider making Dynamic Krill Oil part of your daily routine to reap the profound benefits.

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Krill Oil supplement
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